New York State
Assn of Manufacturing
 Retail Bakers

September, 2023 | Late Summer Newsletter

New York State Bakers Officers

Chairman of the Board 
Joseph Gifoli

Nick Stork

Vice President
Mary Sydor

Werner Simon

Edward Maher

Newsletter Editors
Rosanne & Brian Rush 
Executive Assistant 
Mary Sydor 

New York State Bakers 
Scholarship Applications

Quick Links...

Would You Like to Make Your Business More Profitable?

If the response is,

" Yes of course!",

then you need to set aside time to attend the regions only

October 1&2, 2023

This annual Artisan Bakery Expo East (Previously Atlantic Bakery Expo) is the only event in the Eastern United States focusing on the specific needs of the retail-artisan bakery community. Every year, ABEE will provide the opportunity to network with your peers and connect with the industry. You’ll learn the latest baking techniques and business practices as presented by some of the most successful bakers in the region. The nation’s top bakery suppliers will be on-hand so you can taste and experience the latest cost-savings and profit-generating ingredients, supplies, services, and equipment available in the market today.

In addition to the highly acclaimed 

We are pleased

to announce

for the first time  

Up to 50 professional/advanced and amateur/student bakers will compete to see who has the greatest craftsmanship, skills, and imagination during the first-ever cookie competition.It will be limited to the first 25 entrants in each division, who are fully qualified, registered, and confirmed. To be eligible, a competitor must be 16 years of age or older at the time of entry.

Theme: Vintage Atlantic City Postcards.


Come see in-depth workshops and live demos in the expo hall. Experience educational opportunities hosted by the baking industry’s best Lisa Mansour, Mitchie Curran, and many more.

Go to

to sign up and view the complete Educational Schedule.

Please visit us at our

Booth #1136 for more information about our organization

and to enter our contest.

“Bake the best with something good"
Our commitment to the quality of our products and the initial raw materials has been in place from day one. Only the best ingredients with a flawless certificate are included for sophisticated and gentle processing. This is the only way we can ensure that our products are full of the quality we guarantee.
User-friendliness, high quality and nutritional aspects are extremely important – only succeeded by our primary focal point: You. Our customer. In addition to our extensive standard range, we also offer countless tailored products, providing everyone exactly with what they need.


Bakers Amusement Corner

Jokes, Quotes, etc!


Up Coming Events


New York State Bakers Meeting

When: September 14, 2023, 3:00 PM

Where: Your Mother's Place

2349 New Hyde Park Road

New Hyde Park, NY

516 493-9030 


Atlantic Bakery Expo

Aka. Artisan Bakery Expo East 

October 1&2, 2023  

Atlantic City Convention Center 

New York State Bakers