An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness
The May, 2022 Edition of the NLB
Hello. This is Mike speaking. This may be the last newsletter I ever write, considering there is a 0.000157% chance my neck surgery on May 4th goes horribly wrong and I am never able to type again...

Speaking of May 4th– apparently it is Star Wars Day, or something like that. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan but I might show up to the hospital in a full Darth Vader suit.
"Hello. I am here for my neck surgery...old Light Saber accident."

Assuming the surgery goes fine and I have to...I mean...I get to come back to work, there's a strong chance I will write to you on here again. I actually really love writing these things, so I am as excited to write this one as you are to read it.

Because you don't care, I am going to start off this month's NLB with a good, old fashioned, trivia question!

What does "WiFi" actually stand for? (Answer somewhere below...)
In this NLB edition, we're happy to welcome original content from me aka Mike aka MC Hammer and anyone else brave enough (Amy Kuphal) to follow my act. There may be no one (her name is Amy). In which case I will write everything (I didn't).
What is "Active Recovery" and why you (yes, you) should give a sh*t.
And here we have a prime example of Inactive Recovery in the wild...

The only scientifically proven way to reduce muscular soreness from a hard training session is to work out again. I honestly don't know if that is 100% true, but I am about 97% certain it is mostly true.

In laymen's terms, it works like this: your muscles are like pumps– they suck in nutrients that produce energy, and then they push out metabolic waste and byproducts from said energy production. (I know, some high-brow jargon, here.)
If you are sore (or injured) and you don't move (don't activate your pumps) then you don't circulate metabolic waste, and it all just kind of hangs around and makes your muscles feel like doodoo.

If you do move your muscles (activate your pumps) it will help flush the junk out, while simultaneously bringing in the nutrients that help to facilitate tissue repair and recovery.

How to Actively Recover:
1) Get a heart rate monitor
2) Dress in warm clothing
3) Perform some form of low impact exercise for 30-60 minutes

This is going to sound obvious, but Active Recovery workouts cannot be strenuous, or you will not recover. You'll just induce more muscular soreness/tissue damage and your performance will suffer. I call that scenario: Actively Not-Recovering.

Essentially we are trying to keep the heart rate low (anywhere from 50-65% of your Max Heart Rate) and engage in exercise that elicits a low amount of mechanical stress. This will allow your intramuscular glycogen stores to replenish, inhibit cortisol and shift your preferred fuel source over to existing fat stores. Plus, this style of training helps increase the elasticity of your heart, as opposed to making it thicker (which is a common side effect of excessive HIIT training).

The whole "multiple layers of clothing" trick is a nifty tool to help you do less work, while reaping the same cardiovascular benefits. The warmer your body gets, the more you sweat and your blood becomes thicker so your heart will be working harder to circulate blood. You can get to your desired heart rate zone faster, while also allowing your muscles to chill out.

You will need at least 30 minutes of this type of low-intensity exercise. I don't ever partake in Active Recovery workouts because I don't work out enough to have to recover, BUT IF I DID, it would look something like this:

1) Foam roll & dynamic warm-up
2) 30-45 minutes on the bike, elliptical, or an incline treadmill walk
3) Full body stretch afterwards
4) Deep tissue massage from one of Paul Hagerty's clones (I am convinced that he has clones. He works 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, and always has a smile on his face. Or, he's a robot.)
(I'm going with robot on this one.)

Which brings me to my next point! The answer to the trivia question above is...nothing! WiFi actually stands for absolutely nothing.

If you're feeling tight/sore and want to get some total body work in, here is an example of a great active recovery workout that requires no equipment. Throughout the video they offer variations to suit anyone's abilities.

Two Registered Dietitians share their thoughts on balancing nutrition during the summer months and still enjoying every minute of sun & fun. Vacations, times with friends, great food–its all right around the corner! (Good riddance Winter).

Pregnancy and Exercise: The Do’s and Don’ts
By: Amy Kuphal, Owner of Amy Kuphal Fitness (Coach at PEX Medfield)
Exercising while pregnant has garnered a multitude of misconceptions over the years. Here are three prenatal fitness myths, debunked:

1.) “You should only perform low-intensity aerobic exercise during pregnancy."
Years ago, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended that pregnant women perform only aerobic exercise at a low intensity. More presently, they suggest that women use the “talk test” to gauge their exercise intensity. A sign that you have progressed from moderate intensity into vigorous intensity is that you can only speak approximately one sentence before needing to pause to take a breath. The ACOG also now recommends that pregnant women exercise on most, if not all, days of the week, aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Some excellent aerobic exercise options are walking, swimming, and stationary cycling.
2.) “You should not lift weights during pregnancy.”
According to the ACOG, the evidence suggests that strength training exercises should be encouraged before, during, and after pregnancy. Strength training using weights, resistance bands, and body weight are all suitable during the prenatal period. With that being said, women should take care to avoid any exercise that could cause impact to the abdomen or result in a fall. As well, pregnant women should avoid lying directly on their back for extended periods of time when they are performing weight training exercises as the weight of the uterus can compress the large blood vessels in a woman’s abdomen and decrease blood flow to both mom and baby.

3.) “You should not do abdominal workouts during pregnancy.”
Okay, so I get why this one would seem believable. You have a growing baby inside you and maybe you are thinking that abdominal work will restrict their space to grow or cause them discomfort in some way, but... Click here to continue reading
Learn More about Amy at PEX!
Amy is on YouTube!
Follow Her on Instagram!
Click Here for ACOG’s guidance on physical activity and exercise during pregnancy


Call us at (508) 242-5643, email us, or come on in and say hi!

We're looking forward to hosting events with some of the nearby local businesses. Keep an eye on your inbox for upcoming events!

Find us at:
258 Main St.
Medfield, MA 02052
(Next to the Medfield Wine Shoppe🍷)

2.) Community Involvement

PEX loves to be involved, especially with local events and organizations. Are you connected with a community event/organization in the Greater Boston Area that you think PEX should be a part of? Let us know!
3.) PEX April Client Spotlight - LORI MCWEENEY

Lori McWeeney has been training consistently each week with Katie Woodilla, owner of Bomber Fitness, since PEX Medfield opened its doors, and she is absolutely crushing it. Not only is she feeling more motivated to come in and work hard, she's feeling an increase in her hip mobility and total body strength already!

Lori is a breath of fresh air, always coming in with a smile that brightens anyone's day. Her positive outlook and dedication to herself is translating to her immediate progress. She is willing to step out of her comfort zone and do the work outside of the gym too–it does not go unnoticed! QUEEN 👑

Congratulations, Lori! Consistency, hard work, persistence, that's YOU.✨ Keep up the great work, the sky is the limit.
In Conclusion,
May the Gains Be With You

You all are the best people out there, Hans down.
Thank you for your constant love and support.

You R2 BB-gr8.
Wish You The Best Very We Do,
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492