The monthly newsletter of St. Paul's Episcopal Church | |
+ To know Christ better and make him better known + | |
Message from the Rector
The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Wilson
In the Gospel of John (6:35), Jesus proclaims that he is the bread of life, and that anyone who eats this bread will never hunger.
During this season of Lent, I have invited a group of communion bread bakers from our congregation to join me in providing the bread we use for our Eucharist. Many thanks to Melanie, Sharon and Alice for your generosity. Like many of you, since the pandemic started, I have dabbled into bread baking. Over the past three years I have tried my hand at different kinds of bread, from sourdough, to whole wheat, organic, and now I have settled on trying to perfect Jamaican hard dough bread. This one is well known among people of Caribbean descent.
For the full article click HERE
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St. Paul's 2024 Annual Meeting | |
Click HERE to read the 2023 Annual Report | |
Senior Warden’s Message
Indira Balkissoon, Sr. Warden
First, on behalf of the Classes 2024 and 2025, I want to welcome the Class of 2026 to the Vestry (Paula Hawthorn, Doug Jensen, and David Anderson).
As we move forward in convening the Vestry on March 23 for our Annual Vestry Retreat, I want to describe the role of the Vestry per the Parish Bylaws (Article IV, 4.1) The role of the Vestry is the “conduct and management of the business and temporal affairs of this Parish and will be vested in, and controlled by, a board of directors known as the Vestry.”
In other words the Vestry is responsible in providing oversight and setting policies for the business and non-worship activities of the parish, fiduciary and all other than those relating to worship, which is the purview and responsibility of the Rector.
Vestry Retreats generally consist of 3 sessions: 1) Parish Functions and Vestry Role; 2) Goals and Activities; and 3) Business Meeting.
Over the course of the year Vestry meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month. This day sometimes changes based on church activities. To hold a Vestry meeting there must be a quorum. These are open meetings, and anyone who is interested may sit in. Visitors are welcome!
Vestry members are asked to act as a liaison to improve communications between the Vestry and that committee. Obtaining alignment on the liaison roles is a top priority. Some liaison roles are already set, for example, the Junior Warden’s role is to typically act as a liaison to buildings and grounds. Other liaison roles include Stewardship, Altar Guild, Social Justice, Outreach, Children and Family Ministry and Deanery Representatives.
One final important note. Thank you to all the members of the Vestry Class of 2023. Your hard work, dedication, and prayers mean so much to us all. Thank you Frances Dibble, Maura Lane, and Brian Stanke.
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Give to St. Paul's
To support parish planning, we are asking everyone to make a statement of intent for 2024
Join Us!
Thank you for your presence, and your gifts of time, talent and treasure to St. Paul’s.
Your participation is essential to us and we couldn’t do it without you! We welcome your financial gifts and involvement in our ministries, and ask that you prayerfully consider how you would like to be involved at St. Paul’s in 2024. Every gift and contribution, regardless of type or size, makes an impact on our parish and our community.
Ways to Give and more information is HERE.
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Cottage Dinners
In concert with Membership & Welcoming, we invite you to participate in a Cottage Dinner. What is a Cottage Dinner? It is a small group gathering hosted by a fellow parishioner. It's a great way to get to know people better in a casual setting over a shared meal. Fr. Mauricio will attend as many of the dinners as he can.
You can sign up to host or attend Cottage Dinners any time. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex and will be available at Coffee Hour on Sundays. Cottage Dinners will continue throughout the 2024 program year.
For more information contact Mirela Stanke at
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The Ordination and Consecration of The Reverend Austin Keith Rios as Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of California Saturday, May @ 11am
At Grace Cathedral
1100 California Street, San Francisco
Everyone is welcome! To secure your spot, register HERE
Celebrate with joy as we ordain and consecrate the Rev. Austin K. Rios as Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of California. Rios will serve concurrently with the Right Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus as Coadjutor until Andrus’ retirement in July 2024, when Rios will become the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of California.
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The schedule for this series is as follows:
• March 3: Session 3: Part II: Chapter 8-11
• March 10: Session 4: Part II: Chapter 12-14
• March 17: Session 5: Part III: Chapter 15-18
• March 24: Session 6: Part III: Chapter 19-21
The book is available through Amazon in printed, kindle and audiobook formats.
Please feel free to contact Paula Hawthorn or Father Wilson if you have any questions.
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Additional Lenten Offerings
Holy Eucharist - Weekdays at 12pm
In the Chapel of the Pacific
Stations of the Cross - Fridays at 6:30pm in the Church
We have new artwork for our Stations of the Cross this year which are really wonderful and thought provoking. Thank you Fr. Mauricio for changing it up!
LENTEN FORMATION SERIES: The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory
American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism
This year, our Sunday morning book discussion is going to use Tim Alberta’s take on our ‘religious politics’ as the basis for a conversation on how our faith might inform our political views, and vice versa, how our politics inform our practice of faith. Our very own Paula Hawthorn will serve as host for these book discussions.
This series is primarily intended for those whose minds are open to continued conversation and discernment hoping to broaden and deepen their faith in action.
All are welcome to attend regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey and your views of politics. Sessions will be held on Sundays during Lent after the 10am service. Reading the designated chapters beforehand is encouraged, but not required.
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Music Director Ben Bachmann gave a lecture about St. Paul's magnificent and historic pipe organ on Feb. 18, after the 10am service. | |
AfterGlow Chorus: Harmony with Meaning - What’s Love Got to Do With it?
Sunday, March 10, 2024 4:00pm
"What's Love Got to Do with It?" is a uplifting, exciting concert inspired by the life journey of the late, great Tina Turner. AfterGlow Chorus will be singing a wide range of music on the powerful, emotional themes of love and healing.
Here are just a few of the exciting pieces that we will be singing across many musical genres (classical, jazz, R&B, pop):
- "Healing Heart" by Jacob Naverud
- "Let's Stay Together" opb Al Green
- "A Quiet Place" opb Take 6
Tickets $20-$35, are available HERE
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Prometheus Symphony Orchestra, Eric Hansen, Music Director - Fourth Concert
Saturday, March 23, 2024 3:00pm
Pre-concert talk at 2:45pm
The Prometheus Symphony Orchestra welcome you to our concert series for the 2023–2024 season, featuring well-established favorites as well as innovative, modern works.
There is no admission fee for our concerts, but donations are gratefully accepted.
Tickets are REQUIRED for admission, will be available on their website in early March.
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Sunday, March 24
8am Palm/Passion Sunday Spoken Eucharist
10am Palm/Passion Sunday Choral Eucharist
8pm Compline
Wednesday, March 27
7pm A service of Tenebrae
Thursday, March 28
7pm Maundy Thursday
Friday, March 29
12-3pm Good Friday Liturgy
March 30 2024
8pm The Great Vigil of Easter w/Baptisms
March 31 2024
8am Easter Day Eucharist
10am Easter Day Choral Eucharist
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Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that the CONFEDERATED VILLAGES OF LISJAN are the traditional stewards of the land on which our buildings stand and we pay our respect to their people and heritage. The Lisjan people have lived in the territory of Huchiun since the beginning of time, and are still here fighting for their land, heritage, culture & spiritual traditions.
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St. Paul's is a member of Integrity USA, working for the full equality of LGBTQIA+ persons in every part of The Episcopal Church.
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The Rt. Rev. Marc H. Andrus, Bishop of California
Rev. Austin Rios, Bishop Coadjutor-Elect of California
The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Wilson, Rector
The Ven. Canon Carolyn Bolton, Archdeacon
The Rev. Christian Harding, Assisting Priest
The Rev. Gary England, Archdeacon
Benjamin Bachmann, MMusic, FAGO, Music Director
Philip Saunders Assistant Music Director
Jackie Kamakate, Parish Administrator
Joan Clerk, Bookkeeper
Danislav Nedevski, Sexton
Elena Nedevska, Housekeeper
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Class of 2024
Indira Balkissoon-Sr. Warden
Irene Plunkett
Matthew Schooler
Class of 2025
Pamela Kruse-Buckingham— Treasurer
Richard Larson– Jr. Warden
Daniel (Digger) Lauter
Class of 2026
David Anderson - Clerk
Paula Hawthorn
Doug Jensen
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Pamela Kruse-Buckingham & Victoria Larson
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