Sunday at St. Andrews:

The Light of Peace

And a special music presentation,

The Invitation of Christmas

performed by the Sanctuary Choir

Our Sanctuary Choir, with special guest, LaDonna Gatlin (see back page), will lead us in a service of invitation. Through Christmas music, readings, and reflections, we will hear God’s invitation to enter into peace by coming to Christ.  

Click for Worship Service Recordings

Christmas Chords

During this joyous Season of Advent, we hope you’ll join us for meals and Bible Study. Then, on Wednesday December 20, join Pastor Dee in our Chapel at 6 p.m. for a program of Christmas music for voice and guitar. You’ll hear a variety of Christmas songs and have the chance to sing along to favorite carols.  

Christmas is sometimes called “the season of lights.” With shorter days and darkness coming before many of us get home from work, the lights of the season are highly visible and especially beautiful. Our Advent services will celebrate the spiritual lights that shine from the miracle of Jesus’ birth. As we light candles on our Advent wreath, we will focus our hearts on the hope, peace, joy, and love Jesus brought into the world and into the hearts of those who receive Him. 

Be sure to join us on Wednesday, December 20 for Christmas Chords!

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The Record

December 10, 2023

Bible Study Group Attendance............192

Worship Service Attendance………....231

Offering Received.....………....$14,114.77

Anticipated Giving…. ……......$18,867.92

YTD Received...... ............... $899,358.95

YTD Anticipated....................$924,528.08

Physical Address:

St. Andrews Baptist Church

230 Bush River Rd,

Columbia, SC 29210

Mailing Address:

Mailing- PO Box 211545

Columbia, SC 29221

(803) 798-7325

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