The NBCE is Considering Submissions for the
2021 Student Scholarship Essay Competition
Greeley, CO. – The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners is considering submissions for the 2021 Student Scholarship Essay Competition. There will be four prizes of $2,500 each for a total of $10,000 awarded in scholarships. Students can submit their essays starting February 1st, 2021. The deadline for submissions is October 1st, 2021.
In order to be considered eligible, students must be in good academic standing and enrolled in a U.S., CCE-accredited, chiropractic program at any time during 2021. The student’s essay must be submitted before the deadline on October 1st, 2021.

Contest Instructions:
1.      Submit an original essay on any topic of your choice, as long as the topic is relevant to chiropractic. Themes may include: history, philosophy, practice perspectives, jurisprudence/law, ethics, theory, sociology, politics, or social sciences.
2.      To enter the competition, submit 2 items by email: 
  • An original essay, submitted as a Word document. Length: no shorter than 1,200 and no longer than 3,000 words. Word count does not include title or references. On the first page include your 1) name, 2) cell phone, and 3) email.
  • A letter from your registrar confirming you are enrolled and in good academic standing in your chiropractic program.
3.      Judging criteria: relevance to the chiropractic profession, scholarly style, writing quality, originality, and use of references.
4.      Announcements of winning essays will be made by December 31, 2021.
5.      Only one essay is allowed per student per competition and only one author per essay. Students who submitted in the past but did not win may compete again with a new essay.
6.      Email materials to by October 1, 2021.
The NBCE essay competition is administered by an outside corporation, Brighthall. All questions about the competition should be directed to Dr. Claire Johnson at
Headquartered in Greeley, Colorado, the NBCE is a non-profit testing organization ensuring professional competency in chiropractic skills through excellence in testing. Established in 1963, the NBCE develops, administers, and scores standardized examinations for candidates seeking chiropractic licensure in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in several international countries.
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, 901 54th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634