Weekly newsletter from Memorial Presbyterian Church, Appleton, WI
Joel, Claire, Breckyn, Paige, Ashley, Marley, Lili, and Chad ready to set off in their trusty (?) van for a week of ministry to others in Louisville, Kentucky. Read about their journey below and keep all in your prayers for safe journeys and wonderful, spirit-filled experiences! |
Helping Reach Out to Lawrence
This s
ummer Greg has been meeting with Linda Morgan-Clement and faith leaders from the Episcopal and UCC churches to discuss how we can jointly support the development of a progressive Christian student group on campus. On August 10 from 4:00-6:00 pm at the Sabine House (on the Lawrence campus, kitty-corner from MPC), there will be a planning meeting for this effort. All three churches are seeking congregational volunteers that might be interested in supporting this effort.
Who's On First?
This past Sunday I continued my series on the Law and the Ten Commandments. And for everyone who keeps asking, yes, after services I had a wonderful Sabbath nap. (You had to have been there to understand.) This Sunday we have the pleasure of hearing from Jim Bowman. Jim will be talking about poverty and children, something he is particularly passionate about.
A little more of what is to come:
August 6
: Jim Bowman - "How Do You Define Poverty?" (
Matthew 25:35-40)
August 13: Greg Braatz - fourth in a series on the 10 Commandments - "Love Your Neighbor"
August 20: Emily Guttenberg - "Beyond the Comfort Zone - What Paul Teaches Us" (Philippians 4:4-13)
August 27: Paige Kempf
September 3: Joel Screnock
I believe we can look forward to some very unique worshiping experiences over the next month!
~ Greg Braatz, Commissioned Lay Pastor
Church Office Summer Schedule
Please note that the church office is closed
on Fridays throughout
the summer,
through September 1.
Have fun in the sun (or rain!), everyone!
Youth Group on Mission Trip in Louisville!
On Saturday, July 29,
six youth and two adult leaders from MPC, left Appleton on their mission trip to Louisville, Kentucky! There, they partnered with Youthworks, helping out the community in various different ways, including working in a soup kitchen, a clothing distribution center, and a food shelf.
Of course, things don't always go according to plan, as the group learned early on when the engine of their van conked out shortly after leaving.
Fortunately, they'd only gotten as far as Fond du Lac and were able to limp into a rest stop. A few hours later, they had secured another van and were on the road again.
Let's hope the rest of their trip is more memorable for the friendships they made, the ministry they performed, and the spiritual growth they experienced than the little glitches along the way!
"Fall" together for some fun!
The Deacon Fellowship Team is hosting a potluck after worship on Sunday, September 10th. We chose that date as one that lets us welcome back Pastor Mike, settle into the school year, and embrace fall. Choose a dish to share, gather your table service, and plan to stay after church. (Deacons will provide the beverages.)
We invite you to mark your calendars, and hope you'll come enjoy the fellowship and food of your MPC family! See you there!
Christmas in July
The girls are still in the lead! As of Tuesday, August 1st, our collection of socks and underwear has grown to total 349 items for girls and 290 for boys. All items will be counted and delivered to the Community Clothes closet early next week for their Back-to-School program. However, in case you are waiting in the hopes that you will get a better coupon than the one you already have, the box will remain in the west hallway until Sunday, August 20th. A second delivery will be made after that.
Salvation Army Collection
Many thanks to all who contributed to this month's collection for the Salvation Army! Mark your calendars for the next scheduled collection of Sunday, August 20. It's not too early to start thinking of stocking the shelves with back-to-school lunch ideas!
Holy Land Trip Update
There's still time, but there's been a change!
Enough people have put money down so that there will definitely be a trip! But that doesn't mean the door is closed. If at some time between now and
September 1st you decide you would like to join us, there still might be an opportunity to come along. You would just need to check with Greg Braatz to see if there is space on the plane (price could be higher or lower than what the travel group is paying).
So if the spirit moves you, let
know and he will see if it can happen!
Lunchtime Organ Recital Series
This summer's Lunchtime Organ Recital Series, now in its 22nd year, has been going strong all summer! Next week you have two opportunities to hear talented musicians on some of our area's finest instruments. On Wednesday, August 9, a recital will be held at 7:00 p.m. at First United Methodist church, Appleton, WI, featuring Donald VerKuilen on the Austin Organ. The second recital will be held on Thursday, August 10, at 12:15 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Neenah, WI, with featured organist Dr. Sarah Kraaz on the Dobson organ.
The complete summer schedule may be found
Pray Without Ceasing
Wednesday Morning Prayer Group
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours."
Mark 11:24
The MPC Prayer Group meets every Wednesday from 10:00 am - 11:00 am in the Chapel, praying for our families, our church, our community, and our world. We are here to pray for anything you might need. Please let your prayer request be made known by writing it down in a note and placing it in the prayer request box in the church office, or email to the Group Coordinator, Connie Olson. All requests are confidential. If you would like to join the group, please also contact Connie.
This week, let us pray for..
- Clint Robson continues his recovery at home from aortic valve replacement.
- Pat Boldt and her family are mourning the loss of Pat's brother, John Hamar.
- Mary Francis continues her recovery from foot surgery.
- Norm Colson has returned to The Bridges after being hospitalized following a fall.
- Marie Desens' granddaughter, Ashley, continues to experience some complications with her pregnancy and is currently undergoing tests. Also, Marie's friend, Nancy, is awaiting a kidney transplant.
- Nelson & Bev Craig ask for prayers for their dear friends, Russ and JoAnn. Russ has cancer throughout his body, and JoAnn has COPD and must be on oxygen at all times.
Elaine Presby asks for prayers for a friend of the family, Alicia, who is a young mother struggling with cancer.
- Jane Slater's brother-in-law, Al, is being evaluated for a double lung transplant in early August.
- Roy Hoglund is at home recovering from a successful hip replacement surgery.
- Ken Opgenorth has moved into the Willow Lane Assisted Living facility on Elsner Road. Ken would enjoy visiting with his church friends anytime.
- Continued prayers for Susan Kirkham's son, Matt, and Sherry Meyer's friend, Lynn, both of whom are struggling.
And also, please pray for the Youth Group - participants and leaders -- as they prepare for their work trip from July 29 - August 5!
If you have a prayer request for the prayer chain, please send it to
Paula Hoglund
for inclusion in next week's communication.
Summer Volunteer Schedule
The Summer Sunday Morning volunteer schedule may be found
here, along with volunteer contact information
. Please check the schedule to determine when you are scheduled. If you did not receive your schedule via email, or would like a hard copy mailed to you, just contact the
church office
If you are unable to serve on the day you are scheduled, please arrange for a substitute and
email the church office with any changes. Many thanks to all of our Sunday Morning volunteers throughout the year!
Greeters: Sonja Song, Francie Kopecky
Head Usher: Les Angell
Ushers: John Koskinen, Laurie McCulloch, Susan Kirkham, Sharon McElrath
Reader: Connie Olson
Fellowship Hosts: Kelsey and Kevin McElrath
Communion Preparer: Margaret Fulton
Communion Servers: Peter Ryerson, Jim Bowman, Eric Edwards,
Cornell, Sharon McElrath
Counters: Francie Kopecky, Sonja Song
Greeters: Sarah Beard, Jeanne & Peter Ryerson
Head Usher: Tom Guttenberg
Ushers: Patti Athanas, Quinn Shaffer, Russ & Ruth Truettner
Reader: Tim Shoaf
Fellowship Hosts: Rosemary & Scott Fraser
Counters: Gayle Hardt, Beth Lepinski
Community Notices
Dr. Alan Wolfelt's Grief and Healing Seminar:
Exploring Eight Critical Questions for When Someone You Love Dies"
Tuesday, October 10, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Liberty Hall, Kimberly
Dr. Alan Wolfelt, an internationally noted author, educator and grief counselor, will present this compassionate program to provide you with support in your personal grief and also assist participants who want to learn more about helping a family member or friend who is experiencing grief and loss. This seminar is free and open to the public. Please register by calling Wichmann and Fargo Funeral Homes at 920-831-9905 or visit this
Books for All Seasons
The 81st Annual AAUW Book Sale is scheduled for October 19-22 and 26-28 at Northland Mall, so now's the time to start rummaging through your house for donations to this worthy cause. Please consider donating used hardcover, paperback, and children's books, as well as CDs, DVDs, sheet music, puzzles and games. For book pick-up or book drop-off, please call 920-427-6655, 920-734-6750, 920-843-8888, 920-739-6469.
Events This Week
Sunday, August 6
10:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am Fellowship
Tuesday, August 8
6:30 am Good News Women
9:30 am Staff Meeting
7:00 pm Session Meeting
Wednesday, August 9
10:00 am Prayer Team
Thursday, August 10
6:30 am All Things Considered Men's Forum
7:00 pm Philadelphia @
Green Bay
Friday, August 11
Office Closed
Sunday, August 13
10:00 am
11:00 am Fellowship
Worship Services
This Sunday's
Sunday, August 6
9th Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 25:35-40
How Do You Define Poverty?
Jim Bowman
Guest Preacher
Sunday, August 13
10th Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 19:1-6; 20:1-7; Matthew 22:34-40
Love Your Neighbor
Greg Braatz
Commissioned Lay Pastor
Sunday, August 20
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Philippians 4:4-13
Beyond the Comfort Zone - What Paul Teaches Us
Emily Guttenberg
Guest Preacher
Sunday, August 27
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Paige Kempf
Guest Preacher
Donate Here
Secure, online
credit and debit
card donations
to Memorial Presbyterian are easy!
make recurring or one-time donations.
Contact the Staff
Mike Goodwin
Pastor Mike is on sabbatical through Sept. 5, 2017.
Commissioned Lay Pastor
Director of Music & Organist
Resident Christian Educator
Office Manager
Sherry Meyer
The Memo from Memorial is published every Thursday.
Deadline for notices is Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Send all i
nformation to
or contact the church office at
The July - September 2017 quarterly publication of The Chimes is available here.