September 2, 2024




9/2: No School: Labor Day

9/3: Extended Day Begins for TK & K

9/5: First PTA General Meeting @ 5pm

9/5: Back to School Night

Grades 4 & 5: 5:30-6:15pm

Grades 1-3: 6:15-7pm

9/5: Mustang Social @ Grunions

9/6: Minimum Day Dismissal

TK & Kinder: 11:20am

Grades 1-5: 12:30pm

9/9-9/13: Fall Book Fair

9/17: MBEF New Family Reception

9/27: Meadows Movie Night


Mustang Minute Subscription Request

Meadows Events Calendar

Meadows Website

Volunteer @ Meadows!

Join the PTA!

Report an Absence

MBUSD School Year Calendar

MBUSD Volunteer Requirements

Meadows News & Programs

Join us for the 1st Mustang Social of the year after BTSN!

Join fellow Mustang parents for some after Back-to-School Night fun and support our school at the same time! Thursday, September 5th 6:30-9:00 p.m. at Grunions. Ticket proceeds will benefit our PTA mission of supporting programs and supplies to enrich student learning!

Get your tickets HERE!

Meadows' First PTA Meeting of the Year

Your Meadows PTA Executive Board invites you to join us at the First General PTA Meeting of this year. Come one, come all! The meeting will be short and sweet, so parents can make it to their students' classrooms for Back-to-School-Night presentation in the classroom, but we will cover important information and we would love to have a crowd!

When: Thursday, September 5 at 5:00PM

Where: Meadows Cafeteria

PTA's 2024-2025 Membership Drive is on!

Did you know that the PTA intends to spend more than $425 per student this year? Each Platinum Stang,* membership will help cover a portion of this cost. Your donation is vital in helping PTA continue to create the most rewarding and memorable educational experience for all our Mustangs. And this year, when you donate at the Platinum Stang level, you'll receive the new Mustang Membership tumbler for your donation! Sure to be a hot commodity amongst the kids, this one time release won’t be available for purchase for the rest of the year once the Membership Drive ends. Don't miss out.


*Platinum Stang requires a donation of $425 per student and a meaningful donation/pledge to MBEF.

Questions? Contact Shirley Cramer and Lara Bender!

The time has come! Scholastic Book Fair is touching down next week!!

Scholastic Book Fair will be at Meadows on Monday, September 9th to Friday, September 13th and is open during morning recess, lunch recess and after school!

After School Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Open until 3:30pm

Wednesday: Open until 3pm.

Families, remember to set up the e-wallet on our site! 

If you'd like to volunteer, click HERE to sign up!

We can't wait to see you!!


We need you for Mustang Socials!!

Become a Parent Volunteer!

MBX MAP Fall Session is Coming!

It's time to sign up for MBX After School classes for the Fall session.

Registration begins Wednesday, September 4 at 9am and classes begin the week of Monday, September 30.

You can find schedules and registration info HERE.

Questions? Contact Sandi Nerad, MBX MAP Site Coordinator.

Materials for Makerspace

Makerspace is a hands-on learning environment focused on open-ended STEAM challenges. The curriculum challenges the students to brainstorm solutions to an assigned problem, plan, build, test, make improvements, and share lessons learned with the class. Students use tools (purchased by the PTA) and materials (donated from parents) to collaborate with a partner, learn from failure, and experiencing the benefits of working well with others.

Overheard in the classroom ...

​"The best time of my life!"

"Coding robots is insanely awesome!"

"Makerspace is my favorite class."

"I want to be an engineer!"

Volunteer: Volunteer to help your child's class. Sign ups for this will come from your room parent or teacher.

Materials: Purchase from the Makerspace Amazon wishlist and/or donate cleaned recyclables (see image)

What is the MBEF Annual Appeal?

Each year the MBEF Annual Appeal supports academic enrichment programs that instill Excellence in Education. At the elementary level, donations to MBEF pay for TEACHERS and SPECIALISTS to reduce class size in 4th and 5th grades, and lead instruction in Music, MakerSpace, PE, Libraries and Science Lab. Parent participation in the MBEF Annual Appeal every year makes this possible.

Is Your Family New to the Elementary Schools?

The Manhattan Beach Education Foundation and the Parent Teacher Associations look forward to hosting all new families to the District at the New Family Welcome Reception at Tin Roof Bistro on Tuesday, September 17th at 5pm. Along with MBEF and PTA representatives, district and school leadership will be in attendance to share about the elementary schools and help answer any questions.

To register, please click here. For any questions, contact us at We look forward to meeting you!

Calling All Creative Mustangs! 2024-2025 Reflections Art Competition is Back

We want all Meadows Mustang students to unleash their creative superpowers and create fun fresh original works of art this fall. Open up your imagination and inspire people by showing them what “Accepting Imperfection” looks like to you! In this contest, demonstrating the spirit of the theme is what it’s all about. 

The Reflections contest deadline will be October 16th, 2024. 

Entries can be digitally submitted or with physical hard copies.

We welcome works of art in six categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts. There is also a Special Artist category showcasing artists with special needs., which has modified rules to accommodate special needs. Local winners in each category go on to compete at the district/region and state levels. Entry rules can be found here. 

We look forward to seeing the amazing work of our very talented Meadows students!

Entry form can be found here.



Cub Scouts Pack 275 in Manhattan Beach is starting its 2024-25 year and is recruiting new scouts interested in a fun program! Cub Scouts is more than just an activity – it’s an opportunity for your child to explore the outdoors, develop valuable life skills, and learn leadership skills all while making friends with fellow Cub Scouts. Cub Scouts Pack 275 meets once per month typically on the 3rd Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 pm.. at the Meadows Cafeteria. The Pack is inclusive of K-5th grade and then each grade is broken into its own Den. The first Pack meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th at Meadows Cafeteria.


For information on how to register for Cub Scouts, please email with questions or to get added to the registration list! 

Get Ready for Family Football Night at Mira Costa!


Elementary and MBMS students who show their school spirit by wearing their school shirts to the game on September 6 at 7:00 p.m. will receive free admission.


All students must be accompanied by parents/guardians.

Last Chance to Participate in the 52nd Annual Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair!

Mark your calendars for the 52nd annual Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair, taking place October 5-6, 2024! Here are some of the many ways participate in the Fair:

  • 9/15 - Deadline to apply for Paid Games Booths - Great way for Booster Groups & Service Clubs to raise funds.
  • 9/16 - Deadline for Youth Amateur Bands to submit a video audition - Battle of the Bands takes place on 10/6.
  • 9/27 - Deadline to submit Amateur Artist (K-12) Exhibit Application - Drawing, painting, photography, sculpting, quilting or other crafts applications accepted.

All applications are available on the Hometown Fair website at We are also in need of many volunteers! Anyone over the age of 12 can volunteer at the Fair and students can earn Community Service Credits for volunteering. Email if interested!


Coming up on October 11 is the annual Mira Costa Tailgate and Watch Party. Purchase your tickets and secure your seat. All local families are invited to attend this fun event. Starting at 5:00 pm before the football game enjoy a tasty taco bar, dessert, and spirit items. Special VIP seating for the game and snacks are also available. Children under 10 are free. Come cheer on the Mustangs and support the Mira Costa PTSA. 


Want to be a Business Sponsor for this event? Promote your business to thousands of game day viewers and support Mira Costa High School. Two levels of sponsorship are available for Tailgate, $500 and $750. Click here to find out more about the sponsorship level benefits. Interested? Please contact the Mira Costa PTSA Presidents before 9/15.