February 2024

Vol. 1, Edition 12

The Monthly Update

Welcome to The Monthly Update.

The monthly e-newsletter is a great way to stay informed about council decisions, programs, services, and other types of information relevant to the Town of Gravenhurst.

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Message from the Mayor

Welcome to our latest Monthly Update.

On behalf of council, I want to start by thanking everyone who made the annual Gravenhurst Winter Carnival possible. Your efforts are truly appreciated. It was great to see so many people having fun. If you missed taking part in the carnival, I hope you’ll make plans to join us next year.

I am happy to report our council chambers renovation project is complete. We hosted an open house in early February to showcase the space. Thank you to those who came out. By modernizing the room and related technology, the chambers are now more accessible and user-friendly. Please see the related item in this month’s e-newsletter to learn more.

Another highlight of the month was the conclusion of our ‘Name the Plow’ contest. Thank you to everyone who participated. The contest was a great way to spotlight the work staff do to keep roads and sidewalks clear during the winter. See the related item in the e-newsletter to learn the winning names. We think the names are playful and fun – two qualities that are reflective of our great community.

As you will see in this month’s council highlights, we had another productive council meeting. Council authorized staff to enter the town into an agreement with ICLEI Canada and the Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation. They will provide support towards the implementation of the town’s climate change adaptation plan. Council approved the plan in January 2023.

Additionally, council received the Musquash Road – Major Drainage Improvements Report for information and identified methods to improve drainage in the area. Planning for the project continues. See the highlights if you wish to learn more about this subject and the other items we dealt with during the meeting. The council highlights include a recording of the meeting livestream for those who care to watch.

Earlier in the month, on behalf of council and staff, it was my pleasure to bring best wishes to James Groh, who celebrated his 100th birthday. Mr. Groh had a lovely celebration at Gravenhurst Manor. It was so nice to be a part of his special day.

Lastly, I want to extend congratulations to Gravenhurst Against Poverty, which held another successful Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser on Feb. 24. What a tremendous accomplishment thanks to the generosity of so many.

I look forward to updating you again next month.

Until then, please take care.

Heidi Lorenz,


Gravenhurst council chambers renovations complete

Gravenhurst council members and staff welcomed residents to the newly-renovated council chambers Thursday, Feb. 8. The town hosted an open house so that people could check out the chambers. "It's terrific to finally be back in this space," Mayor Heidi Lorenz said. "We tackled this project to provide a better council chambers experience for people."

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Battle for the Barge

Good news! This year we are adding five additional bands to our Music on the Barge lineup. And, best of all, we want you to help us pick the five bands that will perform this summer.

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And the new snowplow names are...

Drum roll, please! The results are in. The Town of Gravenhurst's ' Name the Plow' contest determined the following names for two new snowplows: Clearopathra and Betty Whiteout. "These names are playful and fun - two qualities that are reflective of our great community," Mayor Heidi Lorenz said.

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Town donates to Gravenhurst Against Poverty

Mayor Heidi Lorenz and Director of Infrastructure Services Andrew Stacey presented a $1,000 cheque to Gravenhurst Against Poverty (GAP) on Thursday, Feb. 8. Beth Houston, GAP chair, accepted the donation on behalf of the local organization. The town was able to make the contribution due to its membership in the Simcoe County Road Supervisors Association. The association hosted a trade show in 2022 and member municipalities agreed that proceeds from the event would go to various community groups. The donation to GAP represents a portion of the trade show proceeds. Visit the GAP website to learn more about the organization.

Hey students! We have jobs for you

Are you a student in high school or at the post-secondary level and looking for a summer job? The Town of Gravenhurst might be the place for you. The town has a variety of jobs available through its annual Summer Student Program.

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Accommodation needed for visiting theatre professionals this summer

Wanted! A place to rest their heads. Can you help? Every summer the Gravenhurst Opera House hosts a series of productions and that means visiting entertainment professionals, including actors and directors, often need a place to stay while in town. "We are looking for people to billet these individuals," said Kelly Hamilton, theatre operations supervisor.

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February is Black History Month

Every February, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present. Canadians learn about the experience of Black Canadians and their vital role in the community.

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Province makes library funding announcement in Gravenhurst

On Tuesday, Feb. 6, the Government of Ontario announced it is investing up to $582,000 in Ontario's public libraries this year through the Internet Connectivity Grant program to provide Ontarians with reliable access to digital resources and in-demand services at their local public library. Neil Lumsden, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, made the announcement at the Gravenhurst Public Library. Local MPP Graydon Smith, Mayor Heidi Lorenz, library CEO Julia Reinhart, and other dignitaries were on hand for the occasion.

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And the winner is...

Oaklynn Shell, 7, won this year's Gravenhurst Winter Carnival button contest. She created the winning design for the front of this year's carnival button. Oaklynn met with council members and staff at the municipal office on Feb. 13. Council members and Winter Carnival Working Group members presented the local youth with a certificate in recognition of her winning design, which includes carnival maskot Skokie. The carnival took place Feb. 15 to Feb. 18. Buttons were required to access all carnival events.

Carnival fun

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the annual Gravenhurst Winter Carnival. Check out the carnival photo album.

Half-load restrictions start March 4

The Town of Gravenhurst is implementing half-load restrictions starting March 4. During the annual spring thaw period, typically early March to mid to late May, municipalities in the District of Muskoka place 'half-load' or 'reduced/seasonal load' restrictions on most roadways.

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Stay in touch with us...

When it comes to staying connected with the Town of Gravenhurst you've got options.

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Gravenhurst Council Highlights - Feb. 13, 2024

Learn what happened at the latest meeting.

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Planning Council - Feb. 27, 2024

Planning Council met Feb. 27.

Click the above image to watch the meeting and learn what happened.

How to invite council members to your event

Would you like council members to attend your community event? Submit your request through our website. 

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Lottery licensing - know the rules

Are you planning to hold a lottery or raffle event in our community? Before you proceed, check out our website to learn about lottery licensing regulations.

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Have you got your short-term rental licence?

Do you operate a Short-Term Rental? The Town of Gravenhurst’s STR Licensing Program requires that you obtain a licence. APPLY or RENEW now.

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Winter Operations

We know you have places to go and things to do. That's why our staff work diligently to keep our roads clear throughout the winter. See our website to learn more about Winter Operations.

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Do we have your correct mailing address?

Has your phone number or mailing address changed? Make sure to let our Tax Department know so we have the right contact information on file. For ways to update your address visit our website.

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See a problem? Let us know

If you see playground equipment or other forms of town infrastructure needing repair, please let us know so we can take the proper steps to address the issue.

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Join our team!

We are hiring for a variety of positions.

Visit our website to learn more about these opportunities.

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Community Calendar

Looking for something to do in Gravenhurst?

Make our website your first stop for information.

Visit our calendar for great ideas.


We have a variety of recreation options available in Gravenhurst.

In some instances, these opportunities are offered through the town and in other cases they are provided by various organizations.

Visit our website to learn more.

Opera House

Stay in touch with the Gravenhurst Opera House.

Built in 1901, the opera house is a focal point for great entertainment.

Check out the opera house website to learn more about upcoming performances.

Visit the opera house website.

Gravenhurst Public Library

The Gravenhurst Public Library is a great spot to access reading material, movies, programs, entertainment, and so much more.

Located at 180 Sharpe St. W., the library is open Monday to Saturday.

For hours and more information, visit the library website.


Planning and building

Looking for planning and building information?

We are here to help.

Visit our website to learn about the town's official plan, zoning bylaw, building permits, and much more.

Visit our website.

Gravenhurst Fire Department

The Gravenhurst Fire Department provides fire protection services for the community.

Please call 9-1-1 if the department's assistance is required in an emergency.

Read a message from the chief.

Visit our website to learn more about the department.

Council contact

Members of council are your representatives.

They are elected to a four-year council term.

Visit our website to learn more about council members and how you can reach them.

Meeting agenda information

Want to stay informed about upcoming meetings of council and committees?

Visit our website to learn more.

You can also subscribe to receive notice when new agendas are available for review.

Subscribe to agendas.

Watch our meetings online

Did you know our council meetings are available on our YouTube channel?

By watching the meetings, you can hear council and staff discussion on a variety of topics and stay better informed about municipal business.

Visit our YouTube channel.

District of Muskoka

The District of Muskoka provides important services to our community.

Governing the district is a 23-member council.

To learn more about the district and what it does visit the district website. 

Ontario Provincial Police

Policing in Gravenhurst is provided by the Ontario Provincial Police.

If you require police assistance for an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

For non-emergency matters, call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.

Minor non-emergency matters can also be reported through the OPP website.

211 Ontario

211 Ontario is a free service that connects people to a variety of resources.

To reach 211 Ontario, simply dial 2-1-1 on your phone. 211 is also available by text and e-mail.

Learn more by visiting the 211 website.

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