Mark has been a LagoonWatch monitor for over 3 years. He goes above and beyond and monitors 3 different sites in the Indian River Lagoon and the Sebastian River - including one that he kayaks 6 miles round trip to in order to complete his water quality tests! Mark is a consistent friendly face around the Lagoon House, whether it be to pick up LagoonWatch chemicals or attend a Brown Bag Lunch presentation. He is a role model for us all in his passion for proper stewardship and protection for the Indian River Lagoon. Thank you, Mark, for all that you give to our Lagoon community and MRC!

Check out the video to the right of Mark doing a turbidity test, to measure water clarity, at his LagoonWatch monitoring site on the St. Sebastian River on October 28, 2018. This turbidity reading showed the water the clearest it has been at Mark's site all year!