October 7, 2024
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10/9: Walk & Roll to School Day
10/11: Make up Picture Day
10/14: Cyber Safety Seminar
10/17: Mustang Social: Floral Workshop
10/20: Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk
10/24: First Student Store
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In case you missed it, click HERE for Mrs Krz's weekly newsletter! | |
Congratulations to Mrs. Mascari’s Class!
Mrs. Mascari’s 3rd grade class is the third class to hit 90% participation in the PTA Membership Classroom Contest! They've won $100 for Mrs. Mascari and claimed the last spot for a special in-class celebration! Thank you Room 8 families! With 2 weeks left in the PTA Membership drive, there’s still time to join and help your class win $100 for your teacher to purchase classroom supplies.
Not sure if you’ve already joined? Check here.
Already joined and would like to upgrade a membership? Contact Lara Bender and Shirley Cramer.
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Join us for a Cyber Safety Parent Seminar - Parenting in the Digital World
The cyber safety seminar for parents, Parenting in the Digital World, is a 90-minute, engaging and eye-opening presentation about what is really going on in our children’s digital world. Brought to you by the Meadows PTA, in conjunction with the PTAs from Pacific, Pennekamp, Robinson and Grand View, this seminar is free of charge and open to all elementary school parents.
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Calling All Creative Mustangs! 2024-2025 Reflections Art Competition is Back
We want all Meadows Mustang students to unleash their creative superpowers and create fun fresh original works of art this fall. Open up your imagination and inspire people by showing them what “Accepting Imperfection” looks like to you! In this contest, demonstrating the spirit of the theme is what it’s all about. The Reflections contest deadline will be October 16th, 2024. We look forward to seeing the amazing work of our very talented Meadows students!
Entry rules can be found here. Entry form can be found here.
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SKECHERS Pier to Pier Friendship Walk
Please join the Meadows Team for the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship walk. This supports a great charity, MBEF, and our school PTA.
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Volunteer Spotlight
Special thanks to Emma, Kristen, and Sarah for all their hard work putting together the wonderful Wonka Movie Night & Carnival! Additional thanks to Nicole Ameln, Bradleigh Aranda, Jesus Aranda, Ashley Areyan, Gretchen Barnes, Mimi Behan, Joanna Cardema, Craig Chamberlain, Gretchen Chamberlain, Yasmeen Fathima, Sally Flack, Eric Formiller, Lindsey Fraumeni, Christina Gilchrest, Jessica Giles, Peyton Girvan, Apar Gupta, Tom Harwood, Aida Herbert, Jackie Ho, Natalia Hodgson, Caroline Johnson, Amy Kathuria, Kristen Kim, Cindy Marian, Laura Mcdonnell, Kimiko Ouchi, Kim Pasquali, Chris Pasula, Bita Pearson, Brenda Pingelton, Natalie Ram, Archana Ramireddy, Miriam Ramirez, Michelle Reens, Natalie Reardon, Lauri Resnikoff, Beverly Richards, Jillian Robertson, Connie Tan, Julie Ustick, Karen Van Cleave, Lauren Coffman, Erin Lutz, Catalina Marian, Erica Miranda, Michelle Orozco Maddie Orozco, and all our other volunteers who helped make Movie Night and Carnival happen. You are all the real stars of the show! And extra big thank you to our custodian, Jack Moore, who is the unsung hero of the school. Movie Night and Carnival would not have happened with all of his behind the scenes work! THANK YOU ALL!
Do you know a volunteer who deserves a shout out? Nominate them for our next Volunteer Spotlight. Want to help plan next year’s Movie Night?Email us for more info!
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Volunteer Spotlight
Thank you Nicky and Kimberly for organizing the 5th Grade Bake Sale at Movie Night and Carnival! All those baked goods made the evening such a treat! Also sending out heartfelt appreciation to Lindsey Fraumeni, Lara Bender, Julie Ustick, Emily Wells, Christie Ly, Shirley Cramer, Nicole Ameln, Michelle Reens and all of the 5th grade parents and students for all their help in making Bake Sale possible! You are the icing on our cake!
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Parent Party - Save the Date!
Save the Date for the Meadows Parent Party Saturday November 16th at 6pm at Tin Roof Bistro! More details coming soon.
*If you or someone you know has anything to donate for the Silent Auction please reach out to Katie Donohue.
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Materials for Makerspace
Attention Mustang families; Makerspace needs your tubes. That is, your Paper Towel and TP tubes. We use them in so many of our challenges. Please make certain they are clean and free from all paper remnants. You can deposit them in the large yellow bin in front of the office. Thank you all for your support.
Your Makerspace Specialists,
Crista Riccio, Teri Hampton and Valerie Edwards
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MBEF Helps to Fund Bigger Dreams
With parent support through MBEF, our students have opportunities to explore their dreams within their classrooms. Whether it’s being an engineer, marine biologist, musician, filmmaker or graphic designer, MBEF-funded programs like MakerSpace, STEAM electives, and Visual and Performing Arts electives give students access to exceptional instruction and practical hands-on experience to discover their passions. Support MBEF’s 2024-2025 Annual Appeal today.
PedalAce, a local company started by South Bay parents, has designed a kid-focused on-line e-bike safety course that also meets the district requirements for MBMS and MCHS e-bike parking. The 90-minute course covers everything students need to safely share the road. PedalAce is offering the course at a 50% discount to local families and will donate 10% of sales to MBEF.
Here is the link to sign up for the online PedalAce course.
Mark Your Calendar: Walk and Roll to School Day – Wednesday, October 9!
Join MBUSD students, families, and staff as we walk or bike to school for this annual event. It’s a great way to stay active, build community, and practice pedestrian safety. Check your school's meeting spots, routes, and departure times here, and don’t forget to share your photos with us by using #MBUSDWalktoSchoolDay. District leadership and the Manhattan Beach Police Department will be joining in on the fun! Special thanks to Beach Cities Health for organizing this event across the South Bay.
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Please join our District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting on Thursday, October 10 from 4:00-5:00 pm in the District Office Board Room. Come to learn about programs and supports for English Learners and multilingual students and provide input on ways that we can better those supports. See the agenda for this meeting HERE. These meetings are led by Kortney Krivokopich, English Learner TOSA. There will be three other DELAC meetings this year: November 19, February 6 and May 8 at the District Office. All are welcome!
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Join the MB Green Halloween Costume Exchange Group!
MBUSD families, get ready for Halloween in a fun, sustainable way by joining the new MB Green Halloween Free Costume Exchange group on Facebook! Modeled after the popular “Buy Nothing Project,” this group allows families to give and find Halloween costumes for free.
How to join:
- Log in to Facebook.
Request to join the group here.
- Answer the membership questions (this is a private group for MBUSD families only).
- Search for costumes or post ones you no longer need.
Created by the District Green Committee, this initiative helps costumes get a second life, saves families time and money, and benefits the environment by reducing waste and conserving resources. Plus, dressing up has never been more fun!
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MBX Happenings
Click HERE for a current listing of MBX Booster Events and Fundraisers.
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Meet other parents of students with needs at our Fall Parent Social on Thursday, October 10 at 6:00 p.m. at Shade Hotel. Find community and camaraderie.
| Join Manhattan Beach Girl Scouts |
Coming up on October 11 is the annual Mira Costa Tailgate and Watch Party. Purchase your tickets and secure your seat. All local families are invited to attend this fun event. Special VIP seating for the game and snacks are also available. Children under 10 are free. Come cheer on the Mustangs and support the Mira Costa PTSA.
The Manhattan Beach Fire Association is hosting it’s 2nd Annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 13, 8-noon at their downtown fire station! Bring the family, enjoy the home-cooked food, and see the fire trucks up close! $10 per person benefits the MBFA.
On Saturday Oct 26th from 6-9PM, Manhattan Beach Community Church will host a FREE Halloween event complete with a haunted house, food, games, crafts, dancing, and movies. There will be a not-so-scary hour from 5-6PM for little ones and friends with special needs. Come in costume and join the fun at this family-friendly event. 303 S Peck Ave, Manhattan Beach CA.
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Cub Scouts Pack 275 in Manhattan Beach
Cub Scouts is more than just an activity – it’s an opportunity for your child to explore the outdoors, develop valuable life skills, and learn leadership skills all while making friends with fellow Cub Scouts.
For information on how to register for Cub Scouts, please email with questions or to get added to the registration list!
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