Welcome to the MSD Academic Channel digital version!

You are about to experience our online communication for the presentation of published articles through the Medical Society of Delaware' Academic Channel that we hope you will find useful for your education, patient care, and overall interest!

What is a Cureus Academic Channel?

The MSD Academic Channel is a microsite of the Cureus Journal of Medical Science devoted solely to the Medical Society of Delaware containing articles, meeting abstracts and posters, and other content produced by members, residents and/or students. The MSD Academic Channel provides an open access model for published articles so anyone around the world can read your information. Published articles are indexed in PubMed Central, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and more, giving your work global exposure. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the MSD Academic Channel and submit your next article to Cureus through the MSD Academic Channel! Publish and post all of your articles, posters and abstracts in one place to build your brand while also receiving free editing fees!

MSD invites Residency Directors and Residents to utilize the MSD Academic Channel to submit work for consideration of publication! Articles submitted go through a rigorous peer review process. Get your feet wet in the academic publishing arena, all for free as offered through the MSD Academic Channel!


Reflecting on Our Achievements

and Looking Forward to a Bright Future

Dear Members: As we approach the end of my first year as MSD President, it's important to reflect on our collective journey and chart the course for the year ahead. Your unwavering commitment and active participation have been the backbone of our achievements, and for that, I extend my heartfelt gratitude.

Reflections on the Past Year:

  • Medicare Pay Cut Advocacy: Our concerted efforts to address the 3.37% cut in Medicare payments have been crucial. I urge you to contact our Delaware Congressional Delegation to voice our concerns. Your advocacy will make a difference.
  • Mission Appeal and 1789 Club: Through our fundraising initiatives, especially the Mission Appeal and the 1789 Club, we have strengthened our charitable financial base. Your generous contributions have been instrumental in this success. If you haven’t contributed, now is the time to join us in this endeavor.
  • Health Hub Developments: I am excited about the new mission of Health Hub, which will be looking at membership engagement through the MSD website, possible App development and membership relationship software. Health Hub has also been asked to keep us abreast of developments in artificial intelligence.
  • DELPAC and Political Engagement: Improved participation in DELPAC has improved our financial position and will enhance our political engagement, ensuring our voices are heard in the upcoming State elections. If you haven’t already, please send your contribution today.
  • Elections and Political Landscape: The recent elections have brought new faces and ideas to the forefront. We look forward to communicating with the candidates in the upcoming primary. Working with them for the betterment of our health care system is of major importance.


Looking Ahead:

  • Continued Advocacy: We will persist in our efforts to mitigate the impacts of Medicare pay cuts, authorization requirements, scope of practice, primary care, and other issues affecting our community. Your active involvement remains vital.
  • Community Engagement: Events such as our Pubs & Politics series of events held across our state provide a platform for informal discussions and networking with our elected officials. We encourage your participation and hope to see you at upcoming events in 2024.
  • State Advocacy Summit: I will be attending the upcoming AMA State Advocacy Summit in January and expect this to be an excellent opportunity to both amplify our voice and learn from peers from other state medical groups.
  • National Advocacy Conference: Janice Tildon-Burton, MD, Delaware's Delegate to the American Medical Association House of Delegates and AMPAC Member; Executive Director Mark Thompson; and I will be attending the upcoming AMA National Advocacy Conference in February. We will be meeting with AMA leadership advocating for physicians on important issues, including payment reform, scope of practice, and legislation on authorization requirements.
  • Interim Council Meeting: Mary LaJudice is hard at work planning our Interim Council Meeting, which will take place on April 18 at the Smyrna Opera House. Please give thought about issues in medicine which are of concern and which you would like to present as a resolution (click to watch a video on crafting a resolution). I am more than happy to help you with this so contact me anytime to discuss.
  • End of Year Book Recommendations: Three books stand out for me this year. “The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the 21st Century’s Greatest Dilemma" by Mustafa Suleyman on artificial intelligence; "Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” by Professor Heather Cox Richardson, an excellent treatise on the history of our country and how it relates to our current political landscape; and Liz Cheney’s "Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning,” a first-hand account from inside the halls of Congress.


Finally, as we bid farewell to this year, we extend our warmest wishes for the holiday season. May the coming year bring new opportunities, growth, and success in all of your endeavors.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Together, we make a formidable team, and we look forward to achieving greater heights in the coming year.

Robert J. Varipapa, MD




Cryptococcal Meningitis Diagnosed With Lumbar Puncture in an Emergency Department Patient With Acute Delirium

Authors: Ambra Palushi, Bryan Choi


Cryptococcal meningitis is a life-threatening fungal infection of the central nervous system. It primarily affects immunocompromised...


Daytime Sleepiness in Children With Asthma: Examining Respiratory and Non-Respiratory Factors

Authors: Abigail R. Strang, Lauren Covington, Seema Rani, David Gao, Micayla Flores, Kimberly Canter, Freda Patterson, Aaron Chidekel


Daytime sleepiness is common in youth with asthma (YWA). Treatments designed to mitigate daytime sleepiness in YWA require...


Concurrent Radiation and Targeted Therapy for Papillary Craniopharyngioma: A Case Report

Authors: Sophia N. Shah, Praneet C. Kaki, Sohan S. Shah, Sunjay A. Shah


Craniopharyngiomas are rare epithelial malformations in the sellar or suprasellar regions of the craniopharyngeal ducts. Complete...


An Unusual Case of Stevens-Johnson/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Overlap Syndrome in HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2)-Positive Breast Cancer Patient Treated with Docetaxel

Authors: Gelan Shamloul, Mehir Desai, Nicole Laslett


Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare but life-threatening drug-induced hypersensitivity...


Common Pediatric Otolaryngology Procedures: Ergonomic Considerations

Authors: Nicole L. Aaronson, James S. Reilly


Otolaryngologists in high-volume children's hospitals developed their operating room workflow practices based on the factors...


Atypical Nodular Hidradenoma Versus Low-Grade Hidradenocarcinoma in a Young Female Patient: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Authors: Alexander M. Knops, Kathleen E. McClain, Nicole L. Aaronson


The objective of this study was to discuss an unusual postauricular mass in a pediatric patient. This mass had a broad...


Oral Complaint Visits to the Pediatric Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Jenelle Fleagle, Wendi Xiao, Michael Cottam, Margarita Lorch


We aimed to describe differences in orofacial complaints presenting to a pediatric emergency department (PED) during the...


Teaching Communication as a Procedure by Utilizing a Mixed-Methods Curriculum: A Pilot Study

Authors: Carly Levy, Maria Carmen G. Diaz, Mindy Dickerman


In this study, we aimed to develop and pilot a mixed-methods curriculum among pediatric subspecialty fellows that combined didactics...


Esophageal Perforation by a Grill Brush Wire Bristle

Authors: Elissa Dalton, Brian Nam


Grill brushes are ubiquitous tools used at backyard barbeques every summer. However, thin wire bristles can dislodge, become embedded within food, and...


Heath Care Utilization by Adolescent/Young Adult Patients With Sickle Cell Disease in Delaware

Authors: Stephanie Guarino, Charmaine Wright, Sophie Lanzkron


Patients with sickle cell disease transition from the pediatric to the adult health care system during a vulnerable time in their lives, resulting in increased...


Adolescent E-cigarette or Vaping Use-Associated Lung Injury in the Delaware Valley: A Review of Hospital-Based Presentation, Management, and Outcomes

Authors: Sarah Schaffer, Abigail Strang, Aaron Chidekel


E-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI) remains a major concern due to ongoing use of nicotine and/or cannabis-containing products...


Medical Cannabis Certification Is Associated with Decreased Opiate Use in Patients With Chronic Pain: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Delaware

Authors: Alan Balu, Divya Mishra, Ganesh Balu


Opioid medications are commonly used to treat chronic pain around the world. While these medications are quite effective at reducing pain, they can create...



MSD has worked with the team at the Cureus Journal of Medical Science and established a designated online "Academic Channel" on the Cureus site for access to publishing you work. This is an open access model and published articles are indexed in PubMed Central, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and more, giving your work global exposure. The peer review process leverages the collective intelligence of the MSD and Cureus community.

As you can see from the list of published articles above, your colleagues have found this a valuable asset for publishing. This electronic communication is provided periodically throughout the year, highlighting the articles that have been published by your peers through this process. But you don't have to wait for this communication to read the latest published articles. Simply go to the Medical Society of Delaware Academic Channel and see what's new.

We invite you to review the Academic Channel and consider submitting your original research, review article, case report, or technical report for publication. Articles submitted should start at the MSD Academic Channel and not the general Cureus.com website. Guidelines to submitting articles are available to help you better understand the process and how authors are more involved in the submission and review process.

If you would like to join the team of peer reviewers for the Academic Channel and be part of the Cureus community, we'd love to have you! Please contact Mary LaJudice, MSD's Senior Director for Corporate Services, for more information.

Would you like to stay updated on all the latest from MSD's Academic Channel? Create your free Cureus account to subscribe to the Medical Society of Delaware Academic Channel. You will receive email digests highlighting our latest and greatest publications.

Medical Society of Delaware
1-302-366-1400 / [email protected]