The Link

The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."

-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface

June 1, 2023

Online giving:

First Friday: Sacred Heart Novena (after 8am Mass, June 2)

First Saturday Mass: 9:00am with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction (June 3) 

**Reminder: Please Use Caution When Reading Your Emails**

Another round of scam emails asking you to buy gift cards has hit the parishes. Please DO NOT FALL FOR THESE. None of the priests or your fellow parishioners will ask you to buy gift cards and then send them the numbers of those cards. These are scams preying on your generosity.

First Eucharist - June 3 and 4

We are pleased that our young people will celebrate Holy Communion this weekend. There are 10 from Assumption and 14 from St. Boniface. The families and First Communicants will attend one of the Masses at Assumption or St. Boniface this weekend.

Parishioner in Need Update

On Sunday, May 21st while we were at the picnic, a family in our parishes sustained a willfully-set fire to their apartment. Needless to say, they have lost everything and are devastated. We have connected them with Catholic Charities, and the parishes are working to provide emotional and material support. Anyone interested in assisting is asked to drop a Visa Gift Card in the collection basket, which we will forward to the family, enabling them to purchase needed food and clothing. Funds have also been established on PushPay, select Emergency Assistance-Parishioner fund. Please also remember them in your personal prayer. UPDATE: so far, we have received close to $1,800 for this family! I continue to be humbled by your generosity! Please know that we plan to leave the PushPay fund open for one more week, and then we will get the support to the family. Thank you again, you good People of God :)

Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)

This coming weekend we will start our appeal for our parishes' support of the ACA. As you know, funds from the ACA assist critical programs, institutions and ministries that further the Church’s mission in Brooklyn and Queens such as support for Catholic Charities, Catholic Migration Services, Catholic chaplaincies in hospitals and prisons, and faith formation for young people and seminarians. A full description of the organizations and people helped by ACA can be found here:

If you have already given to this, we sincerely thank you. If you have not, we ask that you prayerfully consider your support as you may be able to. The goals for this year are: ........

ABVM $25,587 ( Parish ID #1019)

St Boniface $58,829 (Parish ID #2034)

If you are on PushPay, you can participate by selecting the ACA fund.

For St. Boniface:

For Assumption:

Once we exceed our goals, we then receive 100% of all funds above this directly back to the parishes. Thank you as always for your generosity!

Upcoming St Boniface PPC Elections

St. Boniface Parish Council invites all registered parishioners to vote electronically for the 2023 PPC Members at Large. Ballot email with a biography and photo will be going out the week of June 12. Please look out for that email and check your spam folder. Paper ballots will be available in the back of the church for those who don’t have email. Bios will be posted in the narthex. The deadline to vote is June 19.

Communications Committee

A Communications Committee of the Brooklyn Oratory Parishes was recently established to ensure communications are accessible to all parishioners and to foster community engagement. An important step in the formation of this committee is to understand how we can better serve parishioners and the broader community by what, how and when we communicate. The survey is available online at this link. Kindly complete the survey by Sunday, June 18th by responding to the survey link or returning a completed paper version to the box at the back of church. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the committee at

Corpus Christi Mass June 11

Date: Sunday, June 11, 2023

Time: 11:30 am Mass followed by Eucharistic Procession

Location: Carroll Park 363 Court Street

Rain Location: St. Agnes Church 433 Sackett Street

More Information:

Join together with other Brooklyn parishes to celebrate an outdoor Mass for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic procession to St. Mary Star of the Sea follows mass with adoration and benediction.

Our Deanery has been lucky enough to secure a most gifted priest and homilist to join us. Father Dave Dwyer, CSP, is a Paulist priest, and founder of Busted Halo. Father Mark Paul has heard Fr. Dwyer preach many times - and he is superb! But don't just take our word for it - listen to an example of his preaching here:

On June 11, this Mass will take the place of the regular 11:15 Mass at St. Boniface. Again, there will be NO 11:15am

Mass at St. Boniface on this date,

due to this event.

Weekly Mass Intention Schedule

Trinity Sunday

Weekly Readings:


6-3 .....5:00pm......Silvio Pluchinotta

6-4......9:30am......For the People of the Parish

6-5......No Mass

6-6......8:00am......Lucy Macchiarola

6-7......8:00am.......Mothers Novena

6-8......8:00am.......Lee Walden, Sr.

6-9......8:00am.......Ann and Bob Holder

St. Boniface

6-4 .....11:15am.......For the People of the Parish

6-4......6:00pm.......Priest’s Intention

6-5......12:10pm......Richard Rohde

6-6......12:10pm......Robert Sigda

6-7......12:10pm......Nancy Raleigh Petras

6-8......12:10pm......Prayer Service

6-9......No Mass.....

Two Desks Available!

Here at Assumption, we have two hardwood desks which we no longer require! As-is, but very good condition. We wanted to offer the sale to any interested parishioner before we put them on eBay. Make us an offer - there’s a good chance I’ll accept it on the first shot!! :). Only caveat? The purchaser has to transport it from where it currently lies (one is in the back of the church, and the other is in the parish office - one level beneath the church.

Email Fr. Mark Paul

Upcoming Calendar


6/2...... .First Friday Mass and Sacred Heart Novena

6/3...... .First Saturday Mass 9am

6/3-4... First Communion Weekend

6/3-4.. .Feast of St. Boniface

6/11..... .Corpus Christi Mass at Carroll Park

6/11.......Baptisms at ABVM, 9:30am

6/11.......No 11:15am Mass@St. Boniface

Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:

Maria Guzman, Marian DiLeo,Tom Capone, Ayako Saji, Robert Miller, Valerie Stephensen, Michael Geraghty, Gail Gleason Kupec, Linda Johnson, Jim Linebarger, David Campbell, Doug Weiler, Paul Martin, Kevin Gallagher, Michael Goins, Mary Charles, Marie Smith, Kim Manzi.

Rest In Peace: Michael O'Grady, Anthony Geraci.

Prayer List

If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, email the parish office at or go to the website and complete the information there.

Mass Intentions

If you would like to request a Mass for someone living or deceased, Mass intentions are available. Email The offering is $20. Please pay by using Pushpay or by mailing a check to 64 Middagh St. Brooklyn, NY 11201.

Mass Times and Church Hours

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Weekday hours: 7:45am-9:00am Tuesday through Friday.

Weekday Mass: 8:00am Tuesday through Friday

Weekend Masses

5:00pm Saturday and 9:30am Sunday

Confessions Saturday: 4:15pm-4:45pm

Prayer and Devotions

Tuesday, St. Anthony Novena (after 8:00am Mass)

Thursday, Rosary (after 8:00am Mass)

First Friday, Sacred Heart Novena (after 8:00am Mass)

First Saturday Mass, 9:00am with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction

The church is closed on Mondays.

St. Boniface

Weekday hours: 11:30am-1:00pm

Weekday Mass: 12:10pm Monday through Wednesday

Sunday Masses: 11:15am and 6:00pm

Sunday hours 11:00am-12:30 pm & 5:30pm-7:00pm

Confessions on Wednesdays, 11:30-noon

and before Mass on Sunday, 5:15pm-5:45pm

Prayer and Devotions

Tuesday to Thursday-Rosary, after 12:10 Mass

Thursday 12:10 Prayer Service with Communion

The church is closed on Fridays and Saturdays.


Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links.

For St. Boniface:

For Assumption:

St. Boniface


Or mail checks or envelopes to:

64 Middagh St

Brooklyn NY 11201

Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface

The Body of Christ

St. Augustine (354-430)

Since you are the Body of Christ and his members,

It is your mystery that is placed on the Lord’s table,

It is your mystery that you receive.

You hear the words: The Body of Christ,

And you answer: Amen.

Be therefore members of Christ,

That your Amen may be true....

If you have received well,

You are that which you have received.

What's New With Family Faith

First Eucharist


The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201