40th Anniversary
Weekly Coverage
No. 1, August 3, 2017
This special enewsletter will be sent weekly through the end of the anniversary celebrations. To sign up
to continue getting updates about MST in a Day and Jennifer Pharr Davis' hike, just click right
Sign up to hike the MST in a Day!
On September 9, we're planning to have people hiking on the entire 1,175-mile Mountains-to-Sea Trail in a day! Hikers have been signing up for their choice of the 300 legs of the trail. Many legs are covered, but many remain open, and we could use your help on those legs.
Check out our
Facebook page to find legs that need hikers. Also, our friends at the Great Outdoor Provision Co. have been describing the legs that remain on their blog, which you may find
Check out the MST in a Day page coverage on our
Jen, Brew and crew |
Jennifer Pharr Davis hits the trail August 15th
Jennifer Pharr Davis first hiked the Appalachian Trail right out of college, in 2005. Then she hiked it again, in 2008. And, what the heck, one more time, in 2011, this time setting the record for fastest hike, covering the 2,175-mile trail in just 46 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes. (That's averaging 47 miler per day, if you were reaching for your calculator.)
Now, Jen
will hike the entire 1,175-mile MST, and her family - husband Brew, 4-year-old daughter Charley and newly toddling Gus - will accompany her on parts. Jen and family will depart from Clingman's Dome on August 15 and spend the next three months on the trail. Jen and Brew plan to write about their experience along the way; you'll be able to access their every post and blog through our
Jennifer Pharr Davis Hikes the MST page on our website.
In the meantime, learn more about Jen and her travels on her
website, where you'll also find information on the three books resulting from her AT adventures.
Get your MST in a Day T-shirt!
They're in! Our special edition T-shirts commemorating MST in a Day are now available. Greensboro-based
Home State Apparel, which brought us the popular line of "Home" Ts, had a hand in their design.
The shirt is $20, including shipping. If you aren't yet a member of the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, it's a great incentive to join: annual membership and shirt, just $55.
Hiking tip: Look for the blaze
We're pretty proud of how easy it is to follow the Mountains-to-Sea Trail: the three-inch diameter white dot is your guiding light from Clingman's Dome to Jockey's Ridge.
Every once in a while, though, other trails bisect the MST. Sometimes they're big trails, such as the Bartram Trail meeting atop Wayah Bald, more often they're little connector trails, from nearby neighborhoods or down to popular fishing or swimming holes.
Sometimes these crossings can cause confusion. But they needn't. When you reach such an intersection stop and check out your options: not far down one of them you will almost always spot the MST white-dot blaze.
Blazes! Look, a beer of our own!
White Dot Session IPA is made from locally grown and malted Riverbend wheat and barley with Galaxy and Citra hops; with an alcohol content of 4.8 percent, it's the perfect beer to enjoy after a beautiful day of hiking or trail work.
Intrigued? Come to one of the tastings scheduled for August at Total Wine stores throughout the state. Find the event nearest you on our Facebook page.
Thanks to our sponsors!
There would be no Mountains-to-Sea Trail, no reason to celebrate a 40th anniversary, without the generous support of our many sponsors, including
BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina, Great Outdoor Provision Co., REI, Duke Energy, Farm to Feet, First Citizens Bank, Mast General Store, Rostan Family Foundation, New Morning Gallery, AntiGravity Gear, Prestage Farms and Wyrick Robbins.