Welcome to our latest Monthly Update.
On behalf of council, I want to start by thanking everyone who made the annual Gravenhurst Winter Carnival possible. Your efforts are truly appreciated. It was great to see so many people having fun. If you missed taking part in the carnival, I hope you’ll make plans to join us next year.
I am happy to report our council chambers renovation project is complete. We hosted an open house in early February to showcase the space. Thank you to those who came out. By modernizing the room and related technology, the chambers are now more accessible and user-friendly. Please see the related item in this month’s e-newsletter to learn more.
Another highlight of the month was the conclusion of our ‘Name the Plow’ contest. Thank you to everyone who participated. The contest was a great way to spotlight the work staff do to keep roads and sidewalks clear during the winter. See the related item in the e-newsletter to learn the winning names. We think the names are playful and fun – two qualities that are reflective of our great community.
As you will see in this month’s council highlights, we had another productive council meeting. Council authorized staff to enter the town into an agreement with ICLEI Canada and the Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation. They will provide support towards the implementation of the town’s climate change adaptation plan. Council approved the plan in January 2023.
Additionally, council received the Musquash Road – Major Drainage Improvements Report for information and identified methods to improve drainage in the area. Planning for the project continues. See the highlights if you wish to learn more about this subject and the other items we dealt with during the meeting. The council highlights include a recording of the meeting livestream for those who care to watch.
Earlier in the month, on behalf of council and staff, it was my pleasure to bring best wishes to James Groh, who celebrated his 100th birthday. Mr. Groh had a lovely celebration at Gravenhurst Manor. It was so nice to be a part of his special day.
Lastly, I want to extend congratulations to Gravenhurst Against Poverty, which held another successful Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser on Feb. 24. What a tremendous accomplishment thanks to the generosity of so many.
I look forward to updating you again next month.
Until then, please take care.
Heidi Lorenz,