Hamilton Masterclass
Broadway Guest Artist DeMarius Copes from the Syracuse Hamilton Tour visited MPH for a masterclass in the dance studio this week, and students got to practice the real moves from the show.
Sunday/Monday, March 27 and 28
CNY STEM Fair | MPH will be representing the School at the CNY STEM Fair on Sunday, held at the MOST this year instead of the SRC Arena at OCC.

Quarter Four Starts | The last quarter of the year begins Monday. Let's make it a great one!

Tuesday, March 29
It's Waffle Day! | Quite often we take the time on our internal TV screens to highlight the great work of Chef Christine Lowe and the Brock crew in our cafeteria. Adding "The Week Ahead" to Snapshot gives us a chance to do that here, on occasion, too. And what better day to choose than Belgian Waffle Day! There's also hash browns, corned beef hash, turkey sausage, pork sausage, and, as always, vegan options and the salad and sandwich bars. That's a proper diner meal.

Wednesday, March 30
Varsity Track Boys and Girls @ Tully | The track teams visit Tully for an exhibition to get things rolling in 2022. They'll be joined by the Tully team, as well as Fabius-Pompey, Bishop Grimes, Faith Heritage, and Pulaski.
Friday, April 1
NO CLASSES FRIDAY | It's an in-service day for faculty and staff to develop professionally, so the kids get to enjoy what we'll hope is a gentle spring day.

Upper School Musical, Spring Awakening | Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Future Date of Note
NEW DATE for LS Spring Concert | The Lower School Spring Concert for Grades 1-5 now will be held Friday, June 3, at 8:30 a.m. in the gym. This is a CHANGE IN DATE. Families are welcome to attend.
MPH Photos of the Week
It was a big week last week for MPH visual arts field trips. Elemental Studio went to the Everson and spoke with a curator about how the museum chooses art and artists for shows, and how one becomes a curator. Students also got to see a show being installed. 
Photography 2/3 went to the Metro Wastewater Treatment plant and learned about the water-treatment process. Students were able to shoot in different locations throughout the plant with several different lighting scenarios. 
Grade 8 also went to the Everson to see a show and got a tour through the museum. Students loved the new installation and the architecture designed by I.M. Pei.
Intro to Photo traveled to Clark Reservation in Dewitt twice during the week to work on getting a range of values in their landscape photography. 
The Reenrollment Deadline Has Passed
As you likely are aware, the deadline to reenroll was yesterday, March 24. Enormous thanks to those families (over 90 percent!) who confirmed with us their plans for next school year. If by chance you missed the deadline and still wish to have your child(ren) reenroll for the fall, please make every effort to submit the appropriate forms online by this MONDAY (March 28), as next week the Admissions Office plans to extend a first round of offers of admission to new applicant families. 
Again, please contact Admissions as soon as possible if there are extenuating circumstances that make reenrollment difficult. 
… and a FINAL Reminder about District Busing 
Separately, if you are planning to use public district busing for the 2022-2023 school year, you must submit a request to your home district by next Friday, April 1, unless you reside in the Syracuse City district (the SCSD requires MPH to submit requests on behalf of enrolled families). Please visit the Transportation webpage for additional information. 
Summer Programs
Registration Open!
Manlius Pebble Hill School is excited for our Summer 2022 program offerings, which you can check out in detail on the MPH Summer Programs page and register now! Sports programs are filling up quickly. You can also view the full brochure here.

In addition to summer day camp, MPH offers athletic and enrichment camps, driver education, and the SAT Preparation Course. For the SAT Preparation Course introduction and instructor bios, please go here. We look forward to seeing you this summer!
MPH Global Academic Offerings Also Open for Summer Registration
Also found in the 2022 Summer Programs brochure are offerings from the second season of MPH Global, a summer academic program offering in-person and online courses in literacy, math, world languages, and music. Our first session will feature a masterclass and parent talk on the Suzuki Teaching Philosophy by Zachary Sweet on July 13. Audience participation for this masterclass is free and open to the entire MPH community, but registration is required. Registration for all offerings is now open. Sign up and learn more about the MPH Global program here!
The Scene Around MPH
Visit the Head of School Search Webpage to Track Progress

As MPH continues our search for a new head of school to begin, officially, in July of 2023, we have created a Head of School Search webpage for you to view existing search documents and keep up with progress as the search continues.
MPH's "Singing Calculators"
Much to the delight of their teachers and Texas Instruments themselves, a few Grade 6 students at MPH were able to code their calculators linked up with a computer to play "Snake Charmer" by calculating the frequency and duration of notes.
MS Students Take to the Halls with STEM Fair Projects

The Middle School STEM Fair took over the hallways around the gym this week, with a plethora of projects ranging from the audio experiences of dogs to the effects of climate change. This Sunday, a large group of Middle School students and four Upper School students will compete in the Central New York Science and Engineering Fair at the MOST. 
Getting Outside at Extended Day
As spring slips in and out of view during March, the kids at extended day took advantage of one of the better days of the week by getting some quality time in the sun after school.
Earn various Ivy League college credits
with Cornell’s Precollege Summer Program
Explore your creative side this summer with an art, architecture, design, fashion, or music course in Cornell's residential program or study online
Either way, you'll study with Cornell faculty, earn college credit, create portfolio-worthy content, and gain a Cornell transcript.
Three- and six-week courses include the following (see the complete course roster for all options):
On campus:


Or, choose from hundreds of other undergraduate Cornell courses in business and hospitality, international relations, science and technology, veterinary medicine, and more. You can also combine courses to create your own six- or nine-week program.
Courses are offered between May 31 and August 2, 2022, and limited financial aid is available for on-campus courses.
Application deadlines vary, beginning May 6 for the first three-week online session. See the website for all deadlines.

Manlius Pebble Hill School |