Yesterday, 150 District 6970 Rotarians gathered at the Thrasher-Horne Conference Center in Orange Park for a day of fun, fellowship, good food and inspiration.
We were treated to presentations on Intentional Membership Development by Chris Casella, District Governor, D6950 and Making Your Club Irresistible by the always entertaining George Robertson Burnett, PDG, D6890.
Rotarians attended breakout sessions in the three key areas of Membership, Public Image and the Rotary Foundation.
Clubs also received numerous awards from the Membership Team, for growth and participation in the MAP program. (Details below.)
PDG Jeff Michelman announced clubs who received the Rotary Citation for 22-23 and the winners of the Angel's Envy membership challenge. PDG and current Foundation Chair Rich Turnbull presented Foundation awards and announced that combined Foundation giving for last year exceeded an amazing $920,000 and $295 per capita!
I remain in awe of the incredible generosity of our members. District 6970 continues to set the bar ever higher and maintains our place as one of the most giving Districts in all of Rotary worldwide!
Thanks to all who attended and those who organized the event. If you weren't able to attend, please keep this event in mind for next year. It is definitely a "can't miss."
Have a great Rotary week.
John Tabor | District Governor 2023-2024
Rotary District 6970