The way of success is the way of continuous

pursuit of knowledge. - Napoleon Hill


Join us Wednesday, January 31, 2024, for networking and education at a new venue. We will be hosting our next quarterly event at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township, New Jersey.

Spots are filling up for vendor tables! If you are interested in hosting a table, contact Executive Director Christine Ulatoski ([email protected]).

Register Now


NJAASC wants to hear from you! Our latest survey is all about the anesthesia shortage and its impact on staffing and scheduling cases. Submit a survey and be a part of benchmarking and reporting in the state.

Take The Survey


Dues notices were sent out electronically on 11/16 to all members. NJAASC values your continued support and looks forward to everyone will renewing their membership for 2024.

If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Christine Ulatoski ([email protected]).


The KX modifier is appropriate when billing pain management diagnostic blocks in an ASC setting. This applies to Medicare and payers that may follow Medicare guidelines and LCD’s (local coverage determination). The purpose of reporting the KX modifier for the diagnostic injections is to ensure there aren’t frequency denials since diagnostic injections are billed with the same CPT codes as treatment injections to manage pain. Diagnostic injections are not counted towards the frequency requirements. For example: No more than 4 epidural injection sessions may be reported per region in a rolling 12-month period. Both the diagnostic block and epidural injection are billed with the same CPT. Below are some links to Medicare LCD’s for various pain management injections that provide specific information on reporting the KX modifier for diagnostic purposes in an ASC setting. It’s typical, that up to 2 diagnostic blocks may be done. If more are done, the case may be flagged for an audit.

Article - Billing and Coding: Epidural Steroid Injections for Pain Management (A58777) (


Article - Billing and Coding: Facet Joint Interventions for Pain Management (A58364) (


Article - Billing and Coding: Sacroiliac Joint Injections and Procedures (A59233) (


Angela Mattioda

Surgical Notes

[email protected]


Stay current with the latest Pharmacy news

Kinder Farms, LLC voluntarily recalls all KinderMed Pain and Fever products. Review the recall below.

Learn More


Questions from our members

(Please forward any questions you may have, about anything!) E-mail to: [email protected]

Q: What can LPNs do? Our owner wants to hire them to do pre-op calls and post-op calls and has questions about them working in pre-op and post-op.

A: They can work supervised if you can show training and competencies. They work under direct supervision of a nurse and they cannot assess patient or provide education (discharge instructions) They really can’t do pre-op or post-op instructions if any assessment is involved 

John J. Goehle, MBA, CASC, CPA

Chief Operating Officer

Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC


Q: In regard to change in ownership at a licensed ASC, is the 10% approval for an individual?

A: It is a 10% change. It does not matter if it is for one or several owners. An overall 10% change requires approval from the Department. Anything less requires notification to the Department.


Advice to help center's bottom line

If you identify a possible negative payer trend impacting your center, compile the quantitative data and immediately communicate with your provider network representative. Don’t assume that nothing can be done. Rather, be open to conversations with the representative and discuss how soon remedies for this trend can be incorporated into the terms of your managed care contract.


Jarod Mitchell

Surgical Information Systems

[email protected]


Many centers face challenges in improving patient communications. Think about enhancing patient care and operational efficiency with a system that can effectively convey crucial pre- and post-surgery instructions and reduce confusion and call-time for both patients and staff.

Transform your workflow with technology that automates key patient interactions from surgery reminders to follow-up appointments and eases your staff workload. 


Chetan Reddy


[email protected]




Senator Codey introduced this bill earlier during the week. At first, I was afraid it was going to affect the original law, with physician self-referrals to ASCs in which they have an ownership share.

After speaking with his chief-of-staff, I got the text sent to me (see above).

He explained they were simply closing a loophole for neuro-monitoring that was being abused.

So, nothing to worry about for ASCs.

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Do you staff appropriately for endoscope processing? Read the below article from Sterile Processing University.

Nancy Chobin, RN, AAS, ACSP, CSPM, CFER

Sterile Processing University, LLC

[email protected]

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Review an article linked below by Claire Wallace from Becker's ASC Review on the top ASC survey deficiencies in 2023.

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The truth is that bringing up the topic of infrastructure for discussion puts most people to sleep. 


It’s considered boring and is largely ignored - up to the point it doesn’t work, is too slow, or is in disrepair. That’s when everyone is wide awake and is paying attention. 


However, when considered for its important role in brand, marketing, and communication, boring becomes sexy, and infrastructure is considered a key driver business success. 


Here’s why: technology and communication are the two types of infrastructure required to build a brand and leverage other intangible assets that unify culture, boost growth, and create value.


Technology - transitioning any organization from analog to digital requires discipline, structure, and the ability to curate and manage branded assets, content, and templates to maximize the effectiveness of marketing efforts in an efficient, effective, and secure way. 


Think of this infrastructure type as marketing hardware.


Communication - ideas and insights that shape growth strategies requires professionals with the experience and expertise to deliver the consulting and creative services outpatient providers need to keep the doctor-patient relationship central to all internal and external marketing and communications efforts. 


Think of this infrastructure type as marketing software. 


Both are needed for businesses to connect with consumers in ways that elevates confidence and enhances commerce - and if you are an outpatient healthcare provider, both are needed to attract and retain physicians, staff and patients. 

Ron Cappello


[email protected]


Some centers have questions about blocks.

Providers may bill for a block as a service separate from regular anesthesia performed, if the block is primarily for postoperative analgesia. 

Reporting blocks requires documentation distinguishing between anesthetic and analgesia. 

The medical necessity for the block must be documented by the requesting physician.

The time spent on placement of the block must be separated and not included in the reported anesthesia time.

The block needs to be modified -59 to distinguish it from the regular anesthesia performed, particularly if the same provider performs both.

It is suggested that a separate form be developed for the physician to sign, outlining all the key elements, such as:

  • Type-name of the block performed
  • The approach that was used
  • Position of the patient
  • Needle design, technique, depth
  • Indications for the block
  • Local anesthetic used
  • The dose 


In 2024 NJAASC will launch its “Making a Difference” Campaign to underscore the impact that our member centers are making on their patients, staff and teams, communities and the overall healthcare delivery system here in NJ. Each quarter, we will launch a new phase of this program. For example:

In Q1 2024 – We will focus on the amazing teams in our Centers – we want to know all about them. Tell us: What makes your center’s team special? How does your team make a difference in your center every day? We want to know your stories. Please send an email to [email protected] so during Q1 we can share your stories on our social media and in a special Pulse column for the year. 

Pease be sure to include:

  • Your Center’s Name and Location
  • Website address
  • A few sentences that explain how your team is making a difference?
  • A picture of your center or a team photo we can run with your story. 

Please send this directly to our marketing person at [email protected].



NJDOH rescinded some of their temporary rules/waivers regarding Executive Orders promulgated during COVID.

While none really affect ASCs, I put this out so that you keep in mind that these orders/waivers/rules are coming down, slowly, but coming down.

Only the telemedicine rule remotely affects ASCs and only because it states it is for licensed healthcare facilities- which is what ASCs are.

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NJHCSA January 202 Seminar

Check out the next NJHCSA Seminar in January!

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Click below to read the November 2023 issue of Brach Eichler's Healthcare Law Update.

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The information contained within is proprietary developed by NJAASC for its membership only. Any dissemination or use of this information by anyone to nonmembers is strictly prohibited without the written approval of NJAASC.

100 South Jefferson Rd. Suite 204, Whippany, N.J. 07981 • (973) 597-0938 • [email protected]