August 27, 2023 | Issue 9

Vibrant Club Seminar

Yesterday, 150 District 6970 Rotarians gathered at the Thrasher-Horne Conference Center in Orange Park for a day of fun, fellowship, good food and inspiration.

We were treated to presentations on Intentional Membership Development by Chris Casella, District Governor, D6950 and Making Your Club Irresistible by the always entertaining George Robertson Burnett, PDG, D6890.

Rotarians attended breakout sessions in the three key areas of Membership, Public Image and the Rotary Foundation.

Clubs also received numerous awards from the Membership Team, for growth and participation in the MAP program. (Details below.)

PDG Jeff Michelman announced clubs who received the Rotary Citation for 22-23 and the winners of the Angel's Envy membership challenge. PDG and current Foundation Chair Rich Turnbull presented Foundation awards and announced that combined Foundation giving for last year exceeded an amazing $920,000 and $295 per capita!

I remain in awe of the incredible generosity of our members. District 6970 continues to set the bar ever higher and maintains our place as one of the most giving Districts in all of Rotary worldwide!

Thanks to all who attended and those who organized the event. If you weren't able to attend, please keep this event in mind for next year. It is definitely a "can't miss."

Have a great Rotary week.


John Tabor | District Governor 2023-2024

Rotary District 6970

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More Photos

John Tabor

District Governor


President Elect Training Seminar - PETS 1 (3 options)

October 7 Deland

October 14 Gainesville

October 21 Jacksonville

January 13, 2024

RLI - Deland

January 27, 2024

Membership Summit

March 1 - 3, 2024

President Elect Training Seminar - PETS 2

Orlando, FL

May 3 - 4, 2024

District Conference

Univ. of North Florida

University Center

Zone 34 Membership Action Plan

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Since 2015 Rotary International has officially recognized membership growth as our top internal priority. We are a membership organization that delivers amazing service however, Membership decline remains the biggest problem we have to solve.

Our clubs deserve a multi-year approach to create a membership culture that will result in consistent, moderate membership growth. And that’s what Zones 33 & 34’s Membership Action Plan (MAP) intends to help you do.

Imagine… having more members to share the load in your club, to bring fresh ideas and generate energy, to give you the resources to do more good in your communities… Imagine the increased impact…the difference we all know Rotary can make. By providing clubs an easy-to-follow path toward membership growth, we’ll go beyond imagining …. and make it reality.

Jeremy Hurst

Rotary International Director 2022-24

Zones 33-34

For more information, visit:


Meet your Assistant Governor

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Susan Hill

Assistant Governor - Area 3

(Orange Park, Orange Park Sunrise, Orange Park Sunset, Fleming Island, Green Cove Springs, NE Florida)

RC Orange Park Sunrise

Past President

Rotarian 28 Years

My Rotary life started in 1995 and, like many things in my life, I had no idea what I was getting into. I was the General Manager at the hotel where the Orange Park Rotary Club met and they asked me to join. I think it was so they had a direct line to the chef who prepared awesome meals each week. At any rate, I started learning about the focus of Rotary and eventually I felt like I "fit in".  Five years later in 2000, the Orange Park Sunrise Club was born and I transferred to help them ramp up.  Over the last 23 years I've served that club and the district in so many aspects I've lost track. Retiring from Hotel Management last year has given me even more opportunities and more time to serve. 


My advice to anyone trying to navigate Rotary is use the gifts you've been given to do good - whatever that looks like. Serve on a committee, lead a project, take advantage of the opportunities to learn then help others learn. If you really want your eyes opened, go to District and International events. The world needs what you have to offer. 

Making a Difference in Hawai'i

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RC Daytona Beach raises funds for Maui Relief

Thanks to the Rotary Club of Daytona Beach, and President John Guthrie for their incredible generosity and compassion! In a remarkable show of solidarity, they raised an impressive $ 4,000 during their recent meeting. This generous contribution is intended to aid the Rotary Club of Lahaina, which is currently engaged in extensive recovery efforts.

Such acts of kindness and unity genuinely exemplify the spirit of Rotary International and inspire all. Together, we can overcome any challenge and rebuild communities in need.

District 6970 is sending $2,500 in Disaster Relief Funds to assist District 5000 in their efforts.

Updates on the relief effort ongoing in Maui and links to donate can be found at the Rotary District 5000 website. Many thanks to all of you that have already donated.

District Governor 2026 - 2027 Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the District Governor who will serve in the 2026-2027 Rotary year. Please encourage individuals who have served their clubs and communities with distinction to expand their service and share their passion and commitment with the District.

Clubs should take formal action to endorse any nomination.

Serving as District Governor is a significant honor and privilege as well as a unique opportunity for service.

Please contact any member of the current District Governor Corps or any Past District Governor to better understand the opportunity.

Specific questions related to the process can be answered by PDG Mike Darragh, Nominating Committee Chair.

Nomination Portal

Jaguars / End Polio Now Partnership

A great response means that only limited Upper Bowl tickets remain available. Lower Bowl seats are sold out. Upper Bowl seats are $50.

Please contact PDG Jeff Michelman, District Jaguars/End Polio Now Chair 904-536-6242 ASAP for details.

All ticket applications must be submitted by Club Presidents or by a designated Club Jaguars Chair.

vs. Texans September 24

vs. Colts October 15

vs. Titans November 19

vs. Panthers December 31

Ticket Purchase Form

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Bookmark the District 6970 website and

follow the district's Facebook page. 

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