January 2020
Learning Forward Partnership
Learning Forward Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI)
As part of its partnership with Learning Forward, the Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative is offering all non-public schools the opportunity to administer the Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI). The SAI is a 50-item assessment that measures how well professional learning in your school aligns with the Standards for Professional Learning.

The survey is administered to classroom teachers and other instructional staff. Schools use results from this survey to set their professional learning priorities based on their strengths and areas of growth. Learning Forward will use SAI results to highlight schools where professional learning is impacting teaching, and to help better support you to address your school’s learning priorities.

The SAI measures professional learning effectiveness in the areas of learning communities; leadership; effective data use; resources; learning designs; implementation; and outcomes. While the SAI is required for those that participate in the year-long cohort, we encourage all of Michigan's non-public schools to participate in this free opportunity to take a close look at the professional learning occurring in your buildings. Along with the assessment itself, the SAI also includes tools, protocols, and additional resources designed to facilitate discussion with your staff around how you can better leverage professional learning to impact teaching effectiveness and results for all students.

The inventory takes 20 minutes for a teacher to complete. School administrators will be able to access the anonymous results after ten teachers complete the inventory. This is an invaluable tool for understanding your current strengths and needs, and the anonymous data will help system leaders collectively work to better support your teachers in their professional growth.

SAI Informational Webinar:
Learning Forward will host a short webinar about the SAI on Friday, February 7, at 1:30 p.m. Eastern to further describe the tool and how schools can use the data. Let us know if you are interested in the webinar by clicking here. Webinar information will be sent to you following registration.

If you are interested in participating in the Standards Assessment Inventory, please complete the form below. Upon completion of the form, an MESC representative will send you the link to the survey along with instructions.
Learning Forward Learning Leaders Cohort
This spring, a cohort of non-public school leaders are invited to convene to collectively establish a culture of collaborative learning in their schools. This opportunity is open to all Michigan non-public school leaders who wish to strengthen their leadership skills and work with a team of leaders taking collective responsibility for adult and student learning in their schools. 

Participants in this cohort will learn under the direction of senior consultants from Learning Forward in both whole-group and smaller community sessions, and will participate in face-to-face and virtual learning opportunities. 
The time together will be spent exploring major leadership concepts, practicing skills in leading and facilitating professional learning, and giving each other feedback. The community will develop a collective vision for professional learning in their schools, then will identify common problems of practice and work in smaller learning communities to collaboratively find solutions to those problems.
This opportunity is designed to:
  • Ensure that all participants have the knowledge and skills to lead and facilitate Standards-driven professional learning, so that teachers in their buildings learn from each other every day to increase student success. 
  • Develop and/or deepen understanding of the Standards for Professional Learning and the Cycle of Continuous Improvement. 
  • Establish a community of learners committed to ensuring that everyone in their schools is learning in purposeful ways to positively impact student learning. 
  • Identify problems of practice related to the specific needs of their teachers and students. 
  • Commit to personal learning goals and take collective responsibility for the learning of their school teams. 

Cohort Dates:
  • April 28-29, 2020 - Session One: The Principal's Role as Learning Leader
  • May 20, 2020 - Virtual Follow-Up
  • June 17-18, 2020 - Session Two: Establishing and Maintaining a Culture of Continuous Learning through Teacher-Led Teams (PLCs)
  • September 23, 2020 - Virtual Follow-Up

The registration fee is $150.00 and includes lunch at all face-to-face meetings, virtual follow-up and materials. Up to 30 State Continuing Education Clock Hours will be available at an additional cost.

Please contact Angelia Salas at asalas@m-a-n-s.org or at 517.372.0003 with questions about the SAI, webinar or cohort.
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Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative