And the winner is...
Dear Maccabi Community
"Sport has the power to change the world", and our recent Maccabi National Sports Awards recipients are doing just that!

We are thrilled to wish them all a hearty Mazel Tov and are Maccabi PROUD of their outstanding achievements in Sport and Community. Together with our Maccabi Family and the Australian Jewish community, we are excited to watch and support their ongoing endeavours, ride their ups and downs, and cheer them on with admiration and nachas.

We are proud to share with you this very special 'Maccabi across Australia' event, which is a highlight of the annual Australian Jewish sporting calendar.

Below are links to view the 2023 National Sports Awards Ceremony or download the 2023 National Sports Awards recipients brochure.

We look forward to welcoming you all again next year.

A very special thank you to our amazing MC - Daniel Garb.
With Maccabi Greetings
Shabbat Shalom