The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
June 2020
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
Virtual Worship
until further notice.

Church Email:

Pastor Email:

In order for us to maintain good financial health and stewardship, please mail in or drop by your pledge to the church. Thank you!
If needed:
Please click the Give Now button below to remit your
CHPC pledges/contributions.
The Session will meet on June 9 to re-assess when we feel it is safe to return to in-person worship. As it stands now, it's looking like that won't happen in June.
Word From the Pastor
We will all remember the month of May for the rest of our lives.

We faced two major pandemics - as individuals, a congregation, a city, a nation, and in fact, the entire world.

One pandemic was the worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus, leading to continued physical distance (necessitating virtual worship), with over 100,000 deaths in this country alone.

The other pandemic, one this country has been fighting for 400 years (when the first Africans were brought to these shores as slaves), is systemic racism. The reality of racial oppression, injustice, and inequality came to a head (again) with the murder of George Floyd, a black man living in Minneapolis, while in police custody.

As you may know, I participated in two peaceful protest rallies here in Tulsa, both sponsored, in part, by Black Lives Matters. (See photo below.) It was my hope to make a statement of presence as a white ally, and also as a supportive clergy person, specifically representing College Hill.

I suspect this past month has left us all angry and exhausted, especially knowing that SO much work lies ahead - both in working toward the day when we can return to worship and church activities in person, and in working toward serious reforms that address the systemic racism that is institutionalized in all aspects of our society and culture, including within ourselves.

I have been working on this internally for several years now. I have slowly come to understand what white privilege is and its effects to myself and to people of color. I've come to understand that African Americans simply have a different reality of the experience of life in this country. This has led to a deeper humility and a growing passion to understand more fully.

I've decided that for me, I'm not going to say, "I hope things will return to normal soon." There's a lot about the old "normal" of which I simply do not want to return. We may have indeed reached a turning point in how life is lived - both from a medical safety standpoint and with race relations.

And yet... hope remains. The way we have come to perceive and experience the nature and character of God is the understanding that God's Sacred Presence is beyond us, among us, and within us - now and always. That's how I have come to understand the meaning of the Trinity. (Trinity Sunday, by the way, is June 7 and I will be addressing these things, along with virtual Communion.)

So, may these difficult and trying times be more like a "refining fire" - burning off that which is not leading us in the ways of love. And may we be intentional in being kind and patient with each other, giving one another the space and time to be wherever we find ourselves in our own thoughts and feelings.

I know one thing for certain, navigating the events of the past several months has been easier being part of the community of faith of College Hill!

Special blessings to you,
Rev. Todd
Prepare for virtual Communion
on Sunday, June 7
Check out our YouTube channel:
College Hill Presbyterian Tulsa
Please subscribe.
  Events That Are Happening Virtually
Vacation Church School this month!
Vacation Church School
For more information and to register, please (click name to) contact

Registration deadline is June 15.
Haley Brobston's Drive-By Graduation Party!
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
Nature Photos from the Congregation
During the Memorial Day virtual service at Rev. Todd's home, he asked folks to step into their back yards, or simply out into nature, and take photos of flowers, plants, trees, etc. that reminded them of the Sacred Presence of God in their midst. Thanks to the many people who sent in photos.

Below is the link to a compilation of those photos in a video .
Church members as Notaries

Recently, church members Gay Miller, Gretchen Hrachovec, Sue Haskins, Gary Watts and Emily Gamel became official notaries and Jan Swafford also has applied.

We did this so we can help others cast absentee ballots in upcoming elections like the one June 30 when we will vote on Medicaid expansion for our state. If you plan to vote absentee and would like one of us to notarize your ballot, please let us know in advance!

If you haven't yet requested an absentee ballot, the best way to do so is through the OK Voter Portal. It is easy to navigate and fast to fill out. If you cannot get the portal to work and would like us to mail either an absentee ballot request form or voter registration form to you, please let one of us know right away.

Some important notes: as notaries, we are unable (by law) to provide further assistance than that. We cannot help you fill out the form or mail it in for you. We cannot help you fill out your absentee ballot itself. We are also limited to only notarizing 20 absentee ballots per election.
Stay safe,
Click name to send an email.
Emily Gamel (918 550 2960), Gay Miller, Gretchen Hrachovec (918 697 4198), Sue Haskins (918 557 0497), Gary Watts (918 743 1410) and Jan Swafford

for the

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

Sadly, since we are having to worship virtually for now, there are no Chancel Choir nor BELLissimo rehearsals.

Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.

3 - Mark Thurston
 6 - Bryan Finck-Ward
 6 - Lupe Tovar
 7 - Linda Watts
 7 - Jacque Maxwell
10 - Wilce Williams
12 - Melanie Brennan   
12 - Andrew Campbell   
12 - Lee Johns
15 - Patrick Ohlson
16 - Datha Zimmerman
17 - Evelyn Olson         
19 - Martha Brown
19 - Walter Z. Echols
20 - Jan Williams
21 - Mary Fitzgerald
23 - Elyse Jensen
23 - Audrey Fox
23 - Glen Olson
24 - David Matthew Zerger
25 - Bobbe Hornback
Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Rosie Brown
July 27, 1930 -
May 10, 2020

Memorial Service is pending to when the church is reopen.
Drop-by Gathering
in the Church Parking Lot
Sunday, May 31, 2020
COLLEGE HILL Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor