New York State
Assn of Manufacturing
 Retail Bakers

December, 2023 | Early Winter Newsletter

New York State Bakers Officers

Chairman of the Board 

Joseph Gifoli



Nick Stork

Vice President

Mary Sydor


Werner Simon


Edward Maher

Newsletter Editors

Rosanne & Brian Rush 


Executive Assistant 

Mary Sydor 

New York State Bakers 

Scholarship Applications

CIA Application 

JW Application 

General Application

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Event Calendar

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Retail Bakers of America

New Jersey Bakers  

New York State Bakers

Got Together

to Celebrate


and the

Christmas Season

It is that time of the year when we have the opportunity to slow down, for even a brief time, and join together with friends and family over a meal to just talk, catch up, and share holiday wishes. So that is just what we did.

And to no ones surprise, there were great desserts, supplied by great bakers.

Merry Christmas

To All


To All

A Good Night!

Bakers Corner

“Bake the best with something good"
Our commitment to the quality of our products and the initial raw materials has been in place from day one. Only the best ingredients with a flawless certificate are included for sophisticated and gentle processing. This is the only way we can ensure that our products are full of the quality we guarantee.
User-friendliness, high quality and nutritional aspects are extremely important – only succeeded by our primary focal point: You. Our customer. In addition to our extensive standard range, we also offer countless tailored products, providing everyone exactly with what they need.


Bakers Amusement Corner

Jokes, Quotes, etc!



Up Coming Events


New York State Bakers Meeting

When: January 25, 2024, 3:00 PM

Where: Your Mother's Place

2349 New Hyde Park Road

New Hyde Park, NY

516 493-9030 


Atlantic Bakery Expo

Aka. Artisan Bakery Expo East 


Atlantic City Convention Center 


New York State Bakers