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Greetings MS/US Families,

The week is over already, and it concluded with us entering the month of December! It has felt like this year has gone by so quickly, but jam packed with many learning opportunities.

I personally want to thank all parents who were able to attend the Town Hall Meeting this past Wednesday. As the MS/US Leadership Team begins to prepare and plan for the remainder of this year and next school year, the parent voice is a vital part of the decision-making process. I appreciate your time, candor, passion, and thoughtfulness to the topics we were able to discuss. As a result, a Parent Survey has been developed to ensure all parent voices are considered. The survey will be sent out soon, so I do ask that you take time to share your voice again. My goal is to embrace focused, deliberate improvement where needed and leave alone what is already going well through careful consideration from faculty, parents, and students.

As we approach the end of the semester, semester exams are on the horizon. You will see the exam schedule below. December 8, 11, and 12 are considered Reading Days. Students will only work on their study guides, ask questions, and prepare for exams during these days. Exams are December 13 - 15. Exemption Forms are also available. Students, please be sure the Exemption Form is turned in by December 11.

As always, if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Well wishes,

Mr. Jordan

Director of Middle/Upper School

APUSH students worked through a Compromise of 1850 simulation in class. Each team was given a senator from the period and his background and had to decide what he would do.

In Tuesday's Faculty Meeting, School Counselor Silvia Rueda and Nurse Maddie Vessell designed a training on the importance of mental health for yourself and your students. Teachers learned about the science behind "brain breaks" and the value of movement in learning. Thank your Pure Barre for showing us a few moves!

The Middle School Winter Formal was a huge success. Lots of food, fun, and friends! A google folder with all of the pictures will be shared in next week's Ram Report.

Volunteer Sign-Ups

Students should be present for their exam on the days and times as indicated in the schedule above. Students do not need to be present during an exam they have exempted. Students are allowed to check out after the conclusion of their exam session if they have exempted the exam in the second session. Students are allowed to arrive late if they have exempted the exam from the first session, but are taking the exam in the second session. All students are dismissed at 12:35 during Winter Exams.

Any Junior and Senior students interested in going on the international trip in the Spring 2024 should contact Mrs. Wendy Lee ( for more information. Also, please review the trip itinerary and documents provided.


Safety Information


Sample Meals

Sample Hotels

Sandy Brown

Spanish Teacher

Bachelor's of Science in Theology & Christian Education, South Texas Bible College

Total Number of Years Teaching: 33

Total Number of Years at Allen: 3

Subject(s) You Teach at Allen: Spanish 1, Spanish 2, and Spanish 3

Favorite Thing About Being at Allen: My STUDENTS!!

About Me: 

With over 30 years of teaching years behind me, I would have to say my hobby is teaching - there is never a dull moment. I also enjoy coaching, which allows me to work with students in a different setting. Aside from working, spending time with my children and grandchildren is always a joy and time cherished.

Lunch Volunteers

Each year we are happy to partner with the Allen Academy community in allowing volunteers to help with our lunch program. This includes parents. grandparents, guardians, etc. If you have any interest feel free to signup!

Lunch Volunteer Signup!

Calendar of Events

Family Handbook

MS/US Grading Guidelines
