An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness
The December, 2021 Edition of the NLB
Good morning, and happy December to all of our lucky readers!

We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving festivities and are ready to get back to the gym. Hopefully you didn't do too much damage, but if you did, you can always add another day of training for the next few weeks to "pay for the multitude of sins over the past few days." (Anonymous PEX client, but too good of a quote to pass up.)

And a happy Hanukkah and a very Merry Christmas to everyone in the PEX family who will be celebrating this year. We wish you all a blessed holiday season, and hope that you are able to enjoy the celebration with friends and family.

OK. Enough with the niceties. It's time for another superb edition of the PEX Health and Fitness Newsletter-Blog.
Actually, wait. Before I get carried away, I need to address a correction from last month's NLB:

Superstar PEX coach, Katie Woodilla, and author of last month's blog post about exercising in the cold (link to our Newsletter & Blog Page in case you missed it), brought to my attention a typo. Katie's business name is Bomber Fitness, named after the mascot of her alma mater, but also in tribute to her father who flew B1 Bombers in the Air Force; not B52's as we had stated last month. It may seem insignificant, but there is a huge difference between the two!
OK. Back to our regularly scheduled media production!

This edition's blog post is brought to you by PEX's very own Nichole Wood, owner of New U Fitness and an absolute ace in the fitness industry.

We hope you enjoy! And if you don't, blame her, not me. LOL

Mike & Bianca

PS -- Our General Manager, Bianca Cira, has been helping me with the Newsletter. (It's obviously because I'm too big-time, now.) But, as referenced above with regards to Nichole's blog, if something about the NLB is bugging you, blame Bianca, not me.
Four Immediate Benefits of Working Out
By Nichole Wood
Owner of New U Fitness
The majority of people who seek out my help either want to lose weight, or gain muscle. When either of those goals are done in a healthy and sustainable way, they take time to complete. I tell all of my new clients that the first 3 months of training are the hardest. Things feel new, you don’t have the confidence yet, and you have yet to see progress, so you are forced to just “trust the process”; or quit.
Since none of us here at PEX are quitters, here are 4 immediate benefits of a workout that you will feel each and every time you workout! Paying attention to these little things, especially in the beginning, will help keep you going when motivation is low. 

Change in mood
As Elle Woods once said “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." So if you’re having a day where you want to shoot your husband, try working out instead. I have yet to find a problem that a few medicine balls slams doesn’t cure. Or at least make slightly better.
Tight muscles loosen up
We have all experienced tight muscles before that aren’t necessarily injuries. A slight ache in the top of your knee when you walk up the stairs. A knot in your shoulder blade you might feel when you drive. Often times the remedy for these types of aches and pains is to move more to properly align your body. Dynamic and static stretching, resistance band work, and mobility flows are great options for this.

Increase in energy
If you don’t have time to nap, try a workout instead! If you can do both, more power to you. Moving with no set intention other than to wake you up a bit is game changing. 15-30 minutes on the bike, treadmill, or ideally outside in nature will allow your mind a break from the day to day grind, raise your heart rate a bit, and give you that little boost of energy to combat the afternoon slump. Bonus points if you can leave your technology at home.

A sense of accomplishment
Have you ever been in that mood where you really, really don’t wanna workout but you know it will make you feel better? Have you ever given into your desire to skip and ended up feeling worse about yourself for it? Have you ever pushed through your desire to skip and just got it done anyways? The feeling of following through with doing what you say you want to gives you a sense of accomplishment to keep going. Even if you showed up and only gave 60% of what you normally do, you still showed yourself that you want to, and are willing to put in the work to achieve your goals. String enough of the days where you get it done together, and you have successfully created a habit!

With that, stay strong, stay motivated and don't quit! The results are waiting for you on the other side of effort.

Not convinced yet? Check out what neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki has to say about the brain-changing benefits of working out on this episode of TED. Exercise really does have some powerful effects on your mind AND body!

The struggle is real when it comes to getting motivated to start a new exercise regimen. Drop Nichole an email, she will be happy to set you up with a new program and give you the support you need to see immediate AND long term results!
Research psychologist Kelly McGonigal agrees; there is a deep connection between mental health and physical movement!

Check out this podcast where she is interviewed on how exercise can help us find happiness, hope, connection and courage.

Hydrate Yo'Self

Our bodies depend on water to survive. From our organs, tissues and joints, down to every cell, water is a necessity! We can earn hydration from drinking water, of course, but it is also possible to hydrate ourselves through the foods we eat.
Some of us struggle with remembering to hydrate throughout the day, every day.

Why is this bad? Our bodies cannot function properly without proper hydration! From typical bodily functions to fighting disease, we need to give our bodies what they need to operate properly and effectively. Systemic, and prolonged, dehydration can lead to a multitude of ailments and calamities, and is often overlooked as a simple fix to every day health issues.

Here are some tips you can use every day to stay hydrated:

  • Keep a bottle of water with you.
  • Add a slice of lemon if you are bored with plain water.
  • Check out some of the new electrolyte supplements, too (Nuun, Liquid IV, etc.)
  • When you're feeling hungry, drink water. Oftentimes our bodies confuse hunger with thirst, however true hunger won't be satisfied with water.
  • If you have trouble remembering to drink water, set a schedule. For example, take 5 sips from your bottle at the beginning of every hour.
  • (If you have to set a schedule to remember to drink water, there might be some bigger problems here–just sayin'.)
  • Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, strawberries, pineapple, cucumbers, and celery.
  • Minimize your caffeine intake as caffeine is dehydrating (hahahaha).
  • Replenish whenever you sweat.
  • And remember, the more water you drink, the more often you will use the restroom. The more often you use the restroom, the less often you will have to sit at your desk, staring at a computer screen.
  • And also remember, wash your f*@$%&g hands after you go to the bathroom, especially when you are at the gym and are touching things that everyone else is also touching.
The simple take home here? Wash your hands... I mean... drink more water. As we like to say, "take care of your body and your body will take care of you."

Is it Possible to Stay Active During the Holidays?


Last month we established that a lack of time is not a valid excuse for skipping exercise, but throw a couple holidays and Jack Frost into the mix and things seem to get a little more complicated for everybody.
Strategizing a plan to incorporate fitness into your end-of-the-year schedule is key, though. Planning ahead when it comes to time and fitness facility availability will make a huge difference; if you're traveling, locate a gym ahead of time that allows guests or day passes.

Having some simple equipment with you can come in handy, too. Having a workout plan is also helpful. If you are in need of assistance with developing a workout plan, reach out to one of our star trainers! (If you have a coach already, and don't have access to a well-designed, and written, workout plan, ask for one!)

Lastly, using every opportunity to be active will result in success. Raking leaves, shoveling snow, setting up a game of tag with the kids, going for a brisk walk, or even hitting some sit-ups while you're watching football are all good ways to keep you healthy and energized.
Staying active can raise levels of serotonin, boosting your mood and overall sense of well-being, too. So don't be a Grinch and get moving! Speaking of the Grinch, nobody has ever said it better:

"Am I eating because I'm bored?"

Thighs before pies, people.

Working Out to Shed Body Fat with No Change in Diet is Impossible

I said what I said.

In order to see weight loss results, experts say that substantively changing your eating habits is essential. Don't think you can work out, eat whatever you want, and still see the results you are looking for (if weight loss is the goal). Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.

Whenever this topic comes up, I always think of this quote. "No food tastes better than looking good feels." I think I agree with this. Either way, I like the quote. It's catchy. Whatever.

When it comes to losing weight, your diet actually plays a much bigger role than working out. The key to successful weight loss is to develop healthy diet AND healthy exercise habits.
While cutting calories alone can fuel the weight loss results you may be looking for, combining a healthy diet with regular exercise is a much more effective and efficient way to reach your goals. Developing these healthy habits will also help you maintain your weight loss for the long-run, too.

Changes in your habits, such as reducing caloric intake, drinking plenty of water, upping your protein and fiber intake, cutting down on alcohol and planning your meals, combined with moderate to vigorous physical activity throughout the week should give you a push in the right direction!

It always helps, too, to establish your goals, and tell somebody about them (like, your coach!) Accountability is super effective when it comes to making difficult changes, so don't be afraid to talk about your goals with supportive people in your life. Just don't do it too much–it's annoying.


1) Newton Turkey TrotWe had the honor of sponsoring this wonderful event. With our sponsorship, we also had the opportunity to attend the event to showcase our business and services to the participants and their friends and family. We had a ton of fun handing out prizes (and, as usual, making people work for them!). It was a frigid morning but the enthusiasm and energy from the crowd warmed us right up!

2) PEX Medfield Opening More delays and more curveballs are impacting the buildout process at our beautiful new facility in Medfield. We are still aiming for a January grand opening, but (like many others) we are playing the waiting game with manufacturing issues, delayed deliveries etc. We can't wait to open and we disagree with Macbeth: Anticipation is not greater than realization!

3) MovemberPEX proudly supports efforts made by the Movember Foundation to promote men's health initiatives to assist in mental health services, testicular and prostate cancer research, as well as suicide prevention. During the month of November, we held a pull-up challenge at our gym to raise donation money for the Movember Foundation; $5 for every pull-up completed, $1 for every 10 seconds of a flex arm hang and we all had fun growing out our mustaches and beards in solidarity! (Even the ladies! I kid, I kid.) A huge thank you to everyone who participated, together we raised over $1000!

4) Holiday Food DriveThrough December 19, PEX will be running a holiday food drive in support of the Needham Community Council for those in need this holiday season. There is a bin located by the entrance of our Needham location for all donations. If you are planning on donating, please consider donating any of the following items that are currently in high demand:
  • Olive Oil
  • Cereal
  • Tomato Paste
  • Sugar
  • Coffee
  • Tuna
  • Real Mayonnaise
  • Protein Bars
  • Individual Packs of Tea
  • Laundry Soap
  • Cleaning Products

5) Find the Cause Educational PresentationIn conclusion of Breast Cancer Awareness month in October and following our push-up challenge, PEX donated over $1100 to Find the Cause Breast Cancer Foundation! For just $1 per rep, thats a lot of push-ups! Way to go, and thank you to everyone who participated!

Find the Cause Breast Cancer Foundation is partnering with PEX Health and Fitness to host a free 1-hour webinar; "Breast Cancer...How We Get to Prevention". Did you know that over 90% of all those diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease? Yet 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in the US in their lifetime. Find the Cause Breast Cancer Foundation funds research on the environmental causes of breast cancer and educates the public on cancer prevention.

Please join us on December 14th at 7:00PM for the "Breast Cancer...How We Get to Prevention" presentation. This one-hour virtual webinar highlights how the thousands of untested chemicals in products we use each day could be impacting our health, how researching the environmental causes of breast cancer can lead to prevention, where these chemicals can be found in your home and ways that you can reduce exposure in your everyday life.

Follow this link to register! We look forward to seeing you on December 14th!
In Conclusion
With that, we conclude the December edition of the PEX Health and Fitness Newsletter Blog. We hope you have an excellent time this holiday season and we look forward to seeing you next year (yikes).

Porky Pig (give him a break, he hasn't read our Tirades section, yet).
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492