October 28, 2024




10/31: Halloween Costume Parade


11/1: Pajama Day

11/1: Ice Cream Social

11/6: Ice Skating Social

11/11: No School: Veteran's Day

11/16: Meadows Parent Party

11/25-29: No School: Thanksgiving Break


Mustang Minute Subscription Request

Meadows Events Calendar

Meadows Website

Volunteer @ Meadows!

Join the PTA!

Report an Absence

MBUSD School Year Calendar

MBUSD Volunteer Requirements

A Message from the Principal

In case you missed it, click HERE for Mrs Krz's weekly newsletter!

Meadows News & Programs

We Appreciate You, Mustangs!

A great big THANK YOU to all the Mustang families who joined our PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! We are proud to share that we reached 94% school-wide participation! This achievement could not have been possible without the contributions from all of you.

Thank you. Together, we are Mustang strong!

Excited for a great year ahead!

Lara Bender & Shirley Cramer

Join us for the yummy second Ice Cream Social of the Year!

Come enjoy a cool treat and make some new friends at our second Ice Cream Social of the school year! Stop by the cafeteria after school this Friday, November 1st for all the fun. Mustangs can buy ice cream and other tasty treats using 10 SKORR cards and/or their own money brought from home. Volunteers help set up and sell ice cream after school HERE. It’s a great opportunity for both students and volunteers to socialize and enjoy sweet treats, all while raising money for the school.

Let's go ice skating, Mustangs!!

Mustangs, get dressed and cozy to skate away with your friends! Come on down to the rink on Wednesday, November 6th from 2:30-5pm! See you all there!!

Click here to register!

Meadows Parent Party Saturday November 16th- Tickets on Sale now!

Come support our school while enjoying an evening out with old and new friends. We look forward to seeing you there! Click HERE or anywhere on the flyer to purchase tickets!

For any questions, please contact Meadows Fundraising.

Math Kangaroo at MBUSD

MBMS Math Club is hosting the Math Kangaroo Competition on March 20th from 3:30-4:45 PM. Please register by December 31 to get a discount and select MBMS as the school site.

Volunteer Spotlight

We dig our Garden Docent, Lilian Dunker Cruz! Lilian's dedication and passion for our school garden have nurtured young minds and green thumbs! Thank you Lilian for sharing your expertise and enthusiasm for the Meadows garden. And thank you to all the Garden docents and volunteers who help keep the garden going and growing. Our garden is blooming with gratitude.

Do you know a volunteer who deserves a shout out? Nominate them for our next Volunteer Spotlight.

Want to dig in to the Meadows’ garden? Email us for more info!

Materials for Makerspace

Attention Mustang families; Makerspace needs your tubes. That is, your Paper Towel and TP tubes. We use them in so many of our challenges. Please make certain they are clean and free from all paper remnants. You can deposit them in the large yellow bin in front of the office. Thank you all for your support. 

Your Makerspace Specialists, 

Crista Riccio, Teri Hampton and Valerie Edwards


Every Dollar Fuels Extraordinary Educators and Programs

Your entire Annual Appeal donation directly funds the exceptional educators and high-quality programs that shape your child’s educational experience every day. Prudent investment and reserve policies ensure that operational expenses are offset by interest earnings and other revenue sources, allowing your gift to make its maximum impact in enriching Manhattan Beach schools.

TEDx Manhattan Beach

TEDx Manhattan Beach has curated a lineup of some of the brightest thought leaders — including two inspiring Mira Costa High School students — who are shaping the future in areas like beauty, AI, sustainability, mental health, business, and more. Come to Mira Costa on Saturday, November 2nd for a day of innovation and inspiration. MBEF supporters can enjoy a $10 discount on each Gold Ticket by entering the code MBEF10 at checkout. Visit TEDx Manhattan Beach to purchase tickets and learn more about the speakers.

PedalAce E-Bike Certification Course

PedalAce, a local company started by South Bay parents, has designed a kid-focused on-line e-bike safety course that also meets the district requirements for MBMS and MCHS e-bike parking. The 90-minute course covers everything students need to safely share the road. PedalAce is offering the course at a 50% discount to local families and will donate 10% of sales to MBEF.

Sign up for the online PedalAce course.

The EXPOs Are Coming!

Mark your calendars! From November 4 – 22, MBEF is hosting the MBEF EXPO in Our Schools, when parents and grandparents are invited to step into the classroom and experience firsthand the exceptional learning opportunities  funded by donations to the MBEF Annual Appeal. Held during the school day, the EXPO gives you the chance to visit your child’s favorite programs including Library, MakerSpace, Music, PE, and Science Lab. All EXPO visitors must present a photo ID and check in at the front office. Be on the lookout for a personal invitation from your child!




This November, Measure RLS, Repair Local Schools, is a Measure supporting Manhattan Beach school facility repairs without any increase in taxes. This essential funding is needed at Meadows to repair several modular buildings which were built in 1956, repair roof and create a new EDP classroom which has a projected cost of $6.5M. A YES vote of 55% for Measure RLS is needed to secure essential funding for these projects at Meadows as well as other high priority facility repair projects across the school district

Vote Yes for Measure RLS and continue this essential work for our schools. For more information, check out the Yes on Measure RLS website or contact

Help Spread the Word for Measure RLS!

We need volunteers to deliver door hangers in support of Measure RLS before the upcoming election! It's an easy way to get involved and takes just 1-2 hours. You can pick up the door hangers anytime during the week and deliver them at your convenience. Every delivery helps us get the word out to our community.

Sign up here!

Join the MB Green Halloween Costume Exchange Group!

MBUSD families, get ready for Halloween in a fun, sustainable way by joining the new MB Green Halloween Free Costume Exchange group on Facebook! Modeled after the popular “Buy Nothing Project,” this group allows families to give and find Halloween costumes for free.

How to join:

  1. Log in to Facebook.
  2. Request to join the group here.
  3. Answer the membership questions (this is a private group for MBUSD families only).
  4. Search for costumes or post ones you no longer need.

Created by the District Green Committee, this initiative helps costumes get a second life, saves families time and money, and benefits the environment by reducing waste and conserving resources. Plus, dressing up has never been more fun!

MBX Happenings

Click HERE for a current listing of MBX Booster Events and Fundraisers. 


MCHS Fall Production, Anatomy of Gray - Tickets Now On Sale!

Tickets are now on sale for Mira Costa’s award-winning Drama/Tech department’s fall production, Anatomy of Gray. This thought-provoking story follows young June, who, after losing her father, wishes for a healer to save her small town. When a mysterious doctor arrives in a balloon, hope turns to chaos.


“Every year, we reflect on our recent seasons to identify new challenges and diversify the genres we offer. After two years of comedic productions, we chose Anatomy of Gray for its relevant themes and the rich, dramatic roles it offers our actors—providing them with deeply emotional material set against gritty circumstances,” says Director and Co-Producer, Jonathan Westerberg.


The show opens on Friday, November 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Small Theatre at Mira Costa and runs through November 16. This show is recommended for students middle school age and older. You can purchase tickets here.