Sharing the Importance of Oral Traditions
Michelle Schenandoah of the Onʌyota':aka (Oneida) Nation Wolf Clan of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy visited MPH for Community Time on Friday and talked to students about the power of collective oral traditions as well as individual perspectives and contributions.

Schenandoah, who is an inspirational speaker, writer, and thought leader, is also the founder of the non-profit Rematriation that is dedicated to uplifting the voice of Indigenous women.

She told students parts of the Haudenosaunee creation story, explaining that non-indigenous scientists and historians continue to catch up to indigenous oral traditions. She noted that while Haudenosaunee stories do not tell of a migration across the Bering Strait, non-indigenous historians had insisted upon this narrative until recently. She spoke of the tradition of thanksgiving at social and religious gatherings and its origins in oral tradition and reminded students that America's "Founding Fathers" took their ideas for democratic government from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy –  although, as she pointed out, they left out a few key ideas: compassion, rights for women, rights for the land and water and other living beings among them.

Before she left, Schenandoah told students that each of them was a unique individual with something to contribute that only they could provide.
Reenrollment for 2023-2024 is Open!
The annual process of reenrollment is underway! For instructions, please refer to the reenrollment materials recently sent home via USPS. The deadline to reenroll is March 24. There are two forms that need to be submitted by that deadline: the Reenrollment Agreement and the Parent Information & Student Transportation Update.
Busing Requests
Separately, if you are planning to use public district busing for the 2023-2024 school year, you must submit a request to your home district by April 1, unless you reside in the Syracuse City School District (the SCSD requires MPH to submit requests on behalf of enrolled families). Please visit the Transportation page of our website for additional information.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Admissions team via email at
Athletics note: The most-recent athletics schedule is always available through Schedule Galaxy and can be accessed on the MPH Calendar page or via the Schedule Galaxy mobile app. The schedule included below is subject to change after the date of distribution, so please check Schedule Galaxy before heading out to a contest.

Monday | Day 5

Tuesday | Day 6

Wednesday | Day 7

Thursday | Day 8
All Day | Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences
5:00 - 7:30 p.m. | MS/US Conferences

All Day | MS/US Conferences
Info for Upcoming MS/Us Parent/Teacher Conferences
MS and US Parent/Teacher Conferences for students in Grades 6–11 will be held in-person the evening of Thursday, March 9, and all day on Friday, March 10. Spring conferences provide an opportunity for students and parents to meet with their child’s advisor only. There is no school for students on Friday, March 10. Online registration is now open through Wednesday, March 8, at 11:59 pm.
To schedule your conferences, please follow the steps below:
  • Log in to your Blackbaud account
  • Select "Resources"
  • Select the "Pick-A-Time" icon
  • Start scheduling conferences for your child(ren)
If you have questions or experience any technical difficulties when scheduling your conferences or during the conference days, please contact Juhee LaHaye, Assistant to Division Heads.
Spring Sports Sign-Ups Open!

Spring sports are nearly upon us! Our school platform for sign-ups continues to be through UltraCamp. See below for important information regarding all spring sports.

  • Varsity and JV sports (Grades 9-12) officially begin on March 20
  • Modified sports (Grades 7-8) start on April 12

Due to an in-service day at MPH, the sports that we host will start on the March 21.

You may access your sport’s competitive schedule here on Schedule Galaxy. Please be sure to subscribe to your child’s team to get updates for contests and other announcements.

To participate in MPH athletic programs, students will need an up-to-date physical on file. If needed, this can be emailed to School Nurse Christine Civello; faxed by the student's medical provider to 315.446.2620, attn: School Nurse; or mailed to Manlius Pebble Hill School, attn: School Nurse, 5300 Jamesville Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214-2499.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at wo' I look forward to a successful season!
March is a Busy Month in the Lower School
Open House Leads a Full LS Events Calendar

As seen above, the K-5 LS Open House will be held March 16 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Parents are invited to visit their child’s current classroom (K-5) to see what students have been working on and to visit the classroom that they will be in next year for a preview of what’s to come. Lower School faculty (Advisors and Encore teachers) will be on campus to meet, greet, and answer questions.

See the LS Events Calendar highlights for upcoming opportunities to connect as a community.
MPH Spring Gala Tickets on Sale!
The MPH Spring Red & White Gala will take place on Friday, May 19, at Owera Vineyards in Cazenovia. If you are interested in helping with this year’s event by making a donation to the auction, purchasing tickets or an ad in program, or sponsoring the event, please contact Karen Belgrader at or 315.446.2452, Ext. 142.

Tickets for the Gala are now on sale too, and be found here.
Photo of the Week
Sent to us by Mr. Curtis, this group of Middle School students enjoyed the cozy library nook and studying under the knowing gaze of renowned former Head of School Baxter Ball.
Summer Programs Registration Opens Sunday

The MPH 2023 summer brochure is now available for viewing!

We are excited to offer a variety of programs this summer for entering grades PreK-12.

Registration opens Sunday, March 5, at 9:00 a.m.
Questions? Please call the Summer Program office at 315.446.2452.
MPH Apparel Store
NOTE: The only option for delivery of these orders is shipping to an address customers provide. There will be no orders from this store delivered to the school.

The official Manlius Pebble Hill clothing store is now live with a wide variety of selections for all sizes, genders, and ages. A couple key points:

  • It's an online store, but it's open for the whole year
  • We have two designs available now - a script Manlius Pebble Hill School and an "MPH" option; you'll see the selections in the drop-down menus for each item
  • We'll be adding designs throughout the year, so keep checking back - and check Snapshot - we'll let you know when we've got new items
Weekly Lunch Menu
You'll find the weekly lunch menu here in Snapshot every Friday, but it also lives on the MPH website (you can find it through the direct link or on the left column of myMPH). And this week we welcome the return of Nutrislice, which lets users sort menu items by nutritional data, ingredients, and allergens.
Art Comes to Life in the Best Way: As Cake

As part of a recent Grade 4 art project with LS Art teacher Katelyn Capps, students created delicious desserts. This project included an introduction to the 1960s pop artist Wayne Thiebaud. Students experimented with different methods of painting and even piped on paint from pastry bags to create a realistic look. Their work looked good enough to eat, so the class voted on which one they would like to actually try.

To bring the art to life, Grade 3 called upon Teacher Annette Bund, a gifted baker, to bring the artwork to life as a cake for all to enjoy! With the help of eager third-graders, Ms. Bund baked the cake shown above.
Student Council Can Drive a Success
Student Council is thrilled to report the outcome of the Winter Carnival Can Drive. Thanks to numerous contributions, more than 200 cans were donated to the Jamesville Food Pantry! Student Council thanks everyone who participated in the drive. Pictured here is Grade 10 Student Council Representative Alexa Rose Battaglia and a representative of the Jamesville Food Pantry.
Order Yearbooks by April 1!
The ordering deadline for MPH yearbooks is April 1, 2023, with each yearbook costing $75.

The process for preordering your 2022-2023 MPH Yearbook is easy. Please use this link at, and select “Order a Yearbook.” From there, select “Find My School Store,” and enter Manlius Pebble Hill School in the search bar. Next, select MPH from the drop-down menu and choose “Order Yearbook.” You will be prompted to create an account, and once that is complete you are able to purchase your yearbook(s).

If you need help with the ordering process, please reach out to Yearbook Advisor Amy Hogan at
Senior to Perform as Soloist with Symphoria
Congratulations to Senior Paul DiFolco, winner of the 51st Annual Civic Morning Musicals Youth Concerto Competition. As the winner of this prestigious honor, Paul will perform as a soloist on piano with Symphoria on Sunday, March 5, at 3:00 p.m. Ticket information can be found here
Poets Represent MPH at Poetry Out Loud
Sophomore Alexa Rose Battaglia and Junior Xochitl Cruz-Gallo represented MPH in the regional semi-finals of the Poetry Out Loud competition, which was held at OCC on Thursday, February 16. Both Alexa Rose and Xochitl recited three separate poems, and competed with six other students from various schools throughout Central New York. Alexa Rose was the runner up, which qualifies her to compete in the state final on March 10 in New York City. Congratulations to Alexa Rose and Xochitl!
Spanish Students Learn the Ropes of Lucha Libre
On Monday during Community Time, Spanish Club members learned about Lucha Libre, Mexico’s famous wrestling league. After an interactive presentation detailing the rules and the many different competitions within the league, members of the club competed on their own in a high-intensity Lucha Libre kahoot. Finally, once the presentation and competition had commenced, all members received a special Lucha Libre mask. It was a great cultural activity to know more about the Spanish speaking world.
Sharing Family Food Traditions in Grade 2
Second graders were thrilled to present what they learned in a unit on nutrition and the tradition of sharing a meal together at LS Assembly this week. Each student wrote and presented about a favorite memory of a shared family meal. Students also created models including family members, food, and the table to represent this special occasion.
Peruvian Markets Comes to Grade 6 Spanish
Grade 6 Spanish students learned about markets and communities in Peru by creating an interactive cardboard town to practice communication skills for buying and selling, giving directions, and counting money. The sixth-graders also learned an authentic song about fruits and vegetables to go along with the activity.
MPH STEM Fair is March 23
Please mark Thursday, March 23, on your calendars for the MPH STEM Fair. 
During last block (Block 6) on the 23rd (Day 8), Middle School students will set up their projects and welcome Lower School and Upper School students to engage in discussion. At 7:00 p.m., Middle School students and their families will return for about an hour to celebrate student experiments. This is not a competitive event; the event is a sharing of student work. 
Students who decide to register will compete on Saturday, April 1, in the Central New York Science and Engineering Fair. This is a full and demanding day for our scientists. We will share a list of competitors as the date approaches. 
Upcoming After-School Clubs
Art Club – Fine Art Fun Drawing and Painting
For Grades K-5
 Dates: Tuesdays, March 7April 18
Time: 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Cost: $100
Calling all artists! Enjoy drawing and painting using a variety of art supplies, including chalk and oil pastels, watercolors, acrylics, and tempera paint. Students will draw and paint using inspirations, such as animals, sea life, nature studies, and abstract design. Drawing and painting skills will be taught along with color mixing, mix media techniques, and composition. Students will bring home a mounted and completed piece of art each week.
Instructor: Art Teacher Mrs. Michaeline Gleasman
Miori Martial Arts
For Grades K-5
 Dates: Thursdays, March 16April 27
Fee: $85
Miori Martial Arts is designed to help your child learn basic Karate techniques, discipline, and respect. Classes are taught in a positive, fun atmosphere by Master Rick Miori.
Six weeks of lessons include an official uniform (for new students, only Miori Martial Arts uniforms can be used).
Jr/Sr Prom | May 27 | 6-10 p.m. | SKY Armory
This year's theme is "Old Hollywood"

Manlius Pebble Hill School |