Math Concepts Take Flight
Ms. Reeves' Grade 6 math class was able to apply classroom concepts to real-world scenarios - and also, let's be honest, see a really cool drone demo - this week when Nurse Christine's husband, John, visited campus to fly one of his drones and demonstrate applied mathematics. The class discussed drone flight mapping, air-space restrictions and permissions (MPH is in the clear), and even privacy-related issues, which were demonstrated when John's drone paid a window-side visit to Soozie Cappelletti on the second floor (with her permission). The students' enthusiasm was evident in the way they crowded around John and eventually mobbed him when he moved to get a better view of the drone. The word Pythagorean was even mentioned a few times, and not just in reference to Nurse Christine's dog.
Athletics note: The most-recent athletics schedule is always available through Schedule Galaxy and can be accessed on the MPH Calendar page or via the Schedule Galaxy mobile app. The schedule included below is subject to change after the date of distribution, so please check Schedule Galaxy before heading out to a contest.

Monday | Day 8
3:30 p.m. | Girls Varsity Golf vs. Bishop Grimes | Drumlins
3:30 p.m. | Boys Varsity Golf @ Pulaski | Elms Golf Course
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball vs. Cato-Meridian
4:30 p.m. | JV Baseball vs. Westhill
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis vs. Homer

Tuesday | Day 1
3:30 p.m. | Girls Varsity Golf @ Skaneateles | Skaneateles Country Club
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball vs. Marcellus

Wednesday | Day 2
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis @ Mexico
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Track @ DeRuyter
4:30 p.m. | Modified Baseball vs. Fabius-Pompey
4:30 p.m. | JV Baseball @ Fabius-Pompey
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball @ Little Falls | Played at NBT Bank Stadium
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball vs. Weedsport

Thursday | Day 3
3:30 p.m. | Girls Varsity Golf @ Marcellus | Tuscarora Golf Club
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Baseball vs. Chittenango

Friday | Day 4
3:30 p.m. | Girls Varsity Golf vs. Skaneateles | Drumlins
4:30 p.m. | JV Baseball @ Mexico
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Tennis @ Cazenovia
4:30 p.m. | Varsity Softball vs. Port Byron
End-of-Year Academic Events Calendar Available

The End-of-Year Academic Events Calendar is now available HERE and on myMPH . The most up-to-date version will always be at myMPH, and we will inform families of any important changes here in Snapshot.
Save The Date: 
MPH Lower School Parent Workshop Series

Session 2: Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the MPH Knox Farmhouse 
Topic: Exploring Connections Between Mind/Brain Education and Parenting
Resource: The dialogue will be based on our learning from the book, Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education by Glen Whitman and Ian Kelleher as well as professional development that MPH educators have completed through The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL).
Facilitated By: 
  • Joy Strickland, MPH School Counselor
  • Maria Ricciardiello, MPH Lower School SEL and Student Support
  • Amy Abdo, Head of Lower School 
Childcare Available: 
  • $15 Drop-in Fee: If you are not already registered in Extended Day, please contact Jillian Merkel at
Please reply to this email if you plan to join us so we can be sure to have the space and chairs set up to accommodate our group. 
We hope to see you there!
Thank you! 
Amy, Joy, and Maria
MPH to Present Witch Play at the End of April

Please join us in the Coville Theater for the Upper School presentation of Witch Play, an MPH student and faculty original adaptation of Shakespear’s Tempest led by Maya Dwyer '13 (drama faculty) and Christine Goldman '06 (technical theater faculty) on Friday, April 28, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 29, at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.. This is an immersive theater audience experience you will not want to miss! Reserve your tickets online on TicketLeap.
MPH Giving Day!
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Help us reach 175 donors in one day!

If you are interested in becoming a class advocate or matching donor/challenger for Giving Day 2023, there’s still time!
Heidi Marquart at
or 315.446.2452, Ext. 136 
MPH Spring Gala | May 19, 2023
This year’s Red & White themed Spring Gala celebrates Manlius Pebble Hill School and our community. Plans are underway for a fabulous celebration on Friday, May 19, at Owera Vineyards in Cazenovia. Proceeds from this event will directly support strategic investments to our academic programs, facilities improvements, expanding scholarship assistance, and enhancement of resources to support our faculty and staff.  Here's a glimpse of last year's gala.
If you’d like to get involved in the celebration, here are a few ways you can support the event:
  • Donate a live/silent auction item. Gift cards, getaways, experiences, concert tickets, and more are always appreciated! MPH families are invited to contribute to the school level Gala Baskets – Click here for a list of themes. Basket items are due by May 5,

  • If you should have any Gala questions please reach out to Class Gala Ambassadors.  

If you’d like to become a sponsor, donate an item or experience, or get involved in planning the event, please contact Karen Belgrader.

Presenting Sponsor
M and T Bank

Gold Sponsors
Cerio Law Offices, PLLC
Syracuse ENT Surgeons, PLLC
The Wildhack Family

Silver Sponsors
Dermatology Associates of CNY
Had Fuller ‘66A
KSP Painting of Syracuse
Lynn D’Elia Temes & Stanczyk
Mafrici Law Office, PC
The Murthy-Joshi Family
The Rubin Family
Mark and Diane Wladis & Family
Steven and Lexi Wladis

Bronze Sponsors
Brown & Brown of New York, Inc
FS Engineering, DPC
Ragan Real Estate Team
TAG Solutions
The Thomas-Antilus Family
The Ryan and Leann West Family

Pewter Sponsors
CBD Companies
Fallon Oral Surgery
L & J.G. Stickley, Inc
McClurg Remodeling
Northland Communications
MPH Spirit Wear Supports the PA

The MPH Parents’ Association is happy to provide a pop-up store with MPH gear that will be delivered to and distributed by the PA, saving you on shipping fees! A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Parents’ Association.

Included here are a just a few samples of available items. Check out the store to see the full selection.

The shop is open until April 30, with the items being delivered approximately 4 weeks after the shop closes. 

If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Heath at

Stock up on gear and help out the Parents’ Association!

Thank you!

The MPH Parents’ Association Leadership Team 
Photos of the Week
A huge Thank You! to the MPH Parents' Association, especially Amy Gross, Theresa Heath, Shelby Pisciarino, and Jennifer Rubin, who, with the help of Chef Christine and her amazing crew, presented a truly wonderful Employee Appreciation Lunch on Friday. The meal was catered by Some Like it Hot Catering in Jamesville, and set up by the PA team. The PA also decorated each table with candy, coffee, and other treats (the best decorations), and presented employees with a grab-bag of gift cards. Their show of appreciation was truly appreciated. Thank you, PA!
Summer Programs Registration is Open!

The MPH 2023 summer brochure is now available for viewing and registration is open!

We are excited to offer a variety of programs this summer for entering grades PreK-12.

Questions? Please call the Summer Program office at 315.446.2452.
MPH Apparel Store
NOTE: The only option for delivery of these orders is shipping to an address customers provide. There will be no orders from this store delivered to the school.

The official Manlius Pebble Hill clothing store is now live with a wide variety of selections for all sizes, genders, and ages. A couple key points:

  • It's an online store, but it's open for the whole year
  • We have two designs available now - a script Manlius Pebble Hill School and an "MPH" option; you'll see the selections in the drop-down menus for each item
  • We'll be adding designs throughout the year, so keep checking back - and check Snapshot - we'll let you know when we've got new items
Tenth-Grader Selected for Young Playwrights Festival

Nina Gonzalez entered the Young Playwrights Festival competition through Syracuse Stage this year, and her play Continuum was selected for a stage reading by Syracuse University Drama students on Tuesday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Syracuse Stage.
Senior Kari Maxian Performs with National Orchestra

Senior Kari Maxian was recently selected through a rigorous audition process from students across the Northeast to perform with the NafME Eastern Division Honors Orchestra at the Eastman School of Music on April 16. The orchestra performed Symphony No. 2 in e minor (Gaelic) by Amy Beach, the Thunder Lightening Polka by Johann Strauss, and Symphony No. by Gustav Mahler. This is an incredible accomplishment and speaks volumes about Kari's talent and dedication to her craft. We are incredibly proud of Kari for representing MPH at a national level!
MPH Track and XC Seniors Complete Syracuse Half Marathon
MPH seniors Elise Harshbarger (left), and Tea Hokanson, who run for both the Trojans' cross country and track teams, completed the Syracuse Half Marathon last Sunday, battling unseasonably hot temps and through the morning.
Roots and Shoots Club Hosting Tree-Planting Event

MPH's Roots and Shoots Club is participating in a tree-planting event in collaboration with the Onondaga Environmental Institute at Maxwell Park in East Syracuse from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 29. Participation is free - minus the cost of a little honest labor.
MPH PA Collecting Outgrown MPH Gear

The MPH Parents’ Association is collecting MPH T-shirts and gear kids have outgrown or no longer use. Some will be used to make a T-shirt quilt for the Spring Gala’s silent auction, the rest will be available on Red and White Day (May 12) at no cost. 

Please look through closets and drawers and help us out! We will be collecting through Red and White day. There is a drop off bin near the campus shop. 
County to End School COVID Testing Program April 25

The MPH's Health and Safety Team was notified this week by the Onondaga County Health Department that the county's COVID testing program will end on April 25. If anyone has questions or needs more information, please reach out of the Nurse Christine at

Manlius Pebble Hill School |