September 2019 Newsletter 
Rachel W.
The Lord Claimed Me 
By the time Rachel W. arrived at His Mansion in January of 2018 at the age of 22, the world was a dark and lonely place where she drank to escape, cut herself to feel relief and manipulated others to gain their love.

This dark depression had led to attempts at suicide and eventually to the psych ward. "I felt no matter what I did, Jesus would never claim me as His own...I knew God existed, I just thought He didn't care."

While at His Mansion, Rachel prayed intensively and for the first time vocalized the depth of her sin to another person. By bringing her sin into the light she realized that the Lord had claimed her, and she immediately felt the freedom that followed.   "I had always been someone who cared only about my image and the Lord has allowed me to care only about the state of my heart."

Her hope for her role as a leader and disciple of Christ? "I want to learn how to love others more, provide them with hope and to show them that we are created to love ourselves and those around us."