Week of Sunday, January 26, 2025


EVERYONE is invited to join California Heights United Methodist Church (3759 Orange Avenue, Long Beach, CA) on Sunday, January 26 at 10:00 AM for worship.

Our lead pastor, Rev. Scott Andrews, will preach from Luke 4:14-21 (New Revised Standard Version) with a sermon titled “Bring Good News.”

The anthem for the day is “In Spirit and Truth” shared with us by Fire Within Us. Special music is “Come, Ye Sinners” shared by the Chancel Choir.

We hope to see you on Sunday. 


Sunday, January 26

11:15 AM Coffee Fellowship (Hughes Hall)

11:30 AM Fire With Us Practice (Sanctuary)

4:00 PM AGO Concert (Sanctuary)

  7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (Church Parlor)

Tuesday, January 28

10:00 AM Stroke Support Group (Church Parlor)

Wednesday, January 29

11:15 AM Church Staff (Church Parlor)

  5:54 PM Everyone’s Inn (Los Altos UMC)

  6:30 PM Knitter’s Group (Bride’s Room)

Thursday, January 30

  5:30 PM Handbell Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

  7:30 PM Chancel Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

Saturday, February 1

10:00 AM Harmony Bound Crafters (Church Parlor)

Sunday, February 2 (Communion Sunday)

  9:15 AM Chancel Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

10:00 AM Worship Service (Sanctuary)

11:15 AM Coffee Fellowship (Hughes Hall)

  7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (Church Parlor)


We hope that you remember the many in our community who are having trouble making ends meet. On the first Sunday of every month in 2025, we ask that everyone consider bringing non-perishable food items with them to worship to be donated to the Lakewood Broken Loaf food pantry.

Non-perishable items are listed on a handout available on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

Bring your non-perishable food items to the Narthex on Sunday, February 2.


Our knitter's group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Bride's Room.


Please contact Esther Fairris ( to let her know if you are interested in joining the group.


California Heights United Methodist Church (Cal Heights UMC) is seeking a church custodian for its facilities at 3759 Orange Avenue in Long Beach, California.


The Custodian is responsible for the general cleaning and upkeep of the church Sanctuary and the adjacent administrative building, which includes offices, meeting rooms, restrooms, a kitchen and a gymnasium. Typical weekly duties include:


-       Empty trash and recycling throughout the building

-       Keep restrooms clean and sanitary

-       Vacuum and dust offices, meeting rooms and hallways

-       Vacuum carpet and sweep floors in Sanctuary and Narthex

-       Wipe down kitchen surfaces and deep clean as needed

-       Dust mop gymnasium floor

-       Keep paper goods stocked

-       Set up tables and chairs for meetings and events

-   Other tasks as assigned by the pastor, office administrator, or key

church leaders


Position is for in-person work only

Part-time: about 20 to 24 hours per week

Typical schedule: M – F, 10 am to 2 pm with some flexibility. Possible Sunday hours

Hourly rate: $18/hour

Potential for additional on-call hours to staff events

Benefits include: Direct deposit, paid sick leave after 6 months, 403B retirement savings plan available to join. No paid vacation.


Qualifications: High school degree or equivalent; some work experience required; custodial or similar experience preferred. Completed job application and permission to work required.


Do you have an announcement for The Messenger? You are invited to send information to the church office for inclusion in The Messenger.


Email no later than Wednesday at noon.



(Rev Melinda's video updates will be "new to view" every other week)


January 29, 2025 - All Ages Service Night 

All are welcome and there is always room for more!

5:45 - 7:30 PM

Los Altos UMC

All hands needed as we endeavor to make 150 lunches for our neighbors in need! Things begin at 5:45pm with a craft, games and a cup of hot coffee. Then, we will enjoy our shared meal, short worship time and lots of fellowship. After dinner, we will make and pack 150 lunches to be distributed the following day by one of our Long Beach partners in ministry, Christian Outreach in Action. Dinner church continues through the winter and spring until May 14.  

Please donate one or more items to the service night:

Servant Saturday: Jan. 25

8:15 - 10:45 AM

OC Food Bank

11870 Monarch St

Garden Grove, CA 92841

Join Pastor Melinda for a meaningful morning of church and service. This is a wonderful way to live out our faith in a multi-generational, active setting. Please wear pants and closed-toed shoes and bring a water bottle if needed. Please note in advance that volunteers are on their feet and working quickly (sorting and packing food) the whole time in a warehouse. Minimum age requirement is a hard working 9 year old, otherwise 10. :) We will close our time together with simple prayer and communion.

Sign up in advance: (under Event Calendar)

Or In the Church Center App

Confirmation 2025

Starts January Sunday, Jan 26

4:00 - 5:30 PM

For 8th grade and up: Confirmation is a time when young people begin to think about faith for themselves. This is the time to explore the Christian faith. Along the way is fun, fellowship, and some excellent discussions! Learn more and register online through the Church Center App.

  1. What is a Christian? Rev. Dan at Grace on 3rd - Jan 26 
  2. What is a United Methodist? Rev. Erika at Los Altos UMC - Feb 23
  3. What are Baptism and Communion all about? Rev. Scott at California Heights- March 30
  4. What do United Methodists believe? – Rev. Bomi at Belmont Heights UMC - April 27
  5. RETREAT: May 16/17-18 (location to be determined), Rev. Melinda

On June 8, 2025 (Pentecost Sunday) Confirmation will be held at each Confirmand’s home church - per pastor and church scheduling.

5th Friday Youth FUN Night! 

(6th-12th grades)

Jan. 31, 2025

7:00 - 9:00 PM


Get Air Trampoline Park, 

5142 Argosy Avenue

Huntington Beach, CA 92649.

Join us for a night at Get Air Trampoline Park.  We will jump for two hours and the price includes one pair of required socks.  Bring a water bottle and prepare for fun!  Friends are welcome; please be sure to sign all required forms ahead of time.  Carpooling can be arranged as needed.  

Sign up in advance required.

Church Center App, or online under Events Calendar:

Groundlings Valentine Hangout: Cupid for a Day!

Monday, Feb. 10th

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Lakewood 1st UMC

4300 Bellflower Blvd.

Lakewood 90713


$35 through Jan 20;

$45 Jan 21 - Feb 09;

$55 Feb 10 (drop-in rate)

Current: kinder-8th grade campers welcome

This Christmas, Groundlings Camp has a special present for you to unwrap! We are hosti ng our first-ever “Valentine Hangout” on Feb. 10 (school holiday). Together with long-time and new Groundlings friends, join us for a day full of:

  • Recreation and a whole lot of fun Valentine-themed games  
  • A very special “take-home” craft to spread love in our community
  • Baking & decorating yummy valentine’s treats

The Valentine hangout will be in east Long Beach with the exact campus address to be confirmed in early January.

Register in the Church Center App or Online under “Event Calendar:”


Civil Rights + Faith Trip

(For older youth + young adults)

June 16-20, 2025

Intersections: Civil Rights + Faith Trip will explore our faith journeys and how our journeys with Christ might connect or intersect with the ongoing work of justice in our lives. In particular, we will consider the civil rights movement (on location in Alabama) through a faith lens, and we will dive into our own personal and communal work to create and participate in intentional spaces of belonging. We will meet on zoom before and after the Alabama trip; in person one day prior to the trip; and travel together to Birmingham and Selma, Alabama. 

While in Alabama, we will visit many historic and learning sites such as:

  • Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice;
  • 16th Street Baptist Church;
  • Kelly Ingraham Park;
  • The Edmund Pettus Bridge
  • AME Brown Chapel
  • to name a few. 

The trip is being hosted and supported by our Cal-Pac Conference under clergy leadership, including Pastor Melnda Dodge. For more information, please contact Pastor Melinda (E:


Do you have an announcement for The Messenger? You are invited to send information to the church office for inclusion in The Messenger.


Email no later than Wednesday at noon.

3759 Orange Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807

(562) 595-1996