"Get thee behind Me, Satan!"
No new news this week about any changes in opening the church, etc.

In this week's Little Flower Weekly (LFW), you will find a clearly-written article about this weekend's readings, including why Jesus called Peter "Satan". The LFW also contains info about an online screening this Saturday evening (August 29) of a documentary called "Maafa 21," AND--to go with this Sunday's Gospel--two pages of memes that tell Satan just where he can go.

Just a note... We notice that quite a few of you open this page but then do not click on the Little Flower Weekly or the other links. Just a little nudge... there is really no "news" or info, etc., on this page... It is just the cover sheet to display the items we are sending you. So, take a little time to open them up and see what we have for you! They are directly below this. God bless you!
Click picture above to read the bulletin of 8/30/2020
Click picture
above to
go to our website
Click above to listen to the song, "Get Behind Me, Satan!," by Grammy award winner Tim Graves
The first two "buttons" below are for websites mentioned in the Little Flower Weekly. The third one is a 37-minute video from Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen giving a talk about the devil. It's very good (as is usual for Archbishop Sheen!).
St. Therese Church - (626) 282-2744