Sunday at St. Andrews:

Everything I Really Need to Know About God I Learned in Preschool Choir

Jesus says that you and I must enter His kingdom as children. What we need to know most about God, we probably learned as children through the songs of the faith we were taught. Sunday morning, Pastor Dee will lead us in singing some of those childhood songs and remembering the great truths they teach us about being God’s children.  

Click for Worship Service Recordings

Stockings for Thailand

Each year, the South Carolina Baptist Convention sponsors a project to help churches in Thailand. These churches distribute Christmas stockings with the Christmas story and goodies inside to nonbelievers as they share God's love. Last year, they distributed 4,000 stockings. Some people worked from home and others met together to cut out the stockings and the decorations, then sewed these simple stockings that mean so much to others. There so many options and ways to serve.

If you're interested in learning more, you can contact Sandra Thomas at 803-920-5787 or email: Our Church made 208 last year, and this year we're hoping for even more.

Honduras Hygiene Kits


Hygiene Kits are once again being provided for the January Mission Trip to Honduras. All items for the kit have already been purchased in bulk. Contributions to help with the cost of these items, as well as the shipping cost, can be made to St. Andrews Baptist Church. Please make sure that gifts are specifically labeled & designated, to “Honduras Hygiene Kits.”


Thank you for all of your support in this incredible ministry.

Christmas Packets for Prisoners

Every year, each prisoner in South Carolina recieves a Christ packet. Not only will they prisoners receive some care items, also receive a Christmas card and devotional booklet (added on Collection Day) to help show the love of Christ. As a result, some have received the true Christmas gift- Christ. They have come to know Christ because you care. If you're interested in helping, ziplock bags and supply lists can be picked up in the atrium. Packets need to be returned by December 3, 2023.

Items needed for each pack are:

-One black non-retractable pen (No wire clip or other colors)

-One 4 oz - 6 oz toothpaste (No travel size)

-One Adult toothbrush (factory sealed, no multipack)

-One 3.2-6 oz bar of soap (no travel size, no unwrapped, or unboxed bars)

-One writing tablet approx. 6"x9" (no wire bound or composition notebooks)

-Three first class stamp-embossed #10 envelopes (Purchased at US Post Office)

-Two rolls of candy, such as lifesavers, mentos, or breath mints, etc. (NO Smarties, Necos, Sweetarts, Rolos, Starburst, or TicTacs.)

All of the above items need to be in a one gallon ziploc bag and returned by December 3.

Thank you!

2024 Budget Proposal

The proposed 2024 financial plan of ministry was presented to the deacons and church council on November 6, will be presented to the church for discussion on November 12 at 6:30 PM and will be recommended for adoption without discussion in the November 19 worship service. 

Build a Shoebox

Give us a Sign

We are so excited about our new sign! The new sign will add so much to our community outreach. Thank you for your generous giving to our Give of Your Best fund that made this possible.

Sign Up Here

Wednesday Series:

Up By the Roots

In Up by the Roots, Pastor Dee Vaughan will lead us in studying four root issues that cause stress and unhappiness and suggest practical ways to tug at these roots and begin to pull them up.  This study will address healthy and unhealthy thinking, life boundaries, healing painful memories, and a Christian understanding of our sins. Join us Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall or Facebook. 


American Education Week

American Education Week is celebrated November 12-17. To honor our SABC Educators and Weekday Preschool Teachers along with HB Rhame Elementary Teachers, we are recognizing these important people on Sunday, Nov 12 during Morning Worship with a few words from Dr Carter, Rhame Principal, and then teachers and their families gathering around tables for a nice meal in the Fellowship Hall.

We will celebrate American Education Week on November 12 by honoring the educators in our church family, Weekday Preschool, and H.B. Rhame Elementary. Dr. Carter, Rhame’s Principal, will celebrate our partnership in education. Teachers and their families will share lunch in our Fellowship Hall after worship.  

The Record- November 5, 2023:

Bible Study Group Attendance............195

Worship Service Attendance……........200

Offering Received....…........... $16,543.80

Anticipated Giving………….....$18,867.92

YTD Received. .. ................. $828,231.61

YTD Anticipated .................. $849,056.40

Physical Address:

St. Andrews Baptist Church

230 Bush River Rd,

Columbia, SC 29210

Mailing Address:

Mailing- PO Box 211545

Columbia, SC 29221

(803) 798-7325

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