Students: Our Best Ambassadors
What better way to show off the MPH campus and speak to the School's culture than to let our students do it in their own words? Made in partnership with 325 Productions, our new admissions video offers a look at key spaces on the MPH campus through the eyes of our students. The MPH Admissions team will utilize the video when communicating with prospective families and students, and you can expect to see it on the MPH website and social media properties. Students ambassadors in the video are members of the MPH Admissions club and worked almost entirely unscripted (with some gentle professional guidance from MPH and 325 staff).
Athletics note: The most-recent athletics schedule is always available through Schedule Galaxy and can be accessed on the MPH Calendar page or via the Schedule Galaxy mobile app. The schedule included below is subject to change after the date of distribution, so please check Schedule Galaxy before heading out to a contest.

Monday | Day 4
Quarter Four Begins
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball (Bishop Grimes) @ Jordan-Elbridge
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis vs. Onondaga Central

Tuesday | Day 5
3:30 p.m. | Varsity Golf vs. Cazenovia
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball (Bishop Grimes) vs. LaFayette

Wednesday | Day 6
3:30 p.m. | Varsity Gold @ Weedsport
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Track @ Onondaga Central
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis vs. CBA
5:00 p.m. | Varsity Baseball (Bishop Grimes) @ Cazenovia

Thursday | Day 7
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball (Bishop Grimes) vs. Solvay
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball @ Weedsport
6:00 p.m. | Spring Poetry Coffee House | Library

Friday | Day 8
3:30 p.m. | Varsity Golf vs. Chittenango and CBA
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis @ Chittenango
4:30 p.m. | JV Baseball (Bishop Grimes) vs. CBA
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball (Bishop Grimes) @ Fabius-Pompey
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball (Bishop Grimes) @ Fabius-Pompey

12:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball (Bishop Grimes) vs. Solvay
Lower School Movie Night is Tonight!
The MPH Parents' Association is sponsoring a Lower School Movie Night featuring The Lego Movie on tonight from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in The Phoenix.
Spring Poetry Coffee House Thursday at 6 p.m.
On Thursday, April 20, middle and upper school students will gather at 6:00 p.m. in the MPH library for our spring poetry coffee house. Students will read original pieces, as well as selections by published African-American poets. Refreshments and good vibes will be served.
SMARTTRACK College Funding Webinar April 27

MPH College Counseling understands that the financial piece of college planning is critical to your student’s options and starts much earlier than you might think.

We have arranged to provide our Grade 9-11 grade families with an important resource through the SMARTTRACK® College Funding High School Initiative. SMARTTRACK partners with more than 100 of the top independent schools nationwide.

The program begins with a free one-hour webinar: What Parents Need to Know Now about Paying Less for College on Thursday, April 27, 2023, 7:00 PM.

More details to follow in Mid-April including how to register for the webinar and schedule a free-personal financial assessment.

You may be surprised to learn that you can significantly lower out-of-pocket costs, maximize grants and scholarships, and pay for college in a more affordable way.
MPH Spring Gala | May 19, 2023
This year’s Red & White themed Spring Gala celebrates Manlius Pebble Hill School and our community. Plans are underway for a fabulous celebration on Friday, May 19, at Owera Vineyards in Cazenovia. Proceeds from this event will directly support strategic investments to our academic programs, facilities improvements, expanding scholarship assistance, and enhancement of resources to support our faculty and staff.  Here's a glimpse of last year's gala.
If you’d like to get involved in the celebration, here are a few ways you can support the event:
  • Donate a live/silent auction item. Gift cards, getaways, experiences, concert tickets, and more are always appreciated! MPH families are invited to contribute to the school level Gala Baskets – Click here for a list of themes. Basket items are due by May 5,

  • If you should have any Gala questions please reach out to Class Gala Ambassadors.  

If you’d like to become a sponsor, donate an item or experience, or get involved in planning the event, please contact Karen Belgrader.

Gold Sponsors
Cerio Law Offices, PLLC
Syracuse ENT Surgeons, PLLC
The Wildhack Family

Silver Sponsors
Dermatology Associates of CNY
Had Fuller ‘66A
KSP Painting of Syracuse
Lynn D’Elia Temes & Stanczyk
Mafrici Law Office, PC
The Murthy-Joshi Family
The Rubin Family
Mark and Diane Wladis & Family
Steven and Lexi Wladis

Bronze Sponsors
Brown & Brown of New York, Inc
FS Engineering, DPC
Ragan Real Estate Team
TAG Solutions
The Thomas-Antilus Family
The Ryan and Leann West Family

Pewter Sponsors
CBD Companies
Fallon Oral Surgery
L & J.G. Stickley, Inc
McClurg Remodeling
Northland Communications
Gala Ambassadors Needed

Plans are currently underway for this year’s gala with the generous help of our Gala Committee members. New for this year are MPH Gala Ambassadors. Ambassadors are parent volunteers who will serve as points of contact should you have event questions, such as babysitters, attire, ticket costs and deadlines, raffle basket ideas, etc.
Below is our current list of Gala Ambassadors and their contact info. We are still looking for a few more ambassadors for grade levels. If interested, please contact Karen Belgrader or Theresa Heath.

MPH Gala Ambassadors:
Pre-K: Melissa Marrone
Kindergarten: Alison Boyd
1st Grade: Kathryn Messenger & Lexi Wladis
2nd Grade: Gala Ambassador(s) needed
3rd Grade: Tania Green
4th Grade: Sarah Kiefer & Rose Antilus
5th Grade: Jaya Nemani
6th GradeMelissa Marrone & Sarah Kiefer
7th Grade: Diane Wladis
8th Grade: Gala Ambassador(s) needed
Upper School: Theresa Heath & Shelbi Pisciarino
Photos of the Week
Students Take Home Honors at CNY STEM Fair
MPH had a fantastic showing at the CNY Science and Engineering Fair on April 1 at Le Moyne College. Among the winners was Alexa Rose Battaglia, who earned the Syracuse University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Award, the Terra Science and Education Award, the SUNY-ESF Scholarship Award, and the Upstate Dean's Award in Biological Sciences, among others. The full list of honors is below. Pictured above are Middle School participants and Alexa Rose, with individuals projects featured below.

6th Grade
Noor Chhablani
Junior Division: High Honors
Junior Innovators Challenge Award

Isaac Duchene
Terra Science and Education Award
Junior Innovators Challenge Award
Junior Division: High Honors

Emma Mollapour
Junior Division: Honors

Jayden Lin
Junior Division: Honors

Gibson Foster
Junior Division: High Honors

7th Grade
Anya Reckess
Junior Division: Honors

Peter Rubenstein
Junior Division: Honors

Zinira Izmir
Junior Division: Honors

Mira DeVincentis
Sona Trikha
Junior Division: High Honors

Tae Reid
Junior Division: Honors

Elle Rubenstein
Junior Division: High Honors

Josh Wilson
Junior Division: High Honors

8th Grade
Langley Foster
Earth System Award
Junior Division: High Honors

Ariella Shever
U.S. Metric Association Award
Junior Division: Honors

Upper School
Dan Ford
Senior Division: Honors

Alex Rose Battaglia
Senior Division: High Honors
Association for Women Geoscientists Award
US Stockholm Junior Water Prize
ASCE Syracuse Section Award in Civil Engineering
Syracuse University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Award
Terra Science and Education Award
SUNY-ESF Scholarship Award
Upstate Dean's Award in Biological Sciences

Caroline Bernazzani
Senior Division: Honors

Genevieve McGuire Griffin
RIT International Olympiad Finalist
Summer Programs Registration is Open!

The MPH 2023 summer brochure is now available for viewing and registration is open!

We are excited to offer a variety of programs this summer for entering grades PreK-12.

Questions? Please call the Summer Program office at 315.446.2452.
MPH Apparel Store
NOTE: The only option for delivery of these orders is shipping to an address customers provide. There will be no orders from this store delivered to the school.

The official Manlius Pebble Hill clothing store is now live with a wide variety of selections for all sizes, genders, and ages. A couple key points:

  • It's an online store, but it's open for the whole year
  • We have two designs available now - a script Manlius Pebble Hill School and an "MPH" option; you'll see the selections in the drop-down menus for each item
  • We'll be adding designs throughout the year, so keep checking back - and check Snapshot - we'll let you know when we've got new items
MPH Odyssey of the Mind Competing in States Saturday
After a winning performance in the Region 12 Tournament in Binghamton as part of Odyssey of the Mind's Problem 5, "The Most Dramatic Character," MPH's OM team will head to the New York State Fairgrounds tomorrow, April 15, to compete in the state tournament. Spectators are welcome to watch the performance of these regional champs in the Horticultural building at 2:45 p.m.

Team members are Jenny He, Anya Reckess, Connor Gardner, Sophie Dowhy, Sonia Gonzalez, Audrey Stromer-Galley, and Ella Lloyd.
Kindergarteners Engineer Solutions

Kindergarten students were able to spark their curiosity and unlock their creativity while solving problems this week using the curriculum from Engineering is Elementary from the Museum of Science, Boston.

"Here's the Scoop: Designing Trash Collectors" invites kindergarteners to explore how designing an engineering solution can help an animal. The unit begins with the storybook Taking Out the Trash in which two friends, Yumi and Dev, work together to help save a duckling named Danny from trash in his pond. Over the course of the unit, students learn about animal habitats, human impacts on the environment, and protecting the environment. They also develop cognitive, social, motor, and language skills through collaborative activities like brainstorming, testing materials, and comparing their group's designs with others. Like Dev and Yumi, students then follow the steps of the Engineering Design Process to imagine, plan, create, and improve their own trash collectors.

The Engineering Design Process song:

We are engineers.
We are engineers! 
We can solve problems. 
We are engineers!
Ask, Imagine, Plan, 
Then we create.
Improve to make it better.
Engineers are great!
Field Studies in Baltimore
Students in Matt Twomey-Smith's "AS: The North American City" course took a field trip to Baltimore recently to get some in-person opportunities for assessment and learning. The elective on the urban history, geography, and culture of various American cities provides an in-depth analysis of the urban planning of a city over time, the centrality of the city in the American historical narrative, and the historical and demographic influences on culture.

Students visited the famous Peabody Library, as well as The USS Constellation and USS Toursk. They also made a stop at Orioles Park on the Inner Harbor.
Junior Featured in Everson's Teen Art Council Video
Junior Caroline Mezzalingua, who is featured prominently in the MPH Virtual Tour video above, has been getting a lot of on-camera experience this year. As part of an internship with the Everson Museum of Art, where she is part of the museum's teen art council, she worked on a video project that explores the various parts of the galleries and mediums of work featured at the museum.
MPH PA Collecting Outgrown MPH Gear

The MPH Parents’ Association is collecting MPH T-shirts and gear kids have outgrown or no longer use. Some will be used to make a T-shirt quilt for the Spring Gala’s silent auction, the rest will be available on Red and White Day (May 12) at no cost. 

Please look through closets and drawers and help us out! We will be collecting through Red and White day. There is a drop off bin near the campus shop. 
County to End School COVID Testing Program April 25

The MPH's Health and Safety Team was notified this week by the Onondaga County Health Department that the county's COVID testing program will end on April 25. If anyone has questions or needs more information, please reach out of the Nurse Christine at
Chess Club Registration
Grades 1-8
Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 p.m.
April 19-May 24
Fee: $85
The MPH Chess Club is the most successful, award-winning chess program in Central New York. The MPH Chess Team has won no less than seven tournaments, with team members winning several individual chess championships. Chess also helps keep thinking and reasoning skills in shape throughout the school year.
Chess Coach: Bob Nasiff is a U.S. Chess Federation nationally rated chess master with over 30 years of instructional experience. Many of his students have won chess championship titles at the local, state, and national levels.
Questions? Call the Community Programs office at 315-446-2452.

Manlius Pebble Hill School |