This morning our diocesan Disaster Relief Team (DRT) in partnership with Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) had a conference call regarding both the Carr and Mendocino Complex fires.
Both fires are considered megafires as they are over 100,000 acres each.
Mendocino Complex Update:
Bishop Barry Beisner has a special message of encouragement for those in Lakeport.
These fires are still active first responder fires. The
City of Lakeport and the surrounding cities, which includes our parish of St. John's and their parishioners, remain under evacuation orders.
Through the generous donations to our Disaster Relief fund, $5,000 in gift cards for gas and groceries have been purchased and are on their way to Lake County to those in need.
Carr Fire Update:
Interim Rector Carren Sheldon shared that t
he church reopened Wednesday, Aug. 1 with morning prayer; 15 people were in attendance. They closed the day with 50 people at their evening prayer. The Drop in Center at All Saints will be officially be opening on Tuesday, Aug. 7.
As you can see from the pictures below, All Saints was ready to serve those in the surrounding neighborhoods as evacuations orders were lifted today, Aug. 3.
The Rev. Carren Sheldon, in the doorway of the All Saints, wearing one of the masks the church is handing out.
Rev. Carren enlisted the help of local police officers to distribute masks.
For the latest information on the fires, please check the Cal Fire site frequently.
If you would like to donate to our Disaster Relief fund, please make checks out to "The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California" and write "Disaster Relief" in the memo. 100% of these funds go directly to disaster relief.
Checks can be mailed directly to the Office of the Bishop at: