712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104
Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays
Rev. Freeman is now taking Mondays off so he can work on a sermon on Fridays because the videoing of the service happens on Saturdays.
Worship Schedule:
Virtual Worship
until further notice
Church Email:
Pastor Email:
Click to view a copy of the
If needed:
Please click the Give Now button below to remit your CHPC pledges/contributions.
The Session will meet again this month to re-assess when (upon the recommendation of our Re-union ministry team) we feel it is safe to return to in-person church activities.
Please look for our weekly email
with a link to the
Sunday Morning
Zoom Church Gathering!!
Here's the zoom link, which is the save every week.
Meeting ID: 835 9618 4514
Passcode: 336523
Check out our YouTube channel:
College Hill Presbyterian Tulsa
Please subscribe.
New Members
Kari & Allen White
Throughout the month of March we will be in the Season of Lent, a special time in the life of the church when we spend a bit more time focusing inward in reflection upon our journey of life and faith.
The purpose of Lent, of course, is to lead us to needed transformation through spiritual growth, renewal, and rebirth.
Lent, however, isn’t necessarily a time of sacrifice and self-denial (the emphasis with which many of us grew up), but rather a time to do whatever works best for you in order to return to the ways of God, and a recognition of God’s Sacred Presence in your life. It is my prayer that you, and us together as a community of faith, will experience more fully God’s love, grace, and acceptance.
Holy Week is the last week in March this year. The Good Friday service will be a virtual service, which is being planned and implemented by the entire Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery. I've enjoyed being on the planning team. Easter Sunday on April 4.
Let us continue to reach out to one another, keeping each other in our prayers, especially during these difficult, yet hopeful times.
Rev. Todd
February had some of the most sub-freezing days, and snow, in recent memory. Some of our folks had some issues with power and water, but all ended well.
A Spring Green Clean is set for Saturday, March 6th, co-hosted by The M.e.t. and Cox Media Group, on the southwest corner of the Tulsa Fairgrounds, 4145 E 21st St. (west of the Golden Driller).
This is a drive-thru event. Volunteers will be wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Participants are asked to wear masks and stay in their cars.
Items accepted:
Plastic bags
Paper for shredding
E-waste (Fees: TV – $26, CRT – $10)
Medication (no liquids or syringes)
NO hazardous waste, paint, or household pollutants at this event.
Questions? Contact the M.e.t. @ 918-584-0584.
1 - Lilly Ann Patterson
4 - Adelyn Bostic
6 - Charlene Bandurski
7 - Alix Featherston
7 - Trisha Alexander
8 - Judy Pacenza-Bloss
11 - Mark Buchner
11 - Barry Hensley
15 - Becky Doyle
18 - Carolyn Elder
18 - Donna Wood
21 - Allison Campbell
21 - Sam West
23 - Deborah Shallcross
26 - Clay Finck-Ward
29 - Carter Bostic
Remember the
Birthday Endowment Fund!
How to be an
by Ibram X. Kendi
Thursday, March 11 & 25
6:30 pm
If you have never joined in one of our Book Study Group discussions, this is a perfect time to do so, especially given the importance of the theme of anti-racism work - something we will continue to focus on here at College Hill throughout 2021 and beyond.
For more information, call Sue Haskins. Here is the zoom link to the gathering.
Meeting ID: 885 3706 5088
Passcode: 682738
You will need to download the Zoom app if you have not done so already.
Re-Union Ministry Team
The Re-Union Ministry Team will be meeting on Sunday, March 7, after this newsletter is sent out.
When the team met in February, they advised the Session, which agreed, to remain closed to in-person gatherings at the church for now.
That may indeed be the recommendation this month. But with the decrease in cases, and the increase in folks getting the Covid-19 vaccine, things are looking more hopeful.
The Session "highly recommends" that all members of College Hill get vaccinated. That's a measure of safety we will consider in our recommendations for re-uniting at the church.
We realize the vaccination process in Oklahoma is confusing and frustrating. The scheduling system and vaccine availability will improve with time. We have included a link to the vaccine registration portal below.
The Re-Union team and Session, which meets on Tuesday, March 9, will keep the congregation posted about plans and recommendations.
Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
March 2021
Featuring Kim Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
MARCH 7 Kyrie Eleison – Brian Lewis
Kim Childs, tenor
MARCH 14 God So Loved the World –Bob Chilcott
Kim Childs, tenor
MARCH 21 Greater Love Hath No Man –John Ireland
Kim Childs, tenor
MARCH 28 Hosanna! –Dennis Eliot
Kim Childs, tenor
The Chancel Choir is in hiatus due to Covid-19 and the pandemic and will not rehearse until
further notice.
BELLissimo Handbell Ringers are in hiatus due to Covid-19 and the pandemic and will not rehearse until further notice.
Tax Deductions for
Charitable Giving
Did you know you may be able to deduct up to $300 from your income taxes for cash donations made to charity during 2020, even if you do not itemize your deductions?
There is a little known special provision in the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act) that allows for exactly that – cash donations of up to $300 made before December 31, 2020 to qualifying charities may be deductible when people file their taxes in 2021, even when they choose to take the standard deduction, rather than itemizing their deductions.
website with more info.
Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday in this new year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.
This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.
Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!