If you are not familiar with the Artstour Artists Roster, the Illinois Arts Council would like to introduce you to this valuable resource. A companion to the Artsour & Live Music Grant Program, the Roster lists hundreds of Illinois performing artists and ensembles. It includes artist bios, audiences served, geographic availability, work samples, fees and much more!
Chris Vallillo, pictured, is one of these artists. Says Chris, “Through the Artstour & Live Music grant, I have been able to develop shows that I have performed at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, the Ravinia Festival, the Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum, and the Gerald R. Ford and Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museums to name just a few. Not only has this grant been a benefit to me personally, it has also provided much needed support to the rural economy of Illinois. As a rural performer, I can bring outside dollars back into the rural Illinois economy and as you all know, outside dollars are exponentially more powerful to a rural economy than local dollars.”
The new Roster was created in a collaboration between the Illinois Presenters Network and the Illinois Arts Council Agency in 2020 and is used by theaters, schools, libraries, park districts, and performing arts presenters, among others, to identify artists to perform in their communities. If you are an artist, looking to apply for inclusion in the roster next spring, or a presenter, interested in applying to the Artstour & Live Music Grant, please contact Program Director, [email protected].