The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
July 2020
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Rev. Freeman is now taking Mondays off so he can work on a sermon on Fridays because the videoing of the service happens on Saturdays.

Worship Schedule:
Virtual Worship
until further notice

Church Email:

Pastor Email:

In order for us to maintain good financial health and stewardship, please mail in or drop by your pledge to the church. Thank you!
If needed:
Please click the Give Now button below to remit your
CHPC pledges/contributions.
The Session will meet on June 14 to re-assess when we feel it is safe to return to in-person worship. As it stands now, it's looking like that won't happen soon because cases of Covid are still on the rise here in Tulsa.
Word From the Pastor
" Hope is subversive precisely because it dares to admit that all is not as it should be . And so we are holding out for, working for, creating, prophesying, and living into something better — for the kingdom to come, for oaks of righteousness to tower, for leaves to blossom for the healing of the nations, for swords to be beaten into plowshares, for joy to come in the morning, and for redemption and justice."
- Sarah Bessey

All is indeed not as it should be. While I don't necessarily believe we should return to the old normal, I'm awaiting a time that we might at least label as the new normal.

Each and every one of us, as individuals, families, and as a community of faith, continue to find ourselves in a disorienting time between what was and what will be. While that it always the case, it has never been to this extreme level before.

As a pastor, I want to remind us of something we all already know, but it never hurts to reiterate: God is and always be with us, especially during times of transition, change, and anxiety.

I would like to invite all of us, and certainly the Session of this wonderful congregation, to continue discerning where we are headed and how God is a part of that process. For us as a community of faith that includes a recommitment to strive for social justice .

Maintaining HOPE during these uncharted times is crucial, and our faith is one of the most important contributing factors as we seek God's Sacred Presence in our midst.

Special blessings to you,
Rev. Todd
Check out our YouTube channel:
College Hill Presbyterian Tulsa
Please subscribe.
July 25 , we will deliver dinner — coneys, oranges and homemade cookies — to the Day Center for the Homeless , plus 4 gallons of milk for breakfast.

Thanks to a great idea from Dave & Marianne Stambaugh, the Coney I-lander on  11th Street  will provide 200 coneys , double-wrapped and ready to be served by the Day Center folks. Their charge: $1 per dog! The Stambaughs and several other members pitched in with donations to make it all possible. 

Any members wishing to underwrite July’s meal can donate on-line or send a check directly to the Stambaughs,  750 S. Norfolk Ave., Tulsa 74120 .

Members who would like to bake 3-4 dozen cookies may deliver them to the day center between 5 &  5:30 on July 25 , or earlier in the afternoon to Caroline Johnson 2923 S. Boston Court . Please let Caroline know how many cookies you’ll be bringing: Text 918-629-2882 or leave a message @ 918-743-0403. Thanks! 

for the

2 - Bill Major
 5 - Laura Zsohar
 6 - Janie Potts
 6 - Cathey Wilson
 6 - Mark Miller
10 - Gini Fox
10 - Mike Gibson
12 - Kaitlyn Robertson  
17 - Mike Patterson
18 - Tim Smith
18 - Charlotte Slemp
18 - Ron Brown
21 - Gary Watts
21 - Bryson Hovenga
24 - Bert Woodall
25 - Dan Medlock
29 - Dewey Echols
30 - Michael Butler         
31 - Helen Holzschuh
31 - Deborah Hunter
31 - David Stambaugh
31 - Andrew Zimmerman

Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Happy 14th Anniversary, Kim!

Please join the Personnel Ministry Team in congratulating Dr. Kim Childs on attaining fourteen years of service this month at College Hill as Director of Music Ministry . Over these last 14 years , we all have enjoyed the great music delivered by our talented Chancel Choir and our organist, as well as our BELLissimo Handbell Choir , all under Kim's direction.

Choir members and others in the congregation have expressed the strengths he has brought to the program. These responses included: "very organized, believes in long-term planning, has very high standards for the program, shows a passion for a quality work environment, works well with others, we're fortunate to have Dr. Childs with his great qualifications and demonstrated dedication to College Hill."

Since we went to our virtual service format, we have also realized Kim's talents include being a great vocalist. When we get back to in-person services, we should request that Kim add his name to the list of reoccurring Sunday morning service soloists. 
Church members as Notaries

Recently, church members Gay Miller, Gretchen Hrachovec, Sue Haskins, Gary Watts and Emily Gamel became official notaries and Jan Swafford also has applied.

We did this so we can help others cast absentee ballots in upcoming elections like the one June 30 when we will vote on Medicaid expansion for our state. If you plan to vote absentee and would like one of us to notarize your ballot, please let us know in advance!

If you haven't yet requested an absentee ballot, the best way to do so is through the OK Voter Portal. It is easy to navigate and fast to fill out. If you cannot get the portal to work and would like us to mail either an absentee ballot request form or voter registration form to you, please let one of us know right away.

Some important notes: as notaries, we are unable (by law) to provide further assistance than that. We cannot help you fill out the form or mail it in for you. We cannot help you fill out your absentee ballot itself. We are also limited to only notarizing 20 absentee ballots per election.
Stay safe,
Please call or click name below to send an email:
Emily Gamel (918 550 2960), Gay Miller, Gretchen Hrachovec (918 697 4198), Sue Haskins (918 557 0497), Gary Watts (918 743 1410) and Jan Swafford

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

Sadly, since we are having to worship virtually for now, there are no Chancel Choir nor BELLissimo rehearsals.

Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
Please look for our weekly email with a link to the Zoom Church School gathering!!
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
COLLEGE HILL Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor