A Quick Reminder
Reenrollment and District Busing for 2022-2023 
Here is another reminder that the annual process of reenrollment is underway! (Thank you to those of you who have already taken action!) 
For instructions regarding the online reenrollment process using the new Blackbaud Enrollment Management system, please refer to the email communication sent to your inboxes on Thursday, March 3, and the reenrollment materials that were sent home via USPS. The deadline to reenroll is March 24. (There are two forms that need to be submitted by that deadline: the “Reenrollment Agreement” form and the “Parent Information & Student Transportation Update” form.) 
Due to high demand for available spaces, we are asking parents to please submit their child(ren)’s reenrollment by that March 24 deadline and to contact Admissions if there are circumstances that make it difficult to do so. 
Separately, if you are planning to use public district busing for the 2022-2023 school year, you must submit a request to your home district by April 1, unless you reside in the Syracuse City district (the SCSD requires MPH to submit requests on behalf of enrolled families). Please visit the Transportation webpage for additional information. 
MPH Photos of the Week
We had a lot of fun with Winter Carnival Pt. II last week, but it was pointed out to us that in all our wandering and photographing and publishing, we hadn't shared a picture of the winning Grade 8 team the jolly green juniors of the bunch who surprised their Upper School counterparts by pulling off the overall points victory. It was the writer's fault, we agreed (and if you wonder who the writer is, it may bring to mind Obi Wan's revelation to Luke in the original Star Wars, "well of course I know him, he is me."). So consider this our penance. Shared here are photos of the team it turns out the losers of these contests are generally much more fun to photograph, with the falling down in the snow and the dodgeballs flying into bodies, but the Grade 8 looks strong here, pulling together en route to the overall title. And below, courtesy of Kristin Bernazzani, is a picture of the full Grade 8 team reveling in their glory. Congratulations again, and we'll see you in the snow next year!
Summer Programs
Registration is Open!
Manlius Pebble Hill School is excited for our Summer 2022 program offerings, which you can check out in detail on the MPH Summer Program page and register now! Sports are filling up quickly. You can also view the full brochure here.

In addition to summer day camp, MPH offers athletic and enrichment camps, driver education, and the SAT Preparation Course. For the SAT preparation instructor course introduction and bios, please go here. We look forward to seeing you this summer!
MPH Global Academic Offerings Also Open for Summer Registration
Also found in the Summer Camps 2022 Summer brochure are offerings from the second season of MPH Global, a summer academic program offering in-person and online courses in literacy, math, world languages, and music. Our first session will feature a masterclass and parent talk on the Suzuki Teaching Philosophy by Zachary Sweet on July 13. Audience participation for this masterclass is free and open to the entire MPH community, but registration is required. Registration for all offerings is now open, sign-up and learn more about the MPH Global program here!
Spring Gala | Celebrating Great Teachers at MPH
Save the Date
Spring Gala | May 20, 2022
This year’s Spring Gala will honor and celebrate the achievements of MPH’s educators while paying special tribute to teacher and coach, Don Ridall. Don recently announced his retirement from teaching at the close of the 2021-2022 school year after 46 years at MPH. 
Plans are underway for a fabulous celebration on Friday, May 20, at Owera Vineyards in Cazenovia. Proceeds from this event will directly support strategic investments to our academic programs, facilities improvements, expanding scholarship assistance, and enhancing resources to support our faculty and staff. 

If you’d like to get involved in the celebration, here are a few ways that you can support the event:
  • Donate a live/silent auction item. Gift card and baskets, getaways, experiences, concert tickets, and more!

  • Purchase an ad in the event program or sponsor the Spring Gala. To place an ad in the event program or participate as a sponsor, see our Gala sponsorship packet.

  • Attend the event. Tickets to the celebration go on sale on April 1. Visit our site for updates.
If you’d like to become a sponsor, donate an item or experience, or get involved in planning the event, please contact Karen Belgrader or reach out to any of our committee members listed below.
MPH Gala Planning Committee:
Karen Belgrader, Associate Director of Philanthropy and Engagement
Sophia Battaglia P’25
Theresa Heath P’28
Amy Hogan P’20, P’22
Melissa Marrone P’29, P’32
Meghan McBennett ‘01
Swati Murthy ’01, P’34
Shelbi Pisciarino P’21, P’24
Jennifer Rubin P’24
Karen Trivelpiece P’22
Claire Myers-Usiatynski ’72, P’05, Former Trustee
Amy Wildhack P’22, P’23, Trustee
Katie Rey P’34, Director of Advancement Communications
Kelly Rose P’35, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement
The Scene Around MPH
Grades 3 and 6 Co-Design 3D Robots
Hannah Solomon's Grade 3 class came to visit Grade 6 Technology this week, where they have been learning to do 3D Modeling in a program called TinkerCAD. Each Grade 6 student paired up with a third-grader and taught them about the robots. The class challenge was for each pairing to design their own robot and give it accessories and a story. 
Kate Berry’s Grade 3 class will be visiting the technology class taught by Meghan McBennett and Ryan Zlomet in a few weeks.
MPH Math League's "MPH Untitled" Wins Onondaga Title
MPH Untitled, this year’s Math League team, took first place in Onondaga County this spring after a five-meet season.

The county meet, with all the participating schools, is usually held in February at CNS High School but was moved to individual schools due to the pandemic. Each meet included individual questions, team questions, and a three-person relay where the first member works on a question, passes the answer to the next person to complete their problem, and then passes the answer to the anchor to finish the series.

The team scored 152 points, 20 points more than second place. Now, the top 30 students in the county form TEAM ONONDAGA and will be competing at the State Meet April 2 at Onondaga Community College. Congratulations to Calvin Towne, Owen Reckess, Dan Ford, Emily Zaitsev, Barrett Howard, Jake Aretsky, Lily Wen, and the County Team members: Penny Pei, Jinze Liu, Gabe Pasniciuc, Rhys Denno, Evan Zimmerman, and Paul DiFolco.
PI Day Returns After Three (.14?)-Year Break
The next upcoming event is the Middle School celebration of PI DAY! It’s been on hiatus for three years, so we’re excited to hold a number of contests during the week of March 14 (3-14 is officially Pi Day). Students can answer Pi Trivia questions, participate in Find the Number Search and Pi Card Hunt. And the Pi Memorization Contest will be held Friday, March 18 during advisory. Math teachers will be giving more information during class in the next few days.
Grade 3 Creating Art from Around the World
Grade 3 is learning about art from around the world and this week started by studying the ancient art of Africa. Students used what they learned about the tradition of mask masking to design their own masks.
Nurse Christine Visits Grade 2

Nurse Christine joined Gabby Goeglein's Grade 2 class this week to teach the students about the digestive system as part of Grade 2 literacy study. 
Spring Sports Sign-Ups Underway
Spring sports are on nearly upon us! Our school platform for sign-ups continues to be through UltraCamp. See below for important information regarding all spring sports.

  • Varsity and JV sports (Grades 9-12) officially begin on March 21
  • Modified sports (Grades 7-8) start on April 18

You may access your sport’s competitive schedule here on Schedule Galaxy. Please be sure to subscribe to your child(ren)’s team(s) to get schedule updates and other announcements.
To participate in MPH athletic programs, students must provide documentation of an updated physical.

This documentation can be emailed to School Nurse Christine Civello; faxed by the student's medical provider to 1.866.846.0684, attn: School Nurse; or mailed to Manlius Pebble Hill School, attn: School Nurse, 5300 Jamesville Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214-2499.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at wo'
Spring Head Coaches

Sport | Head Coach | E-mail
Varsity Track | Matt Twomey-Smith |
Modified Track | Don Ridall |
Boys Tennis | Mark Dolan |       
Boys Golf | Will O’Malley | wo'
Girls Golf | Amy Hogan |
Varsity Baseball | Cory Schad |
JV Baseball | Jason Wait |
Modified Baseball | Frank Smith |
JV Softball | Marc Ascioti |
Modified Softball | Sara George |
Earn various Ivy League college credits
with Cornell’s Precollege Summer Program
Explore your creative side this summer with an art, architecture, design, fashion, or music course in Cornell's residential program or study online
Either way, you'll study with Cornell faculty, earn college credit, create portfolio-worthy content, and gain a Cornell transcript.
Three- and six-week courses include the following (see the complete course roster for all options):
On campus:


Or, choose from hundreds of other undergraduate Cornell courses in business and hospitality, international relations, science and technology, veterinary medicine, and more. You can also combine courses to create your own six- or nine-week program.
Courses are offered between May 31 and August 2, 2022, and limited financial aid is available for on-campus courses.
Application deadlines vary, beginning May 6 for the first three-week online session. See the website for all deadlines.

Manlius Pebble Hill School |