It is everyone’s sincere hope that the cold weather will soon be behind us. However, please remember that until sunny, warm summer days return, space heaters, candles, warmers or other heat-producing devices are prohibited in all Aurora workplaces due to the fire risk they pose—in addition to the wrath of our insurance carrier! Thank you for your cooperation with this policy!
Owners Corner
— Featuring Heather Hooks —
This month we feature Heather Hooks, Community Living Assistant for Aurora in Colorado.
Heather Hooks lived in Utah for over 40 years and worked in retail for more than 20 when her brother-in-law, Morgan Buhler, convinced her to move to Colorado and work for Aurora. At the time, Heather said she was ready for a change and found that working as a live-in CLA fit her caregiving, empathic nature. She soon found that her people skills and life experiences came into play when providing supports for the consumers. Heather stated that the guys trust her because they know that she’s been there, done that, and often look to her for guidance.
Even though the job can be very stressful at times, Heather said that she enjoys the feeling she gets when she sees somebody having success with their care plan. It’s fulfilling to help the consumers learn respect, manners, and success in the world. Heather described that there have been so many stories of consumers who were able to acquire new skills, which has allowed them to live more independently.
Heather stated that her supervisor, Mandi Mouw, is one of the best bosses she’s ever had, and credits her for always finding new methods of alternative healing for the consumers. Heather also explained that Aurora is a great company to work for. In fact, it’s the first company that she’s been with that sends out longevity and Christmas bonuses, which she truly appreciates.
In Heather’s spare time, she enjoys listening to music, reading in the park, hanging out with friends, and of course, shopping.
Thank you, Heather, for your hard work and dedication in helping consumers achieve success in their lives!
This month, we feature the supports of our residential programs.
Aurora supports people when they hit a bump in the road and need more support. One of the ways we do that is in short- to long-term residential programs. Crisis House is an adult family home, and Atlas and Comstock are community-based residential facilities that help people who are going through a crisis by using a social model, which looks at the whole person, not only their medical needs.
The objective of the programs is to help people with their mental health wellness and provide a link between a crisis and a return to home. The staff are Mental Health Technicians, and they monitor and support medical and mental health and work with people on their goals, such as returning to their home, securing employment or a place to live, and medical stabilization. They support people in learning coping skills and utilizing community resources and supports, including family.
Weston is a transitional home for people to help them stabilize and assess the care they need, so that a managed care organization can find the right placement for them. The Community Living Specialists who work there assess people’s needs, including behavioral, medication, and care, and set up a system that works for them. They find new approaches and solutions that are helpful and create a behavioral support plan so that each person can be successful in their next placement.
Anyone can need extra support to stabilize, and these programs are here to help them get back on their feet. We appreciate all the Aurora employees who work in these houses!
Aurora has partnered with our Workers’ Compensation Insurance carrier, United Heartland, to bring you MD Direct to provide enhanced care and treatment to employees who experience an orthopedic injury while at work. MD Direct has provided services to many professional sports teams and can help injured employees receive prompt diagnosis and care, leading to a quicker recovery and return to work.
If you experience a possible orthopedic injury while at work, you will be referred to MD Direct so you receive topnotch medical care immediately! Watch this 2-1/2 minute video to learn more!
Our new employee recognition program kicked off in January with 38 nominations for our BEST employees! In February, another 14 people were nominated! Congrats to all of our nominees so far:
Morgen Buhler
Rich Jaramillo
Pam Kegley
Dawn Mashak
Sadie Bygd
Lindsay Pittman
Jessica Checkalski
Katie Andresen
Mindy LeMere
Kaitlin Bourgard
Nancy Campbell-Kelz
Rebecca Dennis
Jora Leahy
Jana Pickers
Monique Wimmer
Sierra Schindler
Olga Reinke
Heather Hooks
Olivia Stevens
Jerica Ryan
Laura Holstein
Alyssa Pollack
Jakan Young
Emma Knutson
Debra Huggins
Elizabeth Green
Pamela Hurst
Renea Andreski
Brandon Boe
Seth Yun
Brian Wojtalewicz
Joan Parsons
Julia Klimek
Shellon Lee
Brooke Sandmire
Savannah Bursey
Jerome Taylor
Abby Hamilton
Laura Holstein
Lindsay Pittman
Mindy LeMere
Paula Mickelson
Hayley Petersen
LuAnn Esko
Marisa Lamme
Brett Mesner
Jadie Whittier
Maria Block
David Berryman
Larisa Clifton-Webster
Jamie Pigman
And our winners of $150 bonuses for being the BEST for January are Rebecca Dennis and Pamela Hurst!
Winners of $150 bonuses for February are Mindy LeMere and Renea Andreski!
Names were drawn from the pool of nominees who spoke with us about their employment experience at Aurora. Thanks to each of our nominees for the above and beyond work you do to support our consumers and clients! You are the BEST!
Once nominated, employees will remain eligible for the bonus drawing throughout the year. Nominated in January? You could still end up winning 6 months down the line!
Congratulations to Doug Sessions from 071 in Eau Claire and Ali Fenton from Menomonie Voc! These team members have demonstrated their commitment to safety and have won a bonus for having done so!
Operations 092 and 093 in Wisconsin Rapids and 052 in Plover had deficiency-free state inspections last month!
A HUGE shout-out to Randy Shumway PM (092), Deb Gentz PM (093), and Becky Zelenka PM (052,) along with their teams, who have been doing an excellent job keeping the homes clean and home-like. The consumers they support are happy and enjoy their surroundings.
Brain Injury Awareness Month
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):
This is an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force, such as:
- Falls
- Assaults
- Motor Vehicle Accident
- Struck By/Against
- Sports Injury
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI):
This is a from an injury to the brain which is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma. An acquired brain injury has occurred after birth. Typical causes:
- Stroke
- Near Drowning
- Seizure Disorders
- Electric Shock
- Oxygen Deprivation
- Substance Abuse
- Infectious Disease
Symptoms of Brain Injury
Physical Impairments—Speech, vision, hearing, headaches, motor coordination, muscle spasticity, paresis or paralysis, seizure disorders, balance, and fatigue.
Cognitive Impairments—Short-term memory deficits, impaired concentration, slowed thinking, limited attention span, impaired perception, speaking, planning, writing, reading, and judgment.
Emotional Impairments—Mood swings, anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, restlessness, lack of motivation, self-centeredness, and difficulty controlling emotions.
Tips to Aid Recovery
- If you suspect a brain injury, go to a physician or ER immediately for an exam.
- Get plenty of rest. Do not rush back to work or school.
- Avoid doing anything that could lead to another blow or jolt to the head.
- Ask your doctor when it will be safe to drive a car, ride a bike, or use heavy equipment because your ability to react may be slower after a brain injury.
- Take only the medications your doctor has approved.
- Speak to your doctor before consuming alcohol.
- Write things down if you have trouble with memory.
You have probably noticed while reading the anniversaries in The Loop, that we have quite a few staff that have been around for a long time! What is the secret to longevity with Aurora? We asked a few people who have had some milestone anniversaries to see if we could get some insight. Here is what they had to say:
Elizabeth Green, Program Assistant at the Menomonie Day Center, said, “How many people can honestly say they love their job? I can’t wait to get to work every day. You go home at the end of the day and your heart is full because you have helped someone, and they help you just by being them.” Elizabeth began working for Aurora in 2009 but left in 2014 for a short period of time. She came back to Aurora because she missed that one-on-one time with the consumers that she wasn’t getting in the nursing home setting. She said, “After 11 years, the consumers are family.” In fact, one consumer frequently likes to tell Elizabeth not to forget her, and she responds by telling her she couldn’t because she reminds her not to every day. It’s moments like these that Elizabeth stays for. 10750
Sue Wheeler, part-time Administrative Assistant in the Siren office and part-time direct support staff at Operation 049 in Comstock, has been with Aurora for 28 years! Sue said, “What makes me stay: The people I work with, both clients and staff. There really are some amazing people who work for Aurora—and, like me, they are dedicated to doing the best for the clients they work with. I just like what I do!” Sue’s secret to longevity is “trusting in the management of Aurora to always do the right thing for the clients we work with. It doesn’t matter what position I’m in, I trust in the judgment of upper management as well as my immediate supervisors. I decided a long time ago that if I’m going to work in this field, I wanted to be with Aurora. I know these may sound like answers from an idealist, but I think if you ask anyone with longevity, you’ll get the same answers.”
Julie Lifto, Director of Accounting, is about to celebrate her 26th year with Aurora! Julie said, “Since the very beginning of my career, I have felt a sense of pride in the services that Aurora provides. While my position is not hands-on, I recognize my job is necessary for those that do provide the hands-on services at Aurora. I am motivated by the courage and determination shown at every turn by Aurora. We recognize the right thing to do and don’t back down just because it may not be the easiest path. I am also so appreciative of those I work with! I am surrounded by talented people that are, to put it bluntly, GOOD people. You don’t find that every day, but I have here at Aurora!”
There you have it. There is a theme, as Sue suspected. Aurora is made up of honest, good people who care about doing the right thing and the well-being of others. Thank you for being one of those people! You make Aurora a great place to work!
The Great Resignation
& How to Manage It
The latest buzz term in the HR world is one I’m sure you have heard of by now… The Great Resignation. Experts say it’s what happened as a result of people being quarantined, laid off, remotely working, and generally gaining perspective of how they want to spend the rest of their work lives.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin and Colorado were both encountering labor market deficits. Add a pandemic on top, and things definitely went from bad to worse. The Wisconsin Job Center says there are 130,000 positions listed in the network with only 50,000 active job seekers. That’s a problem—and it’s not going to get better any time soon.
So where do we get people to fill our open positions? We will continue to recruit in any way possible (continue to send us suggestions – we’ll try nearly anything at this point!). But really, in a labor market of fully employed people, the only options are to focus on retaining our existing employees and to steal from other employers.
How do we create a workplace that employees feel good about and that lures others from their existing jobs? We have encouraged employees in the last few months to provide us positive reviews. That certainly improves our ratings, which can be appealing to applicants; however, our best referral source continues to be existing employees. If our employees like working here, they will spread the word. 11048
How can we be an employer of choice to our own employees and to those they might encourage to join us? To say things have changed in the workplace is a pretty drastic understatement. While some might wonder why we need to kowtow to people to get them to work for us, we need to examine our practices to see where we can improve ourselves as leaders/employers.
Applicants tell us regularly that the reason they are leaving their current employers is because of lack of support, not feeling heard, little to no communication… We can do that better!
Here are some things to consider about creating the workplace our employees can feel good about and stay in:
Connect with employees on a regular basis. Listen and empathize with their concerns. The pandemic has been hard on everyone. People appreciate being heard, even if there’s not much we can do about it. Your employee services team can help. Let us know if there are sites or employees you are particularly concerned about.
Show appreciation for the hard work people have been doing, both pre-pandemic and during. We had a number of staff members offer to basically live in residential sites when there were COVID positive consumers and not enough people to go around! That’s pretty amazing! And most of our employees are doing way more with way less—both at work and at home. Feeling supported and appreciated really helps.
Offer development opportunities. We have a ton of longevity in our management team, with very low turnover, so we don’t always have the chance for employees to “move up.” Are there skills an employee has that could be put to better use? Are there skills an employee is interested in gaining that could be learned from their current position? This can help keep an employee’s interest in the work as well as prepare them when an opportunity does arise.
Share the love! Employees feel good about an employer recognizing hard work and dedication, even when it’s not about them. If they see an organization that regularly recognizes the contributions of their employees, it can inspire them. There are a bazillion inspiring stories about our employees—we’d love to add those to the Loop! Let us know how we can help!
Welcome Aboard!
Please give our new hires a warm welcome!
Sue Wheeler
Aurora Community Counseling
Administrative Assistant, Siren
Why I applied for the job: I have worked in Residential for many years, but the operation where I was working was closed. I was offered the ACC job and decided to try it.
What I will bring to the job: Many years of experience working for Aurora, an understanding of client issues, and a strong work ethic.
My background: I joined Aurora on Jan. 1, 1994. I have worked in Residential as front-line staff, a Program Manager, and as a Program Director. I continue to work hours for Residential.
Family: I have 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandson.
Hobbies/interests: Sewing, crocheting, gardening, jewelry making.
Coy Buchanan
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, Eau Claire
Why I applied for the job: Passion for the mental field, have a history with folks with disability.
What I will bring to the job: A desire to make every moment, situation, work life, and energy to the job.
My background: Couples resort (2010-2017), housekeeping, customer service; The Breakers resort (2017-2018), housekeeping; Stowe Mountain Lodge (2018-2019), night staff.
Family: Family of 11: wife Leighan, two biological children, 9 stepchildren, all but two are adopted.
Hobbies/interests: Football, soccer, golf, water sports, volunteering at community kitchens or shelters.
Marcia Nicholas
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, Menomonie
Why I applied for the job: I just moved here from Idaho.
What I will bring to the job: Years of experience working with adults with disabilities.
My background: After raising 3 kids, one of whom has autism, I had a friend recommend this line of work.
Hobbies/interests: Crochet, arts & crafts.
Jessica Kloss
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, Eleva
Why I applied for the job: I worked here before.
What I will bring to the job: Experience and leadership.
My background: I enjoy helping others.
Family: I'm a mom of 6 kids.
Hobbies/interests: Spending time outside.
Elisabet Gonzalez
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, La Crosse
Why I applied for the job: I applied for this job because I like to help others and get to know more people.
What I will bring to the job: I would bring positivity, fun, and teamwork to this job.
Family: I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I'm the eldest of my siblings.
Hobbies/interests: Some of my interests are hiking, riding my bike, painting, crocheting, fishing, and I love plants. I also have a dog named Ohana.
Jessica Casler
Aurora Community Counseling
Administrative Assistant, Spooner
Why I applied for the job: Heard great things about the company!
What I will bring to the job: Motivation, patience, hard-working, loyal.
My background: I've been in the medical field since I was 16 years old. I enjoy bringing happiness to everyone!
Family: David, spouse; Kendra, daughter; Amelia, daughter. Family time means the most to us.
Hobbies/interests: Fishing, hunting, basketball, traveling, and my family!
Koral Hawkins
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, Wisconsin Rapids
Why I applied for the job: I miss working and love helping others.
What I will bring to the job: Creativity and positivity.
My background: Innovative Services, Residential Services. I study art and psychology.
Family: My husband, Connor. My son, Axel (2 years old), has hydrocephalus. Dog, Rosie.
Hobbies/interests: Anything nature or art related.
Nichole Behrens
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Program Manager, Wausau
Why I applied for the job: I enjoy working in this field. Seemed like a good fit.
What I will bring to the job: Positive attitude and a smile. :)
My background: CBRFs, AFHs.
Family: Love them! Married with 3 children.
Hobbies/interests: Hiking, kayaking, camping.
Vicki A. Solberg
Aurora Vocational Services
Vocational and Skills Coordinator, Chippewa Falls
Why I applied for the job: I wanted to change jobs and was very excited to find a position where I am able to use my life skills.
What I will bring to the job: Kindness, support.
My background: Training Specialist with the American Red Cross, Health Assistant with Chippewa Falls School District.
Family: 3 adult children, 1 beautiful granddaughter, my amazing partner Chris, and my dog named Cow.
Hobbies/interests: Camping, hiking, kayaking.
Austyn Morse
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Community Living Assistant, Spooner
Why I applied for the job: I love taking care of people and making a difference.
What I will bring to the job: Knowledge about caregiving and love for all people.
My background: Caregiver for grandmother before she passed due to Covid.
Jamie Moen
Aurora Residential Alternatives
Float Staff, Eau Claire
Why I applied for the job: I love working with people and helping others.
What I will bring to the job: A smile, someone that can be trusted to talk to.
My background: 10+ years doing caregiving.
Family: Boyfriend, 2 dogs (Conroy and Dugger), 2 cats (Shadow and Fluffy), a snake (Noodles), leopard gecko (Tango), fish.
Hobbies/interests: Watching TV (crime/medical), walking my dogs, movies (horror), spending time with family.
We Have the BEST Staff
During the month of March, we celebrate anniversaries
for these Aurora managers:
James Tangen-Foster (5 years), Sonya Casey (3 years), Dustin Doornink (18 years), Julie Lifto (26 years), Jessica Checkalski (9 years), and
Maria Block (18 years).
Holy moly! That's 79 YEARS of experience from just 6 employees!
Thank you for sharing your time and talents with Aurora!