Christmas at MCC

On Tuesday night MCC Fine Arts students came together for a magical celebration of the Christmas season. Thank you to these very talented students for sharing their gifts with our community!

We honor Mary, our Mother

The MCC community gathered to celebrate the Eucharist on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The Church today celebrates Mary, who from the time of her own conception, was without the stain of Original Sin. Father Tim Knepper, CPPS, our presider and homilist, reminded us that we, like Mary, are all called to do something great for God. He said we must remember what the saints taught us - to approach that call with willingness, openness, and readiness to take a risk. Mary's yes brought us our savior. Let us be ready to say yes to God when he calls us.

Preparing for the full joy of Christmas

As we prepare for the coming of Christ, we paused to reflect on ourselves and how we have lived the Gospel of Christ. In doing so, we examined our relationship with God through the sacrament of Reconciliation. We appreciate our local priests who came to campus to hear confessions yesterday.

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Fall Exam Schedule
Study Tips for Exams

Chemistry happenings

Mrs. Zinone's Honors and AP Chemistry classes have been busy in the lab! The Honors Chemistry students investigated some trends in the periodic table. The AP Chemistry class studied reaction rates using Vernier Colorimeters and LabQuest digital devices.

Inside freshman English

In Mrs. Warren's English classes, students are engaged in reading and writing about Pandora’s box, the phoenix bird, and other myths.

Hour of Code

Yesterday students explored the basics of computer programming through fun and easy tutorials during the Hour of Code. 

Early career planning

MCC school counselors introduced sophomores to a series of career assessments in Naviance that help them discover career options based on general areas of interest. 

Boys Soccer season underway

The Boys Varsity Soccer team defeated Pineapple Cove last week. Tonight let's cheer on our Hustlers at home against Bayside starting at 5:30 PM!

Boys Golf season celebration

Coach Rick Burr and his players celebrated their season with a nice feast at Fujiyama's.

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Don't miss it!

Join us for Rock the Universe on Friday, January 27, 2023! Tickets are $74.99 plus transportation. Last year the total expense was $150.00 per person. If you would like to attend, please complete the interest form by Monday, December 12. The Google form is available below and in the Google Classroom.

Rock the Universe Interest Form

Oops! We made a mistake. Alexandria L. deserves credit for the Adobe Animate project featured in last week's Buzz. Nicely done!

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