Join Missio Seminary in Celebrating 50 Years
A Note from President Frank James
The start of autumn has brought us cooler days, but things are heating up at Missio. At our New Student Orientation to kick off the new semester, we had one of our largest groups of new students in recent years. The excitement was palatable.
We launched our Breakfast with Missio at Franconia Square Café earlier this month. I spoke on the Gospel of John (chapter 8) and noted that we are asking the wrong question when we say: What Would Jesus Do? The better question is What Did Jesus Do.
Our friend and former colleague Dr. Phil Monroe and Adjunct Professor Desiree Guyton led the faculty workshop on trauma and how it impacts our students and community. Our friend Dr. Diane Langberg stated some years ago that “trauma is the mission field of the twenty-first century.” Missio is making sure that we are a trauma informed faculty.
Dr. David Lamb’s new book, The Emotions of God: Making Sense of a God who Hates, Weeps, and Loves is soon to be released. His book received a very favorable review from Publishers Weekly (which does not review many books on the Bible). And Dr. Todd Mangum gave a missional perspective on the “fear of the Lord” at the second session of Breakfast with Missio. We are off and running.
Please continue to pray for peace at home and abroad, and for Missio.
Frank A. James III, DPhil, PhD
President and Professor of Historical Theology
Start Your Day with Missio, the Bible and Breakfast at Franconia Square Café
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 6:15am through December 15!
Covenant Presbyterian Hosts Missio's Annual Development Meeting
From left to right: Kimberly Roberts, Jill Curcuruto, Senior Pastor John Muhlfeld, President Frank James, Assistant Pastor John Rohrman, Wendy Walters, Sam Kim, Robert Thompson.
Missio alums John Muhlfeld (MDiv, '00) and John Rohrman (MAC, '03) continue to play a big part in the support of Missio Seminary. Recently, they graciously provided the use of their church, Covenant Presbyterian, to the Missio Development team for their annual meeting. Part of the purpose for this meeting is to ensure Missio develops and maintains authentic relationships with all of you, our faithful constituents!
Student Spotlight
Meet DMin Student, Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown is in his first year of the Doctor of Ministry program and just completed his first intensive week. He is the founder and Senior Pastor at The Perfecting Church in Sewell, NJ and co-founder of Perfecting Ministries.
Kevin left a successful upper-level management career in the pharmaceutical industry because of his calling to ministry. He likens his story of being called into fulltime ministry to that of a sailboat starting out across a lake, the wind in the sails powered by the grace of God but then finding himself in the midst of the lake with the need for oars. It became more and more clear to him that he was finding joyful fulfillment and purpose in the ministry work that God was putting before him and eventually transitioned into full time ministry.
Kevin believes his Missio education will open doors to what he senses and expects God has next for him. When he learned that his tuition covers just two-thirds of the seminary operating costs, and the other one-third is donated by alums and other supporters, he said, "The resources you [our donors] share with Missio Seminary have exponential, global reach in mobilizing the gospel. You are helping equip leaders who are and will train and discipline other leaders in Christ’s church."
The Graduate School of Counseling
Fall Retreat
Drs. Hannah Wildasin and Marcie Rolle are prayerfully planning and diligently working to give students a Counseling Retreat that will deepen their relationship with the Lord and strengthen their relationships with their cohort members.
This years theme is Spiritual Practices to Sustain You Through Seminary and is designed to refresh and renew the spirit of our future counselors.
Following Jesus into the World Begins in the Classroom
Recently, Desiree Guyton and Phil Monroe led a workshop for the Missio Faculty entitled, ‘Healing Wounds of Generational Trauma: The Black and White Experience.’ We reflected on our own personal generational traumas, and how we can be better informed instructors as we teach and work with students who may have trauma in their background.
Missio welcomed 60+ students to New Student Orientation on campus and via Zoom. It was a wonderful experience for faculty, staff, and students alike!
From Our Missio Community
Breakfast with Missio Highlights
"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." -Matthew 4:4
On September 1, President Dr. Frank James kicked off the Breakfast with Missio series. What a powerful way to start the month!
Dr. Todd Mangum shared wisdom with a mid-month word on the "fear of the Lord".
This rigorous study by Dr. Lamb looks at the emotionality of God. “Emotions are divine,” Lamb contends, examining the “seven emotions that are most frequently associated with God in the Bible”: hate, anger, jealousy, sorrow, joy, compassion, and love. Continue reading here.
The Pastors' Diaries Book Signing
Alum and former Missio Professor, Dr. Larry Anderson (center), enjoyed celebrating the fruit of his labor with the contributors of The Pastors' Diaries at a very successful book signing. If you have not ordered your copy, you can do so here.
The Ordination Service for Josh Macha
Congratulations Alum Josh Macha on your recent ordination! Josh serves as co-pastor of Bridge Community Church which is part of the Liberti Network of churches. It was a true honor for Missio to support Josh and this special event.
Alum Daniel Wagner's New Book
Missio Alum, Daniel Wagner, offers a different perspective in his new book, Prime the Pump: Genesis. It is intended to relate ancient culture and practices to the biblical text in order to appreciate Scripture more, appreciate God more, and love Him better. You can purchase your copy of this book here!
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Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.