December 18, 2020
Please click the link or photo above to view a video message from Dr. Frank James.

President and Professor of Historical Theology
In Uncertainty, We Continue to Follow Jesus into the World
This year has been like no other. Seminary education was drastically different in 2020 as COVID-19 created new challenges for professors and students at Missio and across the country.
When the pandemic began to ramp up in March we immediately were able to provide uninterrupted learning through our online platforms and digital library while also offering spiritual care for our students to help them flourish both academically and spiritually. This immediate switch was only made possible by the forward thinking of our leadership and the faithful support of donors who invested in our technology upgrades over the years.
Then as the pandemic continued throughout the year we were challenged to continue seamless operations, raise support in a time of uncertainty, and recruit a new class of students that desired to follow Jesus into the world. At every twist and turn we trusted in the Lord, stood firm in our mission to train missional leaders that will share the gospel through word AND deed, and we were abundantly blessed by the Lord.
The Lord was extremely good to us in 2020 despite the challenges and with confidence we can say that our success was directly tied to your prayers and support. As 2020 comes to a close and we enter a new year there are still many challenges ahead. Please continue to pray for Missio and please consider making a year-end gift at or mailing a gift to Missio Seminary, PO Box #179, 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19105.
Thank you so much for joining us in this important ministry. Merry Christmas!
Charles Blachford
Executive Vice President
Institutional Advancement
Student Spotlight: Danielle Paul
Listening to and following God are staples in the life of Danielle Paul. While her early years revealed a struggle with the need to be recognized by others, that ended when she heard God say, ‘I recognize you and you hear from Me.’ In the year 2000, she knew that she was in an intimate relationship with God because it was clear that God talked to her and she talked to Him.

Danielle attended the University of Pittsburgh where she received her BS in Sociology and continued her education at Peirce College where she earned a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Management. She realized that her calling was to serve others by encouraging them through Christ. This led her to pursue God with a fervent passion and start her own ministry and enroll in Missio Seminary. In 2016, Danielle started 4 HIM Ministries (Honor, Integrity and Mission in Christ), and she graduated with her MDiv in 2020.

Her background in sociology and leadership serve her well as an Elder in her church and as a part time employee at New Life Presbyterian Church, located in Philadelphia, PA. As she continues to serve in ministry on various levels, she acknowledges that Missio helped her realize that everyone has a different reality and that it plays a role in how they see God, but her role is to embrace those differences and learn from them as she pours God’s love into them.

Danielle is a loving reminder of God’s faithfulness and His loving desire to fulfill His perfect plan through His children, and live the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We are grateful to Danielle for living in the will of God.
Danielle Paul (left) with ministry colleagues.
Shop now and enter 2021 in Missio style!

Treat yourself, a family member or friend to Misso paraphernalia!

Visit the online store to find a cozy sweatshirt, a warm hat, or a mug for your favorite hot beverage!
From Our Missio Community

Listen to an insightful podcast from Centrally Speaking at Schwenkfelder Church with Dr. Todd Mangum.

Dr. Todd Mangum, Clemens Professor of Missional Theology at Missio Seminary.
Christine Labrum (MDiv '04)

Encounter is an invitation to engage God with an open heart. This devotional will engage your heart on multiple levels: through Scripture, attention to emotions, reflection questions, visual images, prayers, and journal pages. 
You are Invited to Borrow Library Books: Email to schedule an appointment or to get additional information.

Employment Opportunities: Many fantastic job opportunities have recently been posted, check it out!

Christmas Worship During a Pandemic: View the Saving the Season Webinar from December 3.

Stay Connected
Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123

We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.