Greetings, Dear Friends and Clients,
 By now, it's obvious that solving our nation's long-term care (LTC) crisis, or even addressing it, is not a priority for either major political party.
It is obvious, however, that our current system of predominantly government-paid LTC is badly broken.
Here are just a few recent headlines that confirm this:
LTCi ownership is about having dignity, ready access, options, and choices. It's about being kind to yourself and those you love.
The Magic of LTCi
Find this, and additional testimonials here:
"Mom lived in a long-term care facility for four and a half years.
Her LTCi paid out $5,100/month, or approximately $275,000 in total. Without her LTCi policy, I think Mom would not have lived as long as she did. Mom's LTCi made a big difference in my life, too. It enabled me to continue having time for my life and my grandchildren, without worrying as much about Mom's welfare.I want to thank you for selling Mom her LTCi and for being service-oriented and accountable to us for all these years. My husband and I own LTCi. We believe many more people should.
We get considerable peace of mind knowing our LTCi will give us a safer, more secure retirement."
~ Brenda Bondy | Houston, TX
Shout Out to Dayna
I highly recommend reading Dayna's book
Spreading the Word about LTCi
I love speaking to civic or trade groups and believe I can offer the public accurate education on LTC planning.
My speaking references and qualifications, as well as comprehensive LTC videos, links, testimonials can be found at

The Queen, by Self Proclamation, of Long-Term Care Insurance