A Message from the President & CEO
Almost 8 years ago, I came out of retirement to work with the Lupus Society of Illinois in its fight against lupus. There have been some challenging times that have been successfully met and LSI is now stronger than ever.
It is time that I begin to cutback my office schedule. I have recommended to the Board of LSI that I step down as President and that Mary Dollear take over that role.
I am pleased to announce that at the last Board meeting Mary Dollear was elected President of the Lupus Society of Illinois. She will continue to oversee the day to day operations as well as assume additional responsibilities. Mary has been with LSI for over 11 years and has always performed in an outstanding manner. Mary will do a great job as President.
I will remain Chief Executive Officer and focus my attention on fundraising and large donors, key stakeholders such as leaders of our support teams, Financial Management and new initiatives as they arise.
Please join me in congratulating Mary as President of the Lupus Society of Illinois.
Charles Brummell