For your thought:
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
--1 Corinthians 12:27
Please come wearing a mask - Masks are required indoors - even if fully vaccinated.
For a complete listing and schedule of our online / in-person offerings available, please click on the button below:
Useful links:
Fill out a form to volunteer, donate altar flowers, fill out a new member/visitor form, and more!
Access and/or edit your Member Directory information.
Access previous sermons.
For all Stewardship-related materials, including downloadable pledge cards, click here.
Formation Small Groups on Sunday
Below is the schedule of classes for Sunday morning formation groups on Sunday, January 23 11:00AM-11:45 AM:
Share and Care Service Project: Help Assemble Manna Bags (All ages, Outdoors)
Inquirer's Class: Jesus: A Revolution of Love with Mark Scandrette (Open to Teens & Adults, Zoom Only. Link to join Zoom, Meeting ID is 949 2047 7178, passcode is: learn)
1/30 at 9:30 AM: Annual Meeting & Pancake Breakfast
Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 30. Annual Meeting is a time for the entire parish to get up to date on all happenings within the parish, learn the goals of the year ahead, vote for new Vestry/Delegate members, and learn the financial status of the church. The meeting will be integrated with our regularly scheduled Sunday Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.
Afterwards, we'll have a scrumptious pancake breakfast, which will have both indoor and outdoor accommodations. All are welcome. Come as you are.
Opportunity to Support Afghan Asylum Applicants
Zoom to learn more: Saturday, January 22 at 9AM MST
Tela Schwebach, a young mother who began worshipping at St. Mark's this past summer, has been deeply involved over the past few years in helping an Afghan Family that arrived in the US under the SIV visa. She is now in the process of trying to help the extended family (3 brothers and their families) who are still in grave danger in Afghanistan complete Humanitarian Parole applications so that they can join their family in the US. At this point, each of the 20 family members remaining in Afghanistan needs a US Citizen who is willing to complete paperwork and serve as a "financial sponsor" on their behalf. Tela has worked through this process already (with the aid of a lawyer from Lutheran Family Services) to complete applications for the 3 brothers (who were directly assisting the US military, and therefore in the gravest danger).
Tela invites anyone who might be interested in hearing more about her experience or learn more about the current needs and opportunities to help to join us for an informal Zoom conversation this coming Saturday, January 22nd at 9AM Mountain Time. Click here for the zoom link Please feel free to invite others who might be interested.
Manna Bag Supplies Needed for Sunday
Manna Bag Supplies Needed:
On Sunday, we will assemble Manna Bags. These bags will be given to people needing a little bit of help. We need donations of the following items:
- New pairs of athletic socks
- 2 oz. bottles of hand sanitizer (<--Please try to find these)
- 16.9 oz bottles of water
- Granola/Snack bars
There is a box in the narthex for these donations.
Please note: We do NOT need zip-locking plastic storage bags. We have plenty left form last time.
Thank you.
We currently have 130 households pledging a total of $480,101.
Thursday Bible Study Group
Thursday "Lunchtime" Bible Study begins January 13th
When: Thursdays, 12-1PM
Where: In person in St. Mark's Library and virtually on Zoom
Bring your lunch (or join us via Zoom from your desk at work or home) for a time of fellowship and bible study every Thursday at noon. We'll begin with a brief "check in", followed by ~20 minutes of bible reading, ~20 minutes of discussion and a closing prayer. We'll be reading from the First Nations Version of the Bible (an indigenous translation of the New Testament), beginning with the Gospel of Luke. All are welcome! Invite a friend! Drop in any time!
All are welcome to give and/or pledge to St. Mark's by:
Mail (St. Mark's has a secure mailbox and is checked regularly): 431 Richmond Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
You may give electronically through the Diocese of the Rio Grande Parish Donation site and check the box next to "Albuquerque-St. Mark's". Just fill out the rest of the information and click the Next button at the bottom of the page. Please make sure fill out "special instructions or comment" to let us know how to apply your gift (i.e.: pledge, congregational relief fund, etc.).
You may give electronically (including pledge payments) to St. Mark's - securely via PayPal® - anytime. Please consider checking the box that reads, "I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing."
DRG Recovery Ministries invites all to celebrate the life and work of the Rev. Canon Samuel Moor Shoemaker. See more here: Recovery in the DRG.
LGBTQ+ Virtual Evening Prayer
The LGBTQ+ Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande will host a service of Evening Prayer on Sunday, February 13, at 6:00 pm (mountain time). This service will be online.
Federal Government No-Cost COVID-19 Tests
The federal government is offering up to four free at-home COVID-19 tests per residence. The tests will not ship without requesting them. You may request yours here: