Resistance e
No matter what type of exercise we do for our health and regardless of which tools we use to train our bodies, there are a few things that we can all agree on.
To begin with, we can all agree that avoiding injuries is the top priority. We can also agree that we can maximize our results by maximizing our level of effort. And finally, we can all agree that our progress must be tracked as closely as possible to make sure that what we are doing is working.
Avoiding Injuries
Even one injury is too many. If we suffer an injury during our training, we completely eliminate any benefit we had gained up to that point. By training with ARX, we can drastically reduce this risk. ARX utilizes a computerized motor that provides Adaptive Resistance, which matches our strength in equal and opposite proportion at all times. The resistance we work against at any point is dictated by our level of effort-instead of an arbitrary weight on a bar-and because of this it can never be an inappropriate amount.
The trainer sets the speed of movement, so the user can reverse direction smoothly, avoiding sudden, jerky, or jarring movements, eliminating dangerous peak forces.
Adaptive Resistance matches us at all times; never too much, and never too little. And the ARX technology takes all of the guesswork out of the weight selection process. By utilizing Adaptive Resistance that precisely matches its resistance to our output in real time-by just feeling "effort" in our muscles, not "strain" on our joints-we use our muscular force more directly.
Maximizing Effort
The more we put in, the more we get out. Try harder, work harder, do more, and we will reap greater benefits for our efforts.
ARX allows us to work harder than we could work in any other way. The ARX motor provides the highest quality resistance possible because it matches the resistance we're working against to our momentary potential strength, instantly and automatically.
With Adaptive Resistance, we can get a high level of intensity the whole time. The effort that we normally only produce at the very end of the set can now begin right away. Maximizing effort is the key to maximizing results. It's your choice the entire time. You decide what level of intensity you want. Work as hard as you dare!!!!
Tracking Progress
The interactive, cloud based software represents an unprecedented level of quantification, both visually and numerically, in real time and in retrospect. Maxifum Force Output, Cumulative Force Output, Rate of Work, Level of Fatigue, Percentage Change from previous workouts, the Exercise Time of each set, and the Elapsed Time of each workout is tracked every time you have an ARX session.
You can compete with a previous performance using your past "self" as a motivating benchmark.
Learning the ARX exercises will be quick, safe and efficient. A full body workout can be achieved with maximum results in only six minutes. Hard to believe? Just wait!!
Will the ARX take the place of the MedX routines? It can, but won't. The new ARX ALPHA is an addition to your workout tool box. Look at the ARX as the POWER TOOL of exercise. It's 21st century, high tech, cutting edge stuff!!! Anyone and Everyone will benefit from this new technology and exercise. It's actually magical and FUN!!