Around the grid
Team Member spotlight:
Ashley Strohmeyer, Energy Engineer

Core Engineering regularly shares team highlights and wins in their monthly Watt's Up? newsletter. Coordinated and published by Athena Combs-Hurtado, Watt's Up? issues feature team members sharing what our mission of changing the way people use energy means to them. This month's issue features Energy Engineer Ashley Strohmeyer. 

"My interest from engineering stems from my dad being an engineer and working with him to complete at home projects. I was home for the summer after freshman year of college and one of our summertime projects included solar panels that could power a home surveillance system. From there I did research on the benefits of solar power and different types of renewable energy...Our mission statement 'We change the way people use energy' to me means we can educate our customers on how to live a more sustainable life to protect our environment." 

Excellence in Engineering
Each quarter, the Engineering Team recognizes team members with Engineering Excellence awards. In 2021, 11 winners were chosen and awarded with 10,000 You Earned It (YEI) points. Nominations and voting are open to all Engineering People Leaders and voting criteria is based on: specific action(s), business impact, and mission impact – as it relates to our 4 pillars; how the employee’s actions reflected our core values; time bound to the quarter in which it is awarded.

In addition to YEI points, winners receive an announcement on Engineering All Hands Meetings and a highlight in the Watt’s Up? newsletter, a CLEAResult branded shirt, pull over, or light jacket, a virtual lunch or coffee meeting with Executive Team Members, and they become a voting member in the next quarter’s selection process.

Join us in celebrating the winners from 2021 and Q1 of 2022! Visit the Core Engineering homepage on the Wire for a full list of previous winners.
Welcome to CLEAResult
(Pictured above L-R)   
Danielle Bejar, Ahlam Osman, Amelia Wallace and Grace Wilson. 
Last Friday, CEO Rich McBee and the Executive Leadership Team welcomed our 2022 class of summer interns. In addition to the engaging and impactful projects each intern will be working on with their teams, they will meet with Executive Leadership Team members every Friday throughout their internship. Stay tuned for news on their experiences and project highlights over the summer.

Danielle Bejar recently graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and plans on attending graduate school at the University of Miami. She is joining the Carbon Consulting practice team and reports to Keri Macklin. (LinkedIn)

Ahlam Osman currently attends Portland State University and studies urban & public affairs. She is joining the West Client Delivery region and reports to Alden Miller. (LinkedIn)

Amelia Wallace currently attends Susquehanna University and studies marketing. She is joining the Product Marketing team for the summer and reports to Mallika Chakravarti. (LinkedIn)

Grace Wilson currently attends Boston College and studies communications. She is joining the Corporate Communications team and reports to Amber Tester. (LinkedIn)
Driving growth: Transportation Electrification

CLEAResult’s Transportation Electrification portfolio has experienced exciting growth and broadened capabilities in these past few months. The acquisition of ChooseEV that was completed in May brought a rich set of EV residential and commercial educational resources and solutions that is used by more than 300 utilities across the U.S. and Canada. Meanwhile, our in-house expertise in shared charging solutions led to an award of a $2M grant for innovative multifamily charging projects in California. The team is also working to wrap up the delivery of CLEAResult’s first Fleet Electrification Management cohort this month. Stay tuned for more wins as our transportation electrification portfolio continues to grow and deliver energy transition solutions to our clients and their customers that accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and create a greener, more sustainable future. 
EV Training Resources: 
Get EV-savvy and help us grow! 

Whether you have clients asking EV questions or just want to impress your friends and family, we have the resources you need. George Kopf and Jenna Colbert teamed with the portfolio and engineering teams to develop an informative and engaging six-part learning series for understanding the ins and outs of EVs and EV charging.

You can explore the full Program: Electric Vehicles series in Workday Learning, or explore the following trainings individually:  
Be sure to check back regularly for updates and new trainings covering this rapidly growing and exciting new area. 
More Team Wins

Lisa Barrett, Tamera Oldfield, and Pam Fahlbeck from the Clean Energy markets team are working with clients in the East Region for 2 battery storage projects, 3 solar projects, and 9 hybrid solar-battery projects to participate in the ISO-New England Forward Capacity Market. The team also has new aggregations of energy efficiency in Massachusetts and Rhode Island for another client seeking to participate. This kicks off a 9-month long application process to qualify these new projects to earn additional revenue by contributing to a reliable electric grid in Massachusetts and Maine.

If you'd like to learn more about what the Clean Energy markets team is doing, reach out to Lisa Barrett .
J.E.D.I. Village News:
Pride Month
PRIDE Alliance presents:
3rd Annual Trivia companywide event

Join PRIDE Alliance next Thursday, June 23, at 2:00 p.m. CDT for the 3rd Annual Pride Month Trivia event. Increase your odds of winning and brush up on your Pride Month facts beforehand by visiting the PRIDE Alliance Wire site page. Check your Outlook inbox for the invite! This event is open to all team members.
2022 Pride Month Official Charity:
The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

Recognizing DNA group leads & chairs
for service and leadership in 2021
Please join us in recognizing the exemplary leadership shown by the DNA group leaders listed below for their service in 2021. Their contributions were key in helping us create a connection-driven culture that promotes our core values of respect, transparency and accountability
General announcements
Find Juneteenth celebrations
in your area

Juneteenth (also known as Juneteenth Independence Day, Freedom Day or Emancipation Day) is celebrated this Sunday, June 19 and federally observed next Monday, June 20. Black @Work has compiled a list of regional celebrations on their Wire site page. Be sure to check it out and join in the celebrations happening locally. 
CREW call:
Mentors needed

The CREW DNA Group is excited to announce enrollment is open for the next cohort of the CREW Pathways Mentorship Program! CREW is looking for mentors from across the organization. If you would like to participate as a mentor or mentee, please join CREW and enroll via our Members Channel by no later than June 24th.
Questions? Contact 
Military Appreciation Month
30 x 30 Fitness Challenge
In last month's special edition of The Monthly Wire, we celebrated DNA group Veterans for Success and a successful Military Appreciation Month. As a reminder, the 30x30 fitness challenge offered an opportunity to pursue and reach wellness goals within a community of support, and the CLEAResult team came in 1st place out of 14 teams. The top 3 team members logging the highest minutes of activity are Rebeca Barrios-Hurst, Michael Martinez and Cindy Strecker. 

The team was also the top fundraising corporate partner in HOPE For The Warriors Memorial Day 30x30 Challenge! 

(Pictured above L-R: Rebecca Barrios-Hurst, Lauren Goodrich, Megan Moore, Leah Canter, and Jenna Colbert)
NEW! Accessibility Tip of the Month (ATOM)

Introducing a new feature of The Monthly Wire, brought to you by the leadership of ID(EA), where accessibility tips are shared with the goal of creating more inclusive resources companywide. This month's tip highlights Alternative Text.

What is Alt Text:
Alternative (Alt) Text is used to convey the “why” of an image as it relates to the content of a document or webpage. Alt Text can also be read aloud to users by screen reader software and displays on the page if the image fails to load.

Why Alt Text is important:
Alt Text provides a more engaging and inclusive experience, especially for people who may not be able to see the image or may not understand the purpose of the image within the presentation.

Tips for writing effective and engaging Alt Text:
Thoughtfully describe the image in descriptive terms, keeping in mind what/who is in the image, what the focus of the image is and what may be happening in the background. It's best practice to include Alt Text for all images within your resources (files, web, etc.).
Explore: CLEAResult Energy Forum
Northwest Account Manager Consultant and sustainability expert, Elin Shepard, was recently featured in the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) quarterly magazine to spotlight her success as President of their Columbia River Chapter. Based in Oregon, Elin’s 20+ years of energy industry experience is impressive and inspiring. Watch Elin's interview with AEE’s CWEEL team as they discuss Elin’s diverse leadership roles, awards and advice for new members looking to become future leaders.  
Starting summer off with electrifying events
In June, we’re featuring fleet! The conversation around fleet electrification has been accelerating quickly in recent months. From our acquisition of ChooseEV to our April electrification webinar, we’re thrilled to keep moving full speed ahead.
Learning & development highlights
Introduction to SMART Thermostats
Designed for Residential field staff whose programs offer SMART thermostats, this 30-minute training covers the reasons to adopt SMART thermostats and takes an in-depth look at the most common features of the most popular models. The course also looks at customer compatibility as it applies to matching customers and features, followed by a look at compatibility as it applies to wiring considerations. The course concludes with a look at how to maximize savings and convenience. 
New on the WIRE 2.0:
Employee Spotlights & People Manager space
This month, two new spaces have been added to the Wire to increase employee engagement and experience. The first addition is an Employee Spotlights space, where we will share information regarding new hire announcements, team wins, team member highlights and more. The space also includes a link for hiring managers to submit your new hire information, so we can get to know your team members companywide.
People Manager space
A dedicated space for People Managers was added this week. Here, you can find people manager resources, news, events and a link to join the People Manager discussion forum, as well as an informal poll for first impressions.

Please note that the People Manager space is only viewable to those roles that are defined as People Managers.
Upcoming Events
Next Town Hall
Thursday, July 21 at 1pm (CDT)

Join us for the next quarterly Town Hall Thursday, July 21, at 1:00 p.m. (CDT). Town Halls are now held on MS Teams to allow for more engagement and accessibility. Stay tuned for the invite with the join URL coming to your Outlook inbox soon!

Click here to view recordings and slides of previous Town Halls.
Product Gather & Learn:
Wednesday, July 27 at 1pm (CDT)
Join the Product Marketing team for the next Product Gather & Learn as Operations Director Mark Foreman presents on Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Our philosophy, our new Virtual Peaker Partnership, and our upcoming ATLAS DERMs Hub product will be highlighted.

Invite with join URL coming soon!
Latest news and reminders
  • Due July 1: Employee Handbook review and Q2 compliance training (click here)
  • Congratulations to our newly promoted senior leaders (click here)
  • Watch the most recent Product Gather & Learn on ATLAS Carbon featuring Keri Macklin (click here)
  • Read the People Team's latest edition of the Back to Basics newsletter (click here)
Attention People Managers!
Schedule Mid-Year Check-in conversations by July 29
Fulfilling our commitment to ongoing conversations, managers should schedule a check-in conversation with each team member between now and July 29. This is the chance to discuss goals, to celebrate successes and to discuss development opportunities. In preparation for these conversations, employees should review and update their 2022 goals with year-to-date progress.
Congratulations David Piper!
As the winner for May's Phishing Alert campaign, David received 500 YEI points! 605 team members used the Phish Alert button during the month of May. Get your chance at the prize by using the Phish Alert button when receiving suspected phishing. In order to be eligible to win, you must not have opened any attachments, replied to sender or clicked on any links in the message.

Note: The Phish Alert Button is in Outlook on your menu bar – Look for the hook!
If you use a MAC you can locate this feature after you open your email, right click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select Phish Alert.
Upcoming CLEAResult holidays
Monday, July 4
Independence Day
Friday, June 24
National Holiday of Quebec
(QC residents only)

Friday, July 1
Canada Day

The Monthly Wire is published the 3rd Friday of every month
The next standard edition of The Monthly Wire will be published July 15
The next DNA group special edition will be published on June 30.