March 25, 2020

Upcoming Important Dates

School Closed through end of academic year. All events and activities are cancelled.

Fri, April 3 - Virtual Friday Gathering
Save the date and "see" you there!

Thurs, April 9 - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Early Childhood Package Pickup #1
(Pickup #2 scheduled for Thurs, May 7)
All updates and email communications related to COVID-19 will be posted at
Messenger At A Glance
Weekly Bulletin:
  • We Miss You RWS Community!
  • Distance Learning Will Continue Through End of Academic Year
  • EC Package Pickup on Thurs, April 9
Administrative Announcements:
  • Financial Aid Timeline Update
  • Re-Enrollment for 2020-2021
Community Bulletin:
  • Parent Feedback/Testimonial for Week 1 of Distance Learning
  • Kim John Payne Podcast Series for COVID-19
Join us for our 1st ever "Virtual Friday Gathering" Next Friday, April 3!

We know how hard it is to be disconnected from classmates, friends, teachers, and colleagues. We are going to try our 1st ever virtual Friday Gathering next week on the morning of April 3. We are working out a few logistics, and are excited to be together in this new way.

Stay tuned next week for access details and specific time. "See" you all then!
Weekly Bulletin
We Miss You, RWS Community! Greetings from the RWS Faculty & Staff!
Distance Learning will continue through end of Academic Year
Thank you to all the families at RWS for your support as we launch into these uncharted waters of distance learning! The teachers are bringing their enthusiasm and creativity to this task. We miss the students terribly and I know they miss seeing each other, as well. We look forward to finding new ways to connect with each other. Our community is strong and we will support each other during this unprecedented time in history.

We hope you will continue to share your voice and feedback as we continue in this learning experience.

Blessings to each of you!

for the Faculty
Early Childhood Package Pickup on Thurs, April 9
When:  Thursday, April 9 from 10-2 and then again on Thursday, May 7 from 10-2
Where : Behind the school in the grades pick up/drop off area.  Please stay in your car.
There will be labeled bags for each child. Staff will be outside to hand the bags to you. If you are not able to come to RWS during this time, contact your child’s teacher.  

April 9th package will include
  • Extra Clothes, rain gear, and indoor shoes
  • Craft materials 
  • Materials for the Sun’s doll making and jump ropes for the Oak and Magnolia classes
  • Plants from the Acorn and Willow classes

May 7th package will include
  • Craft materials for sewing projects 
  • Birthday Gifts for birthdays missed 
  • Paintings and Drawings 

We miss you!
Early Childhood Section Chair
Administrative Announcements
Re-Enrollment for 2020-2021
Thank you all for your confidence and re-enrollment intentions for next school year! The re-enrollment period ends next Friday, April 3 and we hope that all families will successfully complete their enrollment agreements by that time.

We know that these uncertain times are impacting us all in many ways. If you have any questions or concerns, we strongly encourage a conversation. If you need to extend the deadline to re-enroll based on your current circumstances please contact Valerie Hogan as soon as you can. Thank you!
Financial Aid Updates
Most families received their 2020-2021 Financial Aid award earlier this week. If you have applied for financial aid and did not receive an award letter, that is likely because you have not provided documentation, or TADS is still auditing your application. Please contact Valerie Hogan with questions or for an update.

Two weeks ago there was no way we could have imagined the economic, social, and emotional impacts we are now facing from COVID-19. We hope that any family concerned about their ability to afford Richmond Waldorf School will have a conversation with Valerie Hogan or Nancy Cross .
Community Bulletin
Parent Feedback/Testimonials from Week 1 of Distance Learning:
"As someone who routinely teaches online courses at the University of Virginia, I've been blown away by how quickly Waldorf teachers have been able to transition to a distance learning format. The organization and depth of the lessons, the recorded songs and stories, and the images of various pictures and Russian letters have all been first-rate. While my daughter misses school terribly, she's also truly enjoying learning from home. I'd therefore like to give a warm and hearty "thank you" to all RWS teachers for the great work that they've done thus far."
Seth, Grade 3 Parent

"...I am still in shock about the level of enthusiasm and self-motivation around this. Thank you all for taking the time to make all these recordings and sending them to us. As someone who is also diving into online teaching, I'm very impressed with all that you've managed to pull together in 1 week. It means more to us than you could possibly imagine. It was also nice for me to get a little glimpse into Waldorf."
Sonali, Grade 2 Parent
Troubling Times: Anxiety Rising, Schools Closing, and Way More Time at Home With The Kids
A special five-part audio series with Kim John Payne

1 - “Preparing” - How to speak to our kids and how to stay centered so our kids can co-regulate with us.

2 - “Signaling Security via Decluttering” - When the world feels like it is in chaos and closing in, creating a decluttered space is like soul arnica.

3 - “Wrapping Warm Rhythm Around Our Children” - When so much is changing and shifting, how do we strengthen predictability and the feeling that all is well in our family’s world.

4 - “Dialing Back Schedules in Preparation and Decisions Afterwards” - How to walk children and teens off their busy lives in preparing for the cancellations of school and after school activities, and the opportunity it offers when life gets back to normal.

5 - “Filtering Adult Information is More Important Now Than Before” - With so much scary information out there, how can we keep our kids informed in the right way for their age?