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The Map

On a Journey to follow Jesus,

grow together, and make disciples.

Join us for Sunday worship, in-person or online, at 10 am.

God of the Living

Matthew 22:23-33

Round 2 of the Sadducees' "fight" with Jesus occurs in this scripture passage. This time, they poke a fight with Jesus on the Resurrection. Unlike the Pharisees, the Sadducees did not believe or teach the resurrection.

In this sermon, you will hear:

  • how the Pharisees mocked the resurrection,
  • how Jesus confronted them on their lack of scriptural knowledge,
  • how Jesus showed support for the resurrection in the Hebrew scriptures, and
  • how Jesus addressed the Sadducees' ignorance of Hebrew grammar.

From this passage, we learn a few things:

  • We need to be a student of all scripture.
  • We need to stick with the grammar of the scripture.
  • We need to remember that God's institution of marriage is an earthly institution. Our love for one another, even our earthly spouses, will be more profound than we ever experienced in this life.

Click below to hear

Pastor Paul's entire sermon:


Sunday will be memorable for two reasons:

  1. Teaching Elder Al Wettach will preach from Matthew 22:34-40 on The Greatest Commandment!
  2. We will pray over the Youth Mission Team, who is leaving that morning to bless the Lord's name and a community in Kentucky!

Retiring after 27+ Years!

Sandy Floyd grew up in this congregation and has served in many staff roles as a Disciple Maker of all ages. She is retiring after 27+ years of service at FPCB.

Sandy's schedule will wind down as she completes work here. She will work her full hours in August and reduce her hours to a minimum in September to focus on leading her last Member Care Deacon meeting and matters related to closing her position. A Sunday will be set aside to thank the Lord for His work in and through her.

The Member Care Minister position is vital to our congregation as we have 50-60 people within sight and care of our Member Care Deacons. So, a search is open for you to fill this part-time position. Please click the button below if you or someone you know is interested in such a calling. Interest should be directed to Pastor Paul by email ([email protected]).

Position Description

Looking to the Octagon

Baptismal fonts are commonly made with eight sides. In scripture, the "eight" symbolizes new beginnings and new life. Let's explore this over the next few weeks!

In scripture, we read that Jewish boys received the mark of circumcision on the eighth day of their lives. Circumcision marked them as being under the covenant of God and belonging to God's covenant people, Israel. As boys grew, they were taught to remember how God delivered Israel from Egyptian slavery. These memories set the stage for boys to receive the Law of God in the Ten Commandments. To this day, these commandments establish how God is to be revered and how His people are to live together.

The habit of acknowledging the baptismal font as a reminder of your baptism can be powerful. When you see the baptismal font each Sunday, remember that God saved you from slavery to sin through Christ; reset your heart with gratitude and proper fear of God's power over your life; receive God's Word with willing and joyful obedience; offer the response of your heart with a simple prayer: "I'm Yours Lord!"

Baptism begins a new and lifelong union with Christ set on loving God by loving one another and any who need Jesus.

Men Invited to Journey with the Holy Spirit

For more than a year, a group of men have journeyed through the gospels to follow the story of Jesus' life and ministry. They used a book entitled Quest 52 by Mark Moore. This group of men is called "Saturday Sojourners" and meets in the Church Cafe most Saturday mornings at 8:30 am.

The group invites men to join their next journey through the Book of Acts. Email Pastor Paul ([email protected]) to be numbered among the Saturday Sojourners!

Flag Restored!

In previous editions of The Map, a call was issued to people who sew. The flag posted on the corner of Route 8 and Heckert Road needed to be repaired. Bonnie Miller and Steph Mowen answered the call to serve! They collaborated on a decision for a solution. Steph Mowen took the flag, trimmed and rehemmed the trailing end of the flag. Thank you, Steph and Bonnie!

Extending the life of a flag by trimming off the frayed edge and rehemming is permissible. This can be done if the stripes are longer than the blue field after repair.

PS: The large flag was given to the church on Memorial Day, 2022, by Richland American Legion Post 548.

Be a Blessing; fill a Backpack!

We are providing backpacks for students in need. We do this in partnership with The Lighthouse Foundationo and other church in Richland. Shopping list cards are available in the church entryway. You can also get these cards by clicking the link below.

When you complete a backpack, attach the card, bring it Sunday and lay it on the steps of the Chancel by Sunday, August 6. We will pray for the kids and families receiving the backpacks that day.

Backpack Shopping Cards

Courtesy News

Community Day

Bakerstown Alliance Church is a small church looking beyond itself into the community. We can aspire to do the same. You are invited to a Community Day at their location on Saturday, July 29th, from Noon-4 PM. The outdoor event will include music from Randy Stonehill and Chris Jamison and food trucks!

July 23 - 30 Calendar

SUN., July 23


10:00 am


Preaching: Ruling Elder Al Wettach

Youth Mission Trip Commissioning

TUE., July 25

Christian Business Partners

8:30 am

Westminster Room

Community Bible Study (all welcome)

1:45 pm

St. Barnabas Building A


6:00 pm


WED., July 26

FRI., July 28

Dad's Bible Study

(All Dad's welcome)

5:30 am

Shepherd's Coffee Co.

796 Pittsburgh Rd, Butler

Men’s Friday Morning Bible Study

7:00 am

Eat ‘n Park, Gibsonia

SAT., July 29

Sojourners Men's Group

8:30 am


SUN., July 30


10:00 am


If you want more information about any Bible Study, please get in touch with Linda Smith at 724-443-1555 and choose option "zero."

If you want to reserve a meeting room, also contact Linda.

Please look for a Worship Email on Sundays at 9:15 am.

Our service begins at 10 am.

You may access worship directly at 9:55 am by visiting:

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Tuesday-Friday, 9 am-3 pm

To subscribe to our emails, sign up on our website or call

724-443-1555. Choose option "zero" to speak with Linda.

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