The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
December 2023
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Rev. Freeman works
from home on Mondays.

Worship Schedule:
11:00 am Sundays
Worship services have resumed in the sanctuary.
Services are also live streamed.

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


YouTube Channel:
Word from the Pastor
"Thank you" will never fully express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all of you for the very meaningful
15th /30th Anniversary Celebration
on November 5. It is a blessing I will never forget!

It was so wonderful to gather in such large numbers again to share the joy of being part of this generous community of faith.

A special thanks to so many that were involved in putting this celebration together: Marilyn Hill for coordinating the entire event; Bill Major for his nostalgic review (as co-moderator of the Pastor Nominating Committee 15-16 years ago); Chris Newsome for the moving video retrospective; Kathy Davis for the beautiful setup in Fellowship Hall; Emily Oldham and the Fellowship ministry team for helping put the meal together; Clay & Bryan Finckward for cooking the prime rib; the Chancel Choir for the touching anthem, "Here I Am Lord" (part of my own sense of being called to ministry before seminary); and so many others.

AND...the stole presented to me, handmade by Susan West, which is an exceptionally detailed depiction of our sanctuary's stained glass window (see photos below). This is one of the most profoundly meaningful gifts in my entire 30 years as an ordained pastor!

On another note... I hope you're looking forward to the season of Advent, I am. Worship will center around a resource (A Sanctified Art) with its timely theme: "How does a weary world rejoice?" using stories from the Gospel of Luke.

We will explore and look for reasons for rejoicing, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, which this country and the world are certainly experiencing.

And remember: during the month of December leading up to Christmas Day:
Do less
Breathe more
Adjust your expectations
Focus on people, not stuff

Blessings, Rev. Todd
Poinsettia Orders
Due December 17
If you are interested in buying a poinsettia to help decorate the church during Advent, you may click the button below to download an order form, or pick one up on the Narthex information table, and turn it in to the church office.
Plants are $15 each and can be taken home, or gifted to one of our shut-ins. Donors’ names and the names of ones being honored/memorialized are also listed in the bulletin for the Christmas Eve service of worship.
Order forms are due Sunday, December 17th. Please contact Kathy Davis with questions.
If you have not already done so, please return your 2024 Stewardship Pledge Card to the church office as soon as possible. Pledge cards are available at each pew, as well as the information table in the Narthex. 
If you have any questions concerning the proposed budget, please (click name to) contact our Finance & Stewardship Ministry Team Moderator, Charles Stanford.
1st Sunday Food Collection for the
Kendall Whittier, Inc.
Emergency Food Pantry

Sunday, December 3

Our First Sunday Food Collection for the Kendall Whittier Food Pantry is in need of breakfast cereal (Cheerios, Corn Flakes, or other less sweet cereals) and 1-2 lb. bags of rice.

Canned fruit and boxed cereal are immediate needs for the Food Pantry, so feel free to bring donations to the church at any time, and we will distribute.

Cash donations are also
accepted and appreciated!
Reading Partners Needs Volunteers
for KWE Students

Volunteers can give as little as one hour a week (flexible weekday schedules) helping Kendall Whittier Elementary students gain lifelong literacy skills that will empower their learning, by following a highly effective, easy-to-use curriculum, with no prior experience needed.

Click here for more information and/or to sign up.
Rev. Todd's Anniversary Celebration
15 years as pastor of College Hill
30 years as an ordained pastor
Joy/Concern Prayer Requests

Please submit your requests for prayers of joy or concern in the bowl in the Narthex.  

Prayer requests are now being shared during Sunday Worship! Live streaming will be muted while they are shared. 

Also, please reach out to Jan Swafford, Congregational Care Ministry Team Moderator, any team member, or Rev. Todd with needs and concerns.
Flower Chart
Sign Up

If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
1 - Jay Lockhart
 3 - Isabelle Thomason
 6 - Peter Campbell
 9 - Sue Haskins
 9 - Emily Oldham      
13 - Jana Rhoads                    
15 - Megan Buchner 
15 - Caroline Johnson
17 - Kado Bissell
18 - Ronda Robertson
19 - Tally Ferguson
19 - Jack Gallagher
20 - Roberta Smith
22 - Maggie Medlock
24 - Wyneth Roulet         
28 - Charles Stanford
29 - Kathy Evanson
30 - Lisa Hays
   Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
New Member

Joyce Pauli
1st Sunday of Advent

"C" is for Christmas:
Crafts, Cookies &
Chili Cook Off!

Sunday, December 3 after Worship
Sunday, December 24

Morning Service of Worship
(4th Sunday of Advent)
11:00 am

Evening Candlelight Service
6:30 pm
Christmas Eve
Mark your calendars for Christmas Eve! Kids of all ages are invited to enact the Christmas Story at the College Hill evening service. NO REHEARSALS NEEDED!

Show up at the church 45 minutes before the service. Bring all your visiting relatives’ kids, too!
Participants are invited to act out with silent movements the Christmas Story, as it is read. There will be some simple costumes of robes and cloth headpieces. Each role listens for their “name” to be read during the readings in which they enter the Sanctuary, eventually all will gather up front. The readings will be interspersed with hymns sung by the congregation.
Remember, it’s the story that’s important and participants create a memory so that the story becomes their own.
Emmanuel – God is with us. And at a Pageant, God is within each and every one of us.
Alternative Christmas Market
Sundays during Advent, 12/3-12/24
in Fellowship Hall

Our Outreach & Mission Ministry team invites you to make a contribution to one of four local, national or global causes

Stop by Fellowship Hall and “buy” a card with any size monetary donation for
one of the following:
   ~ Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry, GROW Garden, etc.

  ~ Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: national and global help for shelter, food and comfort for disaster victims
 ~ Solar Under the Sun: The vision of the SUS (a ministry of the Synod of the Sun), is to illuminate communities that lack reliable electrical power with hope and life through solar energy, by training volunteers to design and install solar power systems.
   ~ SeedPower: SeedPower seeks to empower the vulnerable to initiate solutions and to actively participate in the activities that impact the lives of our communities and beyond. 

We have four cards to select from, with inserts for each of the above-mentioned causes. Please see Crystal Zerger, our Outreach & Mission Ministry team Moderator, after worship.
Book Study Group

Thursday, December 7 - 6:30 pm

Original Blessing
by Matthew Fox

The group meets at the home of Sue Haskins. If you are interested in learning more about this fun group, please contact Sue.

Many thanks to my Usual Faithfuls – the “hunters and gatherers" who make an every-other-month meal possible at the Day Center for the Homeless:

- Marianne and David Stambaugh, who bring in coneys from Coney Is-Lander or 5 for Five hamburgers from Braum’s.

- Sue Haskins delivers gallons of milk for breakfast.

- Cookie bakers extraordinaire Jennifer & Jim Campbell, Jan Swafford,
Johnna Thurston and Brad Burnham.

- Mark and Gay Miller, faithful substitutes-no matter the task.

- Rusty Johnson, my right-hand man who helps shop, fix and load the food for delivery.
Although we are no longer serving in-person at the center, it’s heartening to watch
Day Center clients pitch in and work together to plate a nice Saturday evening meal.
And thank you, College Hill, for monetarily supporting six meals a year for those in need!
-Caroline Johnson
Day Center for the Homeless 

Secret Santa
Wish List:
If you would like to play Secret Santa to one of 12 families who have provided a Christmas Wish list, please (click name to) contact our Outreach & Mission Ministry team Moderator, Crystal Zerger, for more details. (Gifts are not to exceed $75.)
Rev. Todd will give an update during worship this Sunday (12/3), as to how many families remain.
Midwinter Gathering

Tuesday, December 19
6:30 pm
at the home of Gay & Mark Miller

Everyone is invited. We will focus on leaving behind things in our lives that no longer serve us as we prepare to move forward into the new year.

The program will be followed by a time of fellowship. The snack theme is "New Year's Resolution". Drinks will be provided.
Bread Sales to Benefit
Afghan Family
The College Hill Afghan Family Support Team is selling Afghan flat bread and Bolani bread (vegetable stuffed Afghan flat bread) in the Fellowship Hall after worship. The flat bread is $5 and the Bolani is $7. 
Proceeds from sales are designated to help the Momand Family of eight, in which the father is the sole income provider. The mother makes the bread fresh every Sunday. One hundred percent of the proceeds (and any donations) go back to this family. Please contact Jennifer Campbell at 918.277.9956 for more information.
Congregational Care
Ministry Team
We are all called to minister to one another.
(1 Peter 4:10)
The purpose of our Survey is to include more members of our community of faith in sharing love and support to our College Hill Family when needed. First and foremost, the individual’s wishes, including confidentiality and privacy, are always sought and respected. Participation based on the survey, will provide a means for all of us to serve the needs of our community by offering hospital visits, meals or snacks, transportation, sending cards, phone calls, running errands, etc.  
Additional Surveys are available on the Narthex table, and you may also click the button below to download and print the form.

Completed Surveys can be placed in the bowl on the resource table in the Narthex, or given to any Congregational Care Team Member or Jan Swafford, Moderator. 

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

December 2023

The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun!

BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the third floor (Sunflower Room)

If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, or are interested in joining our Handbell Choir, (permanent member or substitute), we always welcome new members!

Please (click name to) contact our
Director of Music, Kim Childs,
or call him at 918-230-2770

DEC 3 ~ Keep Your Lamps - Andre Thomas
Chancel Choir

DEC 10 ~ Three Nativity Carols - Stephen Paulus
Jill Wiebe, harp
Lisa Wagner, oboe
Chancel Choir

DEC 17 ~ The Jesus Gift - Gilbert M. Martin
Chancel Choir

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence-Margaret Tucker
Revelry - John C. Dare
BELLissimo Handbells

DEC 24 ~ He Is Born - Walter L. Pelz
Chancel Choir

Christmas Eve ~ He Is Born - Walter L. Pelz
Away in a Manger
Chancel Choir

DEC 31 ~ TBA
Lisa Wagner, oboe
College Hill's
Blessing Box

Beautifully handcrafted and painted by David & Susan West, this Blessing Box is now a permanent fixture in the church's
west garden area.

Half of the funds that College Hill received from a $1,000 Grant from Matthew 25 Ministry PC(USA) was used for the box building materials.

Your contributions can be an ongoing lifeline to those in our community that need a hand up.  Please contact Susan West for more information.
2023 - 2024
Birthday Endowment Fund

A meaningful way to celebrate this year's Birthday, is to donate an amount equal to your age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
SeedPower Education Center to Now Receive Equal Exchange Store Funds
Going forward, Equal Exchange monies shall benefit SeedPower, a non-profit located in Kenya, whose mission is to empower vulnerable, children with special needs and those that are at risk together with their families.

Educational programs currently offered serve 258 students at two campuses, in both Oyugis and Nyakach. SeedPower provides community and school campus water, benefiting hundreds of students and families. They also have outreach programs including: food relief programs to disadvantaged families, providing teenage girls with hygiene supplies, advocating for the rights of children at risk and those with special needs, as well as educational information for teenage boys concerning substance and drug abuse which may lead them to depression and crime.

SeedPower also provides teacher outreach and training, including a partnership with Little Light House here in Tulsa.

Currently, donations made to SeedPower will directly benefit the construction of a school kitchen at GF Campus Nyakach, the last 40% of monies needed for a water bottling project, and funds to pay the 14 teachers located in both schools.
Oklahoma Presbyterian Network

Holy Land Pilgrimage
Then and Now
February 19 – March 1, 2024

For more information and access to the Reservation Application,
Front page

Back page

Hard copies of the flyer are also available on the information table in the Narthex. For questions, see Rev. Gordon Edwards, OPN Contact.
COLLEGE HILL Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for
peace and justice