Volume 6 | June 2022

Welcome to The Monthly Drop, a new digital newsletter designed to inform you about LADWP’s water policies, innovations and initiatives within the city and throughout the state. We look forward to being your source for L.A.'s water news.

Two Days a Week Watering Now in Effect in LA

On June 1st, stronger water conservation rules went in effect for all LADWP customers as the state continues to address drought conditions. All residential and commercial customers are now limited to two days a week outdoor watering as well as other water use restrictions. Customers' watering days depend on their street address number. Customers with addresses ending in odd numbers may water on Mondays and Fridays, and customers with even-numbered addresses may water on Thursdays and Sundays. No matter what day, watering is only allowed before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. The new restrictions also include two important recommended practices: the use of pool covers to prevent evaporation, and washing vehicles at commercial car wash facilities. Hand watering is allowed every day before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m. if the hose is equipped with a self-closing water shut-off device.

The changes are a transition from the previous three days a week watering under the City of Los Angeles’ Phase 2 Emergency Water Conservation Ordinance, to two days a week watering under Phase 3.

Learn more:

Water Conservation News


Download the Water Conservation Ordinance

What's Allowed and What's Not?

Frequently Asked Questions on 

Water Conservation Ordinance Phase 3

Along with L.A. City Council approval of moving to Phase 3 of the city's Emergency Water Conservation Ordinance, which restricts outdoor watering to two days a week, came buckets of questions on the new rules, enforcement, and penalties. Is hand-watering with a hose allowed anytime? What about drip irrigation? Do the rules apply to golf courses? In our FAQs we do our best to answer your questions.

FAQs (English)

FAQs (Spanish)

LADWP Will Present a Water Supply and

Drought Response Update 

LADWP will reconvene a locally based Water Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG) to provide members with an update on the city's current water supply and an overview of the new watering restrictions. The SEG brings together stakeholders and subject matter experts to engage, support and participate in the development of various water initiatives with the goal of promoting reliable, sustainable and high-quality drinking water for LADWP customers. 

Virtual Meeting Information:

June 30, 2022 @ 12-1 p.m.

Join here

For more information on the SEG or if you would like to be included in SEG activities, contact Sylvia Beltran at:



Over 70 Regional Projects Underway to

Capture More Stormwater Runoff

For over a decade, LADWP has invested significantly in expanding the amount of stormwater runoff that can be captured rather than diverted to the ocean. With over 70 regional projects underway or planned over the next 15 years, we expect to double the stormwater capture capacity. These include large-scale projects to expand centralized facilities, such as the Tujunga Spreading Grounds. We are also designing stormwater capture projects within communities, including many L.A. neighborhood parks, green streets, and rain gardens. Both large- and small-scale projects will help recharge the San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin.

These projects stem from the Stormwater Capture Master Plan, which outlines strategies to achieve more reliable and sustainable local water supplies.

Stormwater Capture Program

Boosting Rebates to Help Customers Save Water

Residential customers can save water and reduce their utility bill by taking advantage of many rebates for water efficient appliances, including up to $500 for a new high efficiency clothes washer. Other popular rebates include:

  • High-efficiency toilet: Up to $250
  • Turf replacement: $3 per sq. ft.
  • Weather-based irrigation controllers: Up to $200
  • Rain barrel: Up to $50

We also provide free water-saving showerheads and faucet aerators.

Visit LADWP.com/SAVE

Stewards of the Eastern Sierra

Protecting the Environment from Wildfires

As recreation increases in the Owens Valley during the hotter and drier summer months, we launched a public education campaign on preventing wildfires. Visitors can help prevent wildfires by knowing safety tips, and by being aware of any fire restrictions in place that may affect activities like campfires and barbecues.

LADWP in the News

Our water conservation staff has given numerous media interviews to explain the new Phase 3 water use restrictions. Over 30 stories were reported between May 23 - June 1, and we continue fielding requests. 

Media outlets also go out with our water conservation staff as they patrol neighborhoods seeking leaks and responding to complaints of potential violations. Our staff emphasizes educating customers about compliance prior to issuing a violation notice.

Recent coverage:

NBC News - May 31, 2022

KTLA News - May 31, 2022

Los Angeles Times - June 1, 2022

Associated Press - June 3, 2022

We want to hear from you! Please email us to learn more and provide feedback.


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