The Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness
The DECEMBER, 2022 NLB Edition
Once upon a time there was sunshine and warmth; where the days were long and smiles were everywhere. One gloomy day, the darkness settled in and brought with it numbing winds and feet of icy snow. Tis the start of a never-ending season of runny noses and layers upon layers.
They call it ... December.  
It's the MOST wonderful (and stressful) time of the year!
*cue Andy Williams and his magical tune*

Did you know that a broken drum is the best Christmas gift?
Yeah! Apparently you just can't beat it...

Happy Holidays!
Some Helpful Holiday Tips
Strategies to Overcome Stress Eating
By: Amy Kuphal, Owner of Amy Kuphal Fitness
Manage Your Mood

Managing your mood is one of the most important keys to controlling overeating. Moods that tend to trigger emotional eating are: depression, anxiety, anger, boredom, and loneliness. These emotions are best managed by taking a proactive approach. In order to combat negative moods proactively, you need to make time in your daily life to do the things that make you feel happy and calm. Ask yourself, “what am I doing or who am I with when I am feeling my best?” For some people that might be going for a walk. For others it is listening to music. Some people may find happiness and calm from practicing meditation. And for others it is catching up with friends. The “what you are doing” matters far less than the feeling that you get from doing it. Once you know your “what,” schedule it and stick to it without compromise, just like you would a business appointment!
Stop Cutting Calories!

Studies on the subject of overeating have identified one type of person, the so-called “restrained eater,” as the most likely to overindulge when experiencing stress and negative moods. The profile of a restrained eater is a person who diets often and whose weight fluctuates frequently. Instead of restraining your eating as a strategy for losing weight, it is much better to focus on incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your everyday diet. These nutrient-dense foods will leave you far more satisfied and less likely to crave the high-sugar and high-fat food options.

Read the whole article HERE: 6 Strategies to Overcome Stress Eating
Struggling To Find Times To Fit In Workouts?
⬇️Check THIS Out Below⬇️

Amy Kuphal, owner of Amy Kuphal Fitness, has some fun, and FREE, information coming your way! Here is a sneak peak at her workbook, regarding managing and delegating your personal time for the better.

Click the link BELOW to read and learn more!
As a busy, working mama, time is one of your most precious commodities... but there never seems to be enough of it. You often get to the end of the day and wonder "where did all my time go?"

You were non-stop busy, but what did you accomplish? You dream of being able to take time for yourself, for your hobbies (if you can still remember what those are), for your mental/emotional health, or for your fitness... But you very rarely get around to prioritizing those things because of the never ending to-do list that comes with managing your career, your household, and your family.

Well, my amazing, busy mama friend, I have some good news for you! With a little bit of investigation, we can often find pockets of time that we didn’t realize existed. We can also identify (and then eliminate!) time-sucking activities from our lives, thus freeing up time for what matters most to YOU.

Understanding where your time is going is the first step to reclaiming your time and making it work for you.

Let's get started!

Are you a busy, working mama and are interested in learning more about Amy?

FREE Course HERE: Master Your Time Like A Boss!
November Fun
Newton Turkey Trot
We had a fun, super brisk, morning in Newton, cheering on the community members in both a 1 mile run AND 5k! Hundreds of people showed up to participate. Shout out to the runners, volunteers, and local businesses who came together to make this year such a success! We can't wait to come back.
Thanksgiving Dinner -
BEST Food Choice?

Stuffing - 40%

Bread + Bread + More Bread = Deliciousness
What Are Your New Year's Eve Plans This Year?
Watching the NYC Ball Drop ⭐️
PJs and Movies 🍿
Major Event 🎊
Does Sleeping Count? 😴

Mental health is JUST as important as physical health, especially during the holidays. From University of Michigan, this video explores various aspects of the season from traditions, holiday expectations, isolation, getting outside, to what resources are available to you.

Are you feeling stressed this holiday season? Do you need to take a moment of refresh for yourself? Happiness Spells is a five minute list of happy and positive things, set to gentle music. Enjoy!
PEX Client Ambassador Program–Want to make $100 cash?

Anytime a CURRENT PEX Health and Fitness client recruits a NEW client to PEX, the recruiting client is eligible to receive an ambassador’s fee of $100 after the new client's completion of 5 sessions!

Ask your PEX trainer for details! 💰

We're Accepting Applications!

PEX is accepting applications! Know of any fitness professionals in the area looking to advance their career in the fitness industry? Send them our way! They can fill out this form to schedule an interview.

In Conclusion,

Before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st,
be sure to lift your LEFT leg.

That way you will start off the new year on the "RIGHT" foot.

We'll catch you on the flip side

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year
and everything in between!
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492